Pharmacyclics is hiring...

I only have two concerns about this company:

One is, they have no Business/Corporate Development folks, meaning they are aiming to be a one hit wonder and go Affimax style if only one person dies from Ibrutinib, or they are planning to sell to Jannsen.

Two is be prepared to be indoctrinated by the Church of Scientology.

Peace out!

Damm it.... Thought you complainers would finally leave for greener pastures....ease change ur mind and go...MC is to much to ask that you that some tha ass kisser with you..


Got my offer today and it was terrible. Pharmacyclics talks a big game but does not back it up. The base was a low "standard" raise. The bonus is equal. Options are terrible for a small company trying to recruit elite reps. Car plan is ok but not the grand per month they got at dna. 401 k is so bad you laugh and they just doubled the match. They seem to be good at saying we know we have to improve things to retain people. They need to improve things to attract people. Waste of my time.

It has been a very long time since a start up killed it plain and simple. Healthcare is changing rapidly and the cost controls will only get tighter and tighter. However if you are looking for the next big thing this may be it .