Pharmacyclics is hiring...

Vacation LMAO ! You should not even be thinking about vacation oh please. I 'm great I need 5 weeks LOL !. The days of coasting with DNA and others is over ! This is a start up and surprise you will now have to start working your ass off from ground zero unlike what you have been probably been doing for a long time.

Not many are leaving. Genentech is painting a pretty picture of the future here and getting people to stay. If people would look at what is being said, it is so far in the future we will all be on Social Security by the time most of the products come to market. they make promises they can't keep

Offers out, but not so great. Salaries top around $145, options only, no RSU or grants, but not too many and Wall Street has already rewarded the company pretty well. Stock will goup a little more, but not enough to makemit worth my while. Other benefits way below industry standard. Not worth leaving for. But company culture seems ok.....old DNA,Gene people. Not big pharma. For some who are presently paid below what they worth- wont be a bad gig.

Offers out, but not so great. Salaries top around $145, options only, no RSU or grants, but not too many and Wall Street has already rewarded the company pretty well. Stock will goup a little more, but not enough to makemit worth my while. Other benefits way below industry standard. Not worth leaving for. But company culture seems ok.....old DNA,Gene people. Not big pharma. For some who are presently paid below what they worth- wont be a bad gig.

Thank you anonymous wise one... it's ok...some people like you like the security of big pharma, less risk and lower reward. How's your ESPP working for you? Lets see your BTK inhibitor expected launch date is 2018 - good luck with that. R + GA101 = zero growth, just swapping dollars.

Any new information on job offers? I have an interview schedule and wondering if it's worth my time based on some posts. It seems to be a very good start up biotech company with an outstanding investigational drug. The package does seem a little weak if they want the best rep's. It doesn't make sense.

They already hired the best you must be some lame ass second stringer who they are interviewing because the real reps turned down the offer. I hope you don't come over and infect us with your stupidity.

Looks like the ones who left know a little more than we think. PCYC is up $10 today with a price target of $120. Pens out to be a 3 day gain of over 20k once vested. Not bad for the 1st 3 days of employment.

Looks like the ones who left know a little more than we think. PCYC is up $10 today with a price target of $120. Pens out to be a 3 day gain of over 20k once vested. Not bad for the 1st 3 days of employment.

Good luck to them. I hope they were eligible to receive their options before today.
I hope it works for everyone who left for the op!:)

I should have accepted the offer. I now regret it having time to look at the research. It would have been a smart move. I felt a little pressured, and went to my manager after I turned it down. Bad move on my part. I hope another opportunity comes my way, because I don't think that I am going to have many opportunities here.

I only have two concerns about this company:

One is, they have no Business/Corporate Development folks, meaning they are aiming to be a one hit wonder and go Affimax style if only one person dies from Ibrutinib, or they are planning to sell to Jannsen.

Two is be prepared to be indoctrinated by the Church of Scientology.

Peace out!

Yep they do not have any BD folks anymore.
Another major concern is their history of high turnover of management team and board of directors.
If nothing else the scientology environment will be entertaining to observe.