
Great drug, but this job was teed up as "not big pharma" and that is correct, it is actually worse. Serious micromanagement, metrics, and no bonuses for 2/3 of reps in Q1. I did hit the 10 TRx's, but feel bad no bonus for those that didn't.

All of this has already led to a morale issue not even 6 months into the launch.

From a business owner standpoint, it would be much more successful to use the quality over quantity strategy. Seeing 4-5 good potential targets and having meaningful conversations would be better than being forced to rush from office to office just to get 8 calls a day like a contract rep. But since they picked quantity over quality, that is what the results will be.

This company unfortunately went down hill very fast. The company culture sucks. Not a great place to work as they said it would be. Regret my decision to come to this company. ( and yes I had 10 scripts) individual and team morale is at an all time low. They had bad data, bad target lists, and many issues with blink. Many scripts are still sitting in blink and no one has a clue so they can’t pull through which would have been the difference for many territories for bonus. They think it will motivate people that they have an opportunity to make some of that up. 1/2 the reps are getting no bonus! What a joke, reps will say Fuck you, and will not give a shit about the next indication. Way to get your sales force excited. When this company fails because they don’t give a shit about their reps they will wish they made the right decision to pay them some type of bonus. Sales will make or break a company. Based on upper management they will regret their choices. It is very unfortunate because this is a great drug. But many are not motivated now and don’t give a shit. If they think the IC plan is exciting the are clearly delusional.

What is the over/under on number of reps that will be giving notice in the next 90 days. My guess about 20% of salesforce.

It will actually be good for Phathom as it is burning cash - so no better way to save than first not have a legit and fair IC plan and second not have salaries and benefits to pay for a while.

Dropping the 10 Rx requirement mid-stream is practically fraud, which tells you something about senior management, but it wouldn't have made that much of a difference in comp anyway.

Good luck on your interviews!

This company unfortunately went down hill very fast. The company culture sucks. Not a great place to work as they said it would be. Regret my decision to come to this company. ( and yes I had 10 scripts) individual and team morale is at an all time low. They had bad data, bad target lists, and many issues with blink. Many scripts are still sitting in blink and no one has a clue so they can’t pull through which would have been the difference for many territories for bonus. They think it will motivate people that they have an opportunity to make some of that up. 1/2 the reps are getting no bonus! What a joke, reps will say Fuck you, and will not give a shit about the next indication. Way to get your sales force excited. When this company fails because they don’t give a shit about their reps they will wish they made the right decision to pay them some type of bonus. Sales will make or break a company. Based on upper management they will regret their choices. It is very unfortunate because this is a great drug. But many are not motivated now and don’t give a shit. If they think the IC plan is exciting the are clearly delusional.

you sell a ppi! you are not important and could never make it anywhere else. Good luck to you phailures. There’s always jobs selling linzess but you couldn’t cut it there either. I hope your mgt team fires your whole salesforce and outsources to a CSO that could do your job with their eyes shut and for half the cost.

I feel so much solidarity on this page and that is that we’re all trying to leave! This is by far the worst job, company and leadership team I have ever worked for and witnessed. As someone above said, the company ride does suck, and unfortunately it’s not even close to being the worst thing about this sh*thole.

I am fairly certain that most reps would have retained their $10k bonus - had Phathom released daily / weekly Blink data. And perhaps that is their way of getting rid of 40% of field sales. But the principal is crap. The 10rx requirement was snuck into the “bonus” plan if you can call it that! It was never reviewed, and it was entered part way into the quarter. Is that legal? The average bonus here was $40k.