Q3 Bonus Reduction

I think it’s safe to assume that we’re working for our salary and nothing else. Company made that clear yesterday. They have always been careful to call it bonus and not commission, because if it was commission on sales we would have a labor case. However, this is “bonus” even though we agree (and sign an agreement every 3 months, which we ‘have’ to sign in order to “be eligible”) to work for “bonus” money. Let that sink in colleagues, and work accordingly.

I’m sure T is dying, knowing he killed company culture with one voicemail. It will never be the same again. Good job buddy.

I’m going to ride this ship until it sinks and enjoy my life the best I can. Also probably going to get a second job I can rely on, in case bonus money “falls through” again. Good luck colleagues! I wish everyone the best.

I think it’s safe to assume that we’re working for our salary and nothing else. Company made that clear yesterday. They have always been careful to call it bonus and not commission, because if it was commission on sales we would have a labor case. However, this is “bonus” even though we agree (and sign an agreement every 3 months, which we ‘have’ to sign in order to “be eligible”) to work for “bonus” money. Let that sink in colleagues, and work accordingly.

I’m sure T is dying, knowing he killed company culture with one voicemail. It will never be the same again. Good job buddy.

I’m going to ride this ship until it sinks and enjoy my life the best I can. Also probably going to get a second job I can rely on, in case bonus money “falls through” again. Good luck colleagues! I wish everyone the best.
This made me laugh. That actually pretty much wraps it up and probably a good idea. I had been thinking about real estate on the side. I wondered about that labor thing too, but you’re probably right. It just pisses me off that they’re acting like 3 grand is no big deal, or whatever everybody else lost. Like, it’s no big deal when it’s not their money that’s being stolen. Shameful, all of them. I’ll never be able to look at this company the same. POAs will be interesting from now on, to say the least

This made me laugh. That actually pretty much wraps it up and probably a good idea. I had been thinking about real estate on the side. I wondered about that labor thing too, but you’re probably right. It just pisses me off that they’re acting like 3 grand is no big deal, or whatever everybody else lost. Like, it’s no big deal when it’s not their money that’s being stolen. Shameful, all of them. I’ll never be able to look at this company the same. POAs will be interesting from now on, to say the least

Agreed. I’m more upset about what this does to our culture than I am the loss of income. It’s true, it’s probably easier to be a rep for another pharma company and not deal with some of the stuff Supernus does. The reason so many of us have stayed for so long is culture. It was what set us apart from other companies and fueled us to outperform our expectations. If you believed in it, the satisfaction of being apart of that culture was worth more than the $20,000 bump in base you could get easily by leaving. Actions speak louder than words. You can’t just ask people to feel as if a company is theirs as opposed to one they work for by showing them through multiple actions that the company doesn’t care about them.

This made me laugh. That actually pretty much wraps it up and probably a good idea. I had been thinking about real estate on the side. I wondered about that labor thing too, but you’re probably right. It just pisses me off that they’re acting like 3 grand is no big deal, or whatever everybody else lost. Like, it’s no big deal when it’s not their money that’s being stolen. Shameful, all of them. I’ll never be able to look at this company the same. POAs will be interesting from now on, to say the least
Yeahhhhh, I’m done. Agreed to an interview this coming Wednesday that I WAS going to cancel. And another recruiter contacted me last week, so I’ll follow up on that too. Others have reached out lately that I’ve blown off. Gonna call those back too. I think what this guy is saying is that he’s staying because he’s checked out and it doesn’t matter. Kudos to him. I, however, am too pissed to stay. See ya

Yeahhhhh, I’m done. Agreed to an interview this coming Wednesday that I WAS going to cancel. And another recruiter contacted me last week, so I’ll follow up on that too. Others have reached out lately that I’ve blown off. Gonna call those back too. I think what this guy is saying is that he’s staying because he’s checked out and it doesn’t matter. Kudos to him. I, however, am too pissed to stay. See ya

I want to say this before some troll trying to sound like a RD makes a comment like “goOd riDdAnCe yOu EnTiTled bRat!”.

Thank you for what you’ve done here. We will miss you. It’s way more respectable to walk away now if you are upset with the company rather than sticking around as dead weight on purpose. It will be tough to lose some good people.

Still shocked that this actually occurred, I guess some think it was worth saving $500k. I really thought this company cared about it's people. I can't wait to see the end year report on how much upper management bonus's this year.

Meal budget cost savings ($2000/rep x 220)=$440,000

Bonus buget ($5k/rep/qtr)=$1,100,000

VM said 152% of budget (1,100,000 x 1.52) = $1,672,000

Reduced down to 112% of budget (1,100,000 x 1.12)= $1,232,000

Savings (1,672,000-1,232,000)= $440,000

Total savings from cutting meals and bonus $880,000.

Can’t help but think, reps would be the next to go.

There is no way they didn’t know this at the POAs. They knew then which way we were trending. If there is anything I hate worse than a liar, it’s a thief. Supernus appears now to be both

I bet those cowards from Rockville don't even show up at the Q1 POAs
Jesus, the q1 POA is going to be ridiculous. Teach us some stupid new script that none of us will ever use and listen to a bunch of hot air and bs while still having to room with a stranger. No thanks. Supernus has lost my loyalty. I will only be there if I haven’t found a new job yet.

im starting to think that this is their way of downsizing without laying off people. The loyalty, and all the talk about this is “ our company” goes out the window when money is involved. This is business as usual for them. I wonder how many reps will leave in the next Q

well so you know, we are not gonna be filing the NDA and when you ask us when will we we are going to continue to just say soon till we eventually do in late 2020 with a 2021 launch plan. Sorry this is just business. Not personal. Focus on your job.

Was this rare glimpse of honesty therapeutic for you? Just remember in this life you get what you give.

im starting to think that this is their way of downsizing without laying off people. The loyalty, and all the talk about this is “ our company” goes out the window when money is involved. This is business as usual for them. I wonder how many reps will leave in the next Q

I was actually thinking the same thing myself... The weird thing is they are hiring for some of the bigger areas that people have left which is very odd....if we do get to ADHD I don't believe that there will be another sales force... There's no way we can have a neurology person and psych person calling on the same neurologist when we can hardly get in there to begin with...

im starting to think that this is their way of downsizing without laying off people. The loyalty, and all the talk about this is “ our company” goes out the window when money is involved. This is business as usual for them. I wonder how many reps will leave in the next Q
I think many will stay because they’ve invested this much time. I do think that those people will be checked out and disillusioned, possibly even finding other jobs on the side, waiting to see if this adhd thing pans out. I am going to try to get into a different industry, personally. Pharma industry is on the decline. And there isn’t a company out there that is as loyal to you as what they demand you to be to them. They had us fooled for 7 years on that whole loyalty/we’re not like other companies spin. And then this year happens...fool me once shame on you (Q2), fool me twice shame on me (q3).

im starting to think that this is their way of downsizing without laying off people. The loyalty, and all the talk about this is “ our company” goes out the window when money is involved. This is business as usual for them. I wonder how many reps will leave in the next Q
If that was the choice, I’m thankful they didn’t lay us off. They’ve already made it clear that they wouldn’t pay a severance that anybody could live on and it can take awhile to find a new job. Take this as your cue that things aren’t going so well, be thankful that we (hopefully) won’t be laid off before the holidays, and go get yourself another job. I’d rather miss out on a little bit than lose my whole livelihood at once. But this near miss has absolutely scared me to death, not to mention given me a big wake up call. Like the others said, all the red flags say find something more stable

As we round out the weekend following a personal felt blow, I’m choosing to stay and will continue to stay focused on the people who need our products. We are a public company, we work for Supernus & our investors. I genuinely believe these times will be looked back on as a growing pain. Many of us are too green to realize the real dark side of this industry. There isn’t one particular event that caused the recalibration, there was many & we can’t know everything. Instead of speculating on here and pointing blame; choose to fight with Supernus for the future or tap out and allow someone else the opportunity that you don’t believe in anymore. “When adversity strikes, that’s when you have to be the most calm, take a step back, stay strong, stay grounded and press on.”

As we round out the weekend following a personal felt blow, I’m choosing to stay and will continue to stay focused on the people who need our products. We are a public company, we work for Supernus & our investors. I genuinely believe these times will be looked back on as a growing pain. Many of us are too green to realize the real dark side of this industry. There isn’t one particular event that caused the recalibration, there was many & we can’t know everything. Instead of speculating on here and pointing blame; choose to fight with Supernus for the future or tap out and allow someone else the opportunity that you don’t believe in anymore. “When adversity strikes, that’s when you have to be the most calm, take a step back, stay strong, stay grounded and press on.”

You stole from us. You can try to put a cherry on top and church it up but you stole from us. This year has been chaos!! You have done nothing but treat us like your property. GET A CLUE!!!

As we round out the weekend following a personal felt blow, I’m choosing to stay and will continue to stay focused on the people who need our products. We are a public company, we work for Supernus & our investors. I genuinely believe these times will be looked back on as a growing pain. Many of us are too green to realize the real dark side of this industry. There isn’t one particular event that caused the recalibration, there was many & we can’t know everything. Instead of speculating on here and pointing blame; choose to fight with Supernus for the future or tap out and allow someone else the opportunity that you don’t believe in anymore. “When adversity strikes, that’s when you have to be the most calm, take a step back, stay strong, stay grounded and press on.”
Said by someone that’s just coasting to retirement. Some of us have mouths to feed. You stay, coward

As we round out the weekend following a personal felt blow, I’m choosing to stay and will continue to stay focused on the people who need our products. We are a public company, we work for Supernus & our investors. I genuinely believe these times will be looked back on as a growing pain. Many of us are too green to realize the real dark side of this industry. There isn’t one particular event that caused the recalibration, there was many & we can’t know everything. Instead of speculating on here and pointing blame; choose to fight with Supernus for the future or tap out and allow someone else the opportunity that you don’t believe in anymore. “When adversity strikes, that’s when you have to be the most calm, take a step back, stay strong, stay grounded and press on.”
This isn’t adversity, it’s stealing. I don’t care what goes on behind the scenes just pay me what you owe me when I do the job you said you’d pay me for. And the people that replace us will figure out the real Supernus soon enough. Jerks