
@ “investor here”. 43,000 RXs generated by sales reps in 12 short weeks… and only 32% filled by Blink RX? You tell me where the problem is “investor”! It’s not the sales force!! Maybe you should be more aware. Maybe you need to hold Phathoms feet to the fire.

Hey “investor here”….this sales force has generated 43,000 scripts in 12 weeks! Maybe you should get your facts straight and as Phathom why Blink Rx has only filled 32% !!!!! The issue is not the sales force!

Hey “investor” ask Phathom what Bink RX data the reps are receiving to help fill scripts!? NOTHING. NO DATA. NADA! Our hands are tied.
We have no clue bc Phathom won’t release the data.

Yep. Dumb. Only word I have for that. You have an experienced sales force and the directors are sitting on a pile of Blink Rx data drilling the sales force about filled rx’s. It’s a fucking circus. Then they only pay the sales force on what’s filled- yet we can’t see the data of what’s not being filled. News flash. Reps are gonna leave. We’ve all done this before & Phathoms big mistake is not giving reps daily/ weekly Blink Rx data.

investor here. Maybe if you all stopped pissing and moaning and wasting your time on this thread, you would sell more drug? What a fucking joke you all are.
You are a clown. Who invests in a company with one drug, no pipeline, limited cash and just starting an expensive launch? How did you think that would go??

Can the "sales reps" inform us how they will sell with Blink Data? laughing stock is blaming BlinkRx for their failures

Sure, I’d be happy to explain. Pull-through opportunities are often first identified by the target prescriber base, via RX data, where cost and coverage are named barriers to product adoption. Our prescriber base may “prescribe”, but it’s not until the RX’s are “pulled through” the system, that it’s deemed a successful RX. Leveraging good data can be a game changer. But when the sales force doesn’t have initial RX data (for example, from Blink Rx) it’s like flying blind. Our job as reps doesn’t stop at the pen to paper RX.

I agree. And it would make a lot of sense if the reps and the investor(s) could work together bc we both have a common goal. Most reps are financially invested in Phathom and dedicate a % of their paycheck to the stock program. So perhaps it’s the investors that can assist us in what’s missing