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Does anyone know about the new managers? Are they from Polymedco? Or do they come from the outside? Who do they report to?

I heard one of the managers on the West Coast, who was hired in June, has already quit Polymedco. All the new managers are from the outside, not within Poly. They don't promote from within, so good reps have nothing to shoot for as far as career progression goes. It's still a toxic work environment. Everybody reports to Pete, and ultimately is be-headed by Pete.

Read about 5-6 post's above this one titled "Previous Regional Manager", that's from someone who was new, came from outside Poly, and realized quickly how horrible this place is. It never changes. It's 8 years and counting by CP posts, but I'm sure this company has been like this for at least 10-15 years.....

Don't come work for this company!! Even all the new managers will eventually be gone. The big three, Vince, Jay and Aaron will always stay on with Poly because they are the "Human Centipede" (and if you don't know what that means, or haven't seen the movie, refer to it) to Pete. All three of them are someway connected to Pete's @ss.....

Pucker Up :)

Does anyone know about the new managers? Are they from Polymedco? Or do they come from the outside? Who do they report to?

I was hired on a few months back as a region manager. The first interview in Chicago was nice and I felt like they truly were good people and had the best intensions in hiring me. As the negotiation went on concerning salary, I noticed some very disturbing trends from Pete and Jay. Pete told me that he sees no potential in his management team to eventually replace him as CEO. (His own son "Jay" is one that he was referring to). I sat in on a "roundtable discussion" concerning training for new hires during my interview. It was like talking to a bunch of recent college grads that had absolutely no experience. Nobody could make any decisions and accomplished nothing. They also had excuse after excuse about why the turnover rate was 90%. They never took responsibility for the problem and blamed the reps for not producing. I continue to believe the main product is very good. Kaiser in CA uses the test several hundreds of times per day in their many facilities. I would never recommend working for this company. I think Pete is slimy and his son follows suite. Jay was bragging to me that his Father, Pete, paid him after college to go work at a ski lodge out West for several years so he could have fun before he started "real work"! The only stipulation for the money he recieved is that he needed to read one book per week! You can tell there is no real work ethic coming out of Jay. He was handed his position and his skillset is lacking. The company is also very cheap! After I turned down the position they refused to reimburse me for my travel, hotel, meals, etc. during the interview process. They are so cheap they even put in the offer letter that the car I drive must get 27 miles per gallon or they would not pay for the gas! Red flags all over the place!! There are hundreds of other 120k sales jobs out there. Don't take this one.

everyone on the current sales team will be gone by the end of year except Aaron, Vince and Jay. Next year they will talk about how they will change.

I guarantee everyone but those three are looking. It is just a matter of time when they find another offer.

Recruiters, if you are reading ... reach out to Polymedco reps. They are good reps and I am sure they are not currently happy. So, they all would be willing to leave to a better place.

Some of my favortie memories of working at polymedco (doesn't deserve to be capitalized) were the "perks" AS would constantly brag about. It seems as if obtaining "diamond" status for his hotel stays and achieving "platinum" with Delta and United were the world's greatest achievements. When your manager won't go to dinner with you because he doesn't want to have a "personal" connection with a rep, that is beyond a red flag in my opinion.

where are the positive remarks? I've only seen negative. previous poster seemed like was looking for good remarks but can't find any. I agree with that poster, would like to hear (legitimately) from current or even better this recently fired regional. What the hell is going on there? seems like FIT is a good product but even a good product can't survive bad management.
any insight from current or recent employees would be welcomed....good or bad...

They had a great rep on the West Coast who recently left and I think they also had a Manager on the West Coast for 8 months who may have been let go right before Christmas. If you can contact them, I am sure you will get up to date info. However, where there is smoke there is fire. There are thousands of companies in this field who are not listed on CafePharma. Why, because they are good places to work. There are only a few select companies on CP who have the number of negative posts as Polymedco but Polymedco is by far the smalles company here with less than 20 sales people at any one time. Many times it is more like 10. The negative post to employee ratio (not scientific) should tell you something. Stay Away!

Some of my favortie memories of working at polymedco (doesn't deserve to be capitalized) were the "perks" AS would constantly brag about. It seems as if obtaining "diamond" status for his hotel stays and achieving "platinum" with Delta and United were the world's greatest achievements. When your manager won't go to dinner with you because he doesn't want to have a "personal" connection with a rep, that is beyond a red flag in my opinion.

Make's it easier for AS to fire people when he doesn't know how impactful losing a job can be.....

Some of my favortie memories of working at polymedco (doesn't deserve to be capitalized) were the "perks" AS would constantly brag about. It seems as if obtaining "diamond" status for his hotel stays and achieving "platinum" with Delta and United were the world's greatest achievements. When your manager won't go to dinner with you because he doesn't want to have a "personal" connection with a rep, that is beyond a red flag in my opinion.

How many Poly sales reps are left??

Probably not very many reps left. If there are, I guarantee they are looking. AS isn't going anywhere. Pete's son won't leave his gravy train. He would hate it out in the real world. Other than that, everyone probably wants out.

As for the managers, doubt there are any left.

Pete and Aaron the dynamic duo. I was told that Aaron is running the entire sales team. I am sure that will work. He did such a great job with his team.

what a terrible company.

a few weeks ago there were 11 of us in the field. Now 3 have 'left'. I'm sure fired. I think they are down to 2 regionals. Had 3. these 2 have only been around 3 months or so. Good Luck RSM's. You are probably next on the chopping block. This place is so toxic it's sick! It takes me so long to write up all the BS they want that it's taking me away from selling. What a bunch of micro manager pieces of s...t!
2 more interviews scheduled for next week. Goodbye Polymee too!

a few weeks ago there were 11 of us in the field. Now 3 have 'left'. I'm sure fired. I think they are down to 2 regionals. Had 3. these 2 have only been around 3 months or so. Good Luck RSM's. You are probably next on the chopping block. This place is so toxic it's sick! It takes me so long to write up all the BS they want that it's taking me away from selling. What a bunch of micro manager pieces of s...t!
2 more interviews scheduled for next week. Goodbye Polymee too!

HAHA...Imagine that. Which states were those 3 from that left?? As for the RSM's, I heard the one on the West Coast left a few months back, so what parts of the country are the other 2 located at?

Always entertaining to hear more train wreck stories from Poly...

there are 2 managers. one in texas and the other in Tennessee or nearby i think. only been there 3 or 4 months. they seem frazzled already. my gut says they'll make it right up to the time another company hires them. Unless they don't have time to interview with others. 6-10 months max!
And this Willy Wonka of a president (pete)...the guy is out there!

10 months? No one stays at that place for 10 months. PW and AS will make sure no one stays that long so they can blame their lack of sales success on those people instead of their poor management skills.
There are a few constants through all of the turnover and chaos ... What could those constants be? Have those constants changed?

I love to post the bs that companies provide

First year income commensurate with experience: Total compensation (base salary and commission) $165,000-$200,000 (with no cap) based on meeting and exceeding sales quotas and driving usage of Polymedco Cancer Diagnostic Products with new and existing accounts.

Our Senior Account Representatives are paid an excellent first year base income with a substantial incentive commission program.

Not even close ... Well, who knows if it is close to being accurate because no one stays for a full year. It could be 4 million. I wonder when Pete will start looking at the performance of his national sales leader AS. AS will just blame the reps for lack of performance. Pete will fire all of them. And AS will start again.
So, first year income ... Who knows, doesn't matter. It doesn't happen.