Pharmacyclics is hiring...

I should have accepted the offer. I now regret it having time to look at the research. It would have been a smart move. I felt a little pressured, and went to my manager after I turned it down. Bad move on my part. I hope another opportunity comes my way, because I don't think that I am going to have many opportunities here.
You went to your manager after you turned it down? Are you insane, why would you do that?

Pharmacyclics waited to announce their filing with the FDA to get all new hires on board prior to the stock move. Very good for moral. Genentech was like this prior to the likes of Ian and Roche coming in. Genentech is only a name now and bears no resemblance to the great company that started Biotechnology. Very sad as it did not have to be this way.

Got my offer today and it was terrible. Pharmacyclics talks a big game but does not back it up. The base was a low "standard" raise. The bonus is equal. Options are terrible for a small company trying to recruit elite reps. Car plan is ok but not the grand per month they got at dna. 401 k is so bad you laugh and they just doubled the match. They seem to be good at saying we know we have to improve things to retain people. They need to improve things to attract people. Waste of my time.

Offers real terrible.... the value of my options are up almost $30.00 share so far, in less than a month! :)

That's awesome how much can you cash out, oh that's right nothing is vested and will take several years before all 2,000 are. Good luck I hope the run continues but remember they only really have value when you cash them out until then it is just a number. I hope you kill it as my bank account will improve as well.

Offers real terrible.... the value of my options are up almost $30.00 share so far, in less than a month! :)

66 grand is okay but 2200 options with no ongoing shares given is very poor for a startup trying to get great reps. i know many celg reps turned it down and with their stock move they are also very happy.

Actually, I am a Pegasys rep who needs job too. Thanks for the tip. I tried to get into the oncology division and no luck yet. I wish they would have not laid the rest of us off until we had secured jobs. I have served the company for over 10 years. I am a little bitter. We just got the news late last week. Uggh :(

Just looked at Pharmacyclics stock. It's up $10.50 today to almost $130 per share. I should have taken the offer. It's climbing higher and doesn't have FDA approval yet. I blew a great opportunity. Things are getting ugly around here.