
Ok. Thank you. Gut instinct or did you hear it directly from Someone?
Well what do you think? We know that,
-launch is off to a slow start
-stock price has underperformed (remember the managers all telling us about these grand internal predictions)
-we are one of the top 10 most shorted stocks of all US companies (does wall st think we are doing well?)
-interest rates rising put cash burn companies out of style quick
-we are short on cash
We will either have to trim fat or undergo major dilution, probably both

Well what do you think? We know that,
-launch is off to a slow start
-stock price has underperformed (remember the managers all telling us about these grand internal predictions)
-we are one of the top 10 most shorted stocks of all US companies (does wall st think we are doing well?)
-interest rates rising put cash burn companies out of style quick
-we are short on cash
We will either have to trim fat or undergo major dilution, probably both
Wait is this true we are a top 10 most shorted company? Where did you see that?

glad I didn’t join Phathom. Your reps are some of the dumbest in the industry. Struggling with 10 scripts??? And screaming it’s not fair?? They should fire the entire sales force and outsource your jobs to monkeys.

Oh we all have a lot more than 10 scripts. It’s a coverage issue. Sounds like you may be new to pharma :)

I see Paul is back with the gang. Great. Now we have all the people who had zero to do with Otezla success and we still didn't bring over the cowboy who made everything possible.

glad I didn’t join Phathom. Your reps are some of the dumbest in the industry. Struggling with 10 scripts??? And screaming it’s not fair?? They should fire the entire sales force and outsource your jobs to monkeys.

Not getting 10 when you have piss poor coverage, awful marketing materials, a limited label, a lack of support from BlinkRx, etc isn’t out of the realm of realism.

it’s not that 10 isn’t fair… but to hold a rural territory to the same standard as a metropolitan one is definitely bullshit.

(This is coming from somebody who hit 10 comfortably, you can’t help but feel bad for the people who bust their ass on the daily and aren’t seeing results through no fault of their own.)