
Ok I’m joining in to give a Blink Rx example. Let’s say Dr. White has written 4 new Voquezna RX’s. He’s a new prescriber. All 4 RX’s aren’t filled by his patients due to various issues such as the medical assistant didn’t fill out the prior authorization properly, Blink didn’t hear back from the patient, Blink is waiting on a prior auth that was never sent by the office etc. This is all real time information that A) allows the sales rep to assist the physician and staff B) creates a higher % fill rate (which is what investors should want). “If” the rep is privy to this information we can serve as a direct conduit to get the RX filled. We can ask the MA to review their prior auths in query, we can review what specifically needs to be stated on the prior auth for coverage, we can discuss cost via Blink Rx vs local pharmacies. Rep involvement = higher fill rate. However, if I have no idea that Dr. White has written 4 Voquezna RX’s a day in his life….then often these RX’s are dead in the water. Not to mention Dr White will quickly realize that the 4 RX’s he wrote - aren’t being filled. So Dr White might be annoyed enough to not write again, or wait 6 -12 months for better coverage. And as the rep, I’m unaware of his RX’s bc Phathom Regional Directors have the Blink RX info but won’t give it to sales reps. I also have 150+ doctors just like Dr. White, and no way of knowing who is RX’ing. We need this information daily/ weekly to deliver to patients and investors. Make sense?

Hey all I know we reps sound like pains in the asses but we really just want the Blink data to make this work. The more successful the reps are, the more success the investors are. This is my 16th product launch and the FIRST time I’ve not had the pharmacy data they’re mentioning

Hey all I know we reps sound like pains in the asses but we really just want the Blink data to make this work. The more successful the reps are, the more success the investors are. This is my 16th product launch and the FIRST time I’ve not had the pharmacy data they’re mentioning

Investors are going to lose their asses here plain and simple, dont fill them with false optimism. Sell while you can dude…

Ok I’m joining in to give a Blink Rx example. Let’s say Dr. White has written 4 new Voquezna RX’s. He’s a new prescriber. All 4 RX’s aren’t filled by his patients due to various issues such as the medical assistant didn’t fill out the prior authorization properly, Blink didn’t hear back from the patient, Blink is waiting on a prior auth that was never sent by the office etc. This is all real time information that A) allows the sales rep to assist the physician and staff B) creates a higher % fill rate (which is what investors should want). “If” the rep is privy to this information we can serve as a direct conduit to get the RX filled. We can ask the MA to review their prior auths in query, we can review what specifically needs to be stated on the prior auth for coverage, we can discuss cost via Blink Rx vs local pharmacies. Rep involvement = higher fill rate. However, if I have no idea that Dr. White has written 4 Voquezna RX’s a day in his life….then often these RX’s are dead in the water. Not to mention Dr White will quickly realize that the 4 RX’s he wrote - aren’t being filled. So Dr White might be annoyed enough to not write again, or wait 6 -12 months for better coverage. And as the rep, I’m unaware of his RX’s bc Phathom Regional Directors have the Blink RX info but won’t give it to sales reps. I also have 150+ doctors just like Dr. White, and no way of knowing who is RX’ing. We need this information daily/ weekly to deliver to patients and investors. Make sense?

Investor here. No it really does not make sense. So your saying you would have all of this data in regular pharmacy, then why are you bothering with blink? This all sounds like excuses. So with this, your saying you have a higher fill rate at a regular pharmacy?

No, drugs launch with limited coverage. We contracted with Blink Rx as they can offer the patient $25 or $50 for their RX for commercially insured patients. Even if Voquezna isn’t on formulary. If the RX goes to any outside pharmacy it’s $700!!!

Excuses?! We receive NO DATA. No real time data. What we receive is 5 weeks delayed!!! No rx status, have no clue if a script is caught up in the system, nothing. It is imperative in a launch, especially a start up, to have early prescriber data & RX logistics.

With limited formulary acceptance, Blink Rx can offer Voquezna for $25/$50 to commercial patients. We are paying Blink Rx. There still has to be a PA. It can often take 2 weeks to fill these RX’s bc of the leg work required by staff. Go to a retail pharmacy and it’s over $700. So we have to use Blink Rx. No option until all big plans pick up Voquezna

Ok bud I got an example. Let’s use an analogy. Selling Girl Scout cookies sounds about par! Your job is to sell as many boxes of a brand new cookie in one month to a target list of 150 homes. You make a routing and go house to house. If the house wants cookies, they have to order via an online site, but you won’t have access to know if they ever really ordered, or if their payment was processed, if they didn’t follow through, or their credit card was declined!!! You receive no sales data during that month. The process is incredibly timely. And if you don’t sell enough cookies, that nice bonus they talked about is $0! (Your cookie team was appalled when management snuck that metric in and didn’t tell the sales force). The sales month is over and you have to wait 5 weeks for a report from your company to gauge your sales message, orders & plan for next month. Meanwhile month two begins & you revisit your target homes painstakingly. Interestingly enough, your boss’s boss has a stack of data with the first and last name of 23 homes that bought 1 or more boxes of cookies in your area. This list is never shared with you. And you don’t get sales credit until payments are processed and those cookies reach the front door of that house! You know there’s a lot more work to do! How could this data have helped? It’s not rocket science!! And without it, you continue on your slow snail like path with your blindfold on! With the data, in REAL TIME, you can go back to those 23 homes and make sure their payments are processed & they get their cookies & you receive credit. Without it, you can keep riding that freaking merry-go-round you’ve been on for two months! I don’t know about you, but I want the data so these orders don’t fall into the great abyss….which is exactly what will happen.

Yeeeesssss. So you actually sold 23 boxes LOL but the sales data 5 weeks later says ZERO! But if you had the daily numbers from “cookie corporate” you could assist with some of those orders. You could revisit those particular targets bc you have data! And say you could deliver on 6 boxes of the 23 (30% fill rate which is the national average) then you’re at 6 instead of 0! This is exactly how it works. Let us help- we can fill the gap- don’t tell us about it- we are wandering blind. Which would you prefer “shareholder here”???

rep here for over 30 years. if shareholders want a higher success rate and ROI they will push for early data for reps. my 4th start up and I’ve always had real time pharmacy data for prescribers. every share holder should want to increase our fill rate. this should be a join effort. investor should be on here asking what we need vs calling us lazy.

Investor here. No it really does not make sense. So your saying you would have all of this data in regular pharmacy, then why are you bothering with blink? This all sounds like excuses. So with this, you’re saying you have a higher fill rate at a regular pharmacy?

NO. Incorrect. We receive no real time pharmacy data at all. No data from regular pharmacies or Blink in real time. No data

Pull-through opportunities first identified by the target prescriber base where cost and coverage are named barriers to product adoption. It can’t be ignored. Early data to sales representatives fuels success of RX pathway. Sometimes this data, this reveals accurate perceptions around where payer coverage is lacking that market access teams or sales reps can address solutions via alternate payer engagement strategies. Sales reps are an integral part of this process. I’ve done this before. It’s a must.