Peerless - worst distributor

Philip, why not admit that it's you who's posting anything positive about yourself and Peerless? I mean aren't you the man you doesn't back down? has all the best qualities? is loved by his reps? doesn't take crap from anyone?

You're the only person who would get on CP at 9:00PM and defend Philip Bowman.
Funny but sad........

We are already doing everything alone. We need a distributor that gives a damn about more than himself or just get out of our way. Shouldn't the guy who is sitting around getting rich off our hard work want to improve our lives & job satisfaction so that we will want to work harder for him? Instead we are all out job hunting.

As we are seeing unfold, leadership by fear & intimidation always fails in the long run.

Well in all honesty this has got to be difficult for this narcissist to read. It's a new experience for him, he treats everyone like their disposable and then gets called out, and we all know how fragile that ego is. This guy needs some serious couch time with a shrink

Funny but sad........

We are already doing everything alone. We need a distributor that gives a damn about more than himself or just get out of our way. Shouldn't the guy who is sitting around getting rich off our hard work want to improve our lives & job satisfaction so that we will want to work harder for him? Instead we are all out job hunting.

As we are seeing unfold, leadership by fear & intimidation always fails in the long run.

What ever could you be referring to? Your saying that PB only cares about himself? Next thing your going to tell me is that you don't enjoy listening to him tell PB stories and hearing about the farm. The PB I know is kind, caring, honest, and quick to compliment those around him, he loves everyone.

I have known Philip personally for years and as I am reading these posts I am thinking that most of the people who are posting negative things about this guy have probably never accomplished even a fraction of what he has in his lifetime. His record of achievements and how he has worked his way up to get to this point (yes, worked and hard every single day to get here, he was never handed anything). You don't really know him, be honest, because if you did you wouldn't be saying this stuff. He is a stand up guy, expects a lot from people, absolutely, but that doesn't make him a bad person. Quite the opposite. Also, he has given you an amazing opportunity to work with a great company. He saw something good in you, something positive and knew you were someone who could make a difference. He doesn't just hire anyone, trust me. Try a positive approach with him and see where it gets you. I know that is a tall order for a medical rep (I know quite a few and there seems to be a common arrogance/entitlement among most) but those who aren't arrogant but are humble and work hard everyday and are the ones you all see and envy. They get there by just doing their job and not by tearing other people down in hopes that it will elevate them somehow. He employs 40 plus employees...more than a lot of people could ever say. Have you ever done that? Maybe until you do you shouldn't comment on what you don't know.

If reps were competent enough to manage their inventory correctly probably wouldn't have to charge any fees. But seemingly, there are several who just aren't. Why should he have to pay for your mistakes? To echo another post, not sure why you haven't quit yet? NO ONE has answered this question yet...WHY?

Also, the ones who helped build Peerless and continue to do so on a daily basis are the ones who are helping to running it now, people in management positions. They proved they were reliable, honest and hard working and were promoted to these positions because they were not a drain on Peerless and were the ones who made the most money and made things happen, instead of sitting behind a computer screen all day complaining. There are two types of people, people of action and then all the rest.

Very entertaining. People have not quit yet because there is nowhere else to go. You can't make $200k at a competitor these days unless you bring all your business with you. If you can, please post which company is paying you what you make now. The fact is, your doctors will not go with you after you sit out your non-compete however long that may be, they never do because Arthrex is the best product. You will continue to take your comp plan changes right up the butt because there is nothing you can do about it, absolutely nothing. You can't go above his head either because nobody at the corporate level from Stewart down to EK cares one minute about how "unfair" your commission/comp plan is. It gets worse when you go up the ladder because "they" don't care about anybody but themselves and making sure the number is met set by Reinhold. What you all are not understanding is that Distributors can do whatever they want until they miss their number and have to answer to the higher ups. Peerless has never missed, and from what it looks like, they are not going to miss anytime soon. Instead of constantly posting negative thoughts about PB and your "crappy" 6-Figure job you "hate" so much, why don't you be thankful you have a good job representing the best products? Try this for one month, and it's only one month out of your life. Instead of focusing on all the negative, why don't you focus on all the positive and implement the positive into your daily routine? Be positive and see where that gets you.

Very entertaining. People have not quit yet because there is nowhere else to go. You can't make $200k at a competitor these days unless you bring all your business with you. If you can, please post which company is paying you what you make now. The fact is, your doctors will not go with you after you sit out your non-compete however long that may be, they never do because Arthrex is the best product. You will continue to take your comp plan changes right up the butt because there is nothing you can do about it, absolutely nothing. You can't go above his head either because nobody at the corporate level from Stewart down to EK cares one minute about how "unfair" your commission/comp plan is. It gets worse when you go up the ladder because "they" don't care about anybody but themselves and making sure the number is met set by Reinhold. What you all are not understanding is that Distributors can do whatever they want until they miss their number and have to answer to the higher ups. Peerless has never missed, and from what it looks like, they are not going to miss anytime soon. Instead of constantly posting negative thoughts about PB and your "crappy" 6-Figure job you "hate" so much, why don't you be thankful you have a good job representing the best products? Try this for one month, and it's only one month out of your life. Instead of focusing on all the negative, why don't you focus on all the positive and implement the positive into your daily routine? Be positive and see where that gets you.

Be positive about working for a psycho? That is laughable, when's the last time PB has been upbeat, positive or happy? We know this man better than most and he's miserable on his best day

I have known Philip personally for years and as I am reading these posts I am thinking that most of the people who are posting negative things about this guy have probably never accomplished even a fraction of what he has in his lifetime. His record of achievements and how he has worked his way up to get to this point (yes, worked and hard every single day to get here, he was never handed anything). You don't really know him, be honest, because if you did you wouldn't be saying this stuff. He is a stand up guy, expects a lot from people, absolutely, but that doesn't make him a bad person. Quite the opposite. Also, he has given you an amazing opportunity to work with a great company. He saw something good in you, something positive and knew you were someone who could make a difference. He doesn't just hire anyone, trust me. Try a positive approach with him and see where it gets you. I know that is a tall order for a medical rep (I know quite a few and there seems to be a common arrogance/entitlement among most) but those who aren't arrogant but are humble and work hard everyday and are the ones you all see and envy. They get there by just doing their job and not by tearing other people down in hopes that it will elevate them somehow. He employs 40 plus employees...more than a lot of people could ever say. Have you ever done that? Maybe until you do you shouldn't comment on what you don't know.

Wow that's classic. I'm sorry Kirk but the word and humble and Philip have never been used at the same time. Arrogant, egotistical, narcissistic, maniacal, disingenuous, now those are the words that describe him

My friend if the above post is true then your previous employer must have been a joke.

Not a joke they just weren't as good as Peerless is to work for. Also seems like there are only 2-3 people on here saying the bad stuff based on how the posts are written and what language is used/saying the same things over and over. 2-3 out 40 plus is not too bad. There are always going to be a few bad apples in the barrel! Some people always have to have SOMETHING to bitch about (no matter how small or petty) to feel that they have been validated. Worthless!! This is a good job or else you would not still be here.

Wow that's classic. I'm sorry Kirk but the word and humble and Philip have never been used at the same time. Arrogant, egotistical, narcissistic, maniacal, disingenuous, now those are the words that describe him
Accurate description but that was Phillip Bowboy posting that earlier garbage trying to spin it back on us. Spin it Bowboy, spin it for us...

You can't treat people like garbage and expect them to just keep taking it. He brings nothing to peerless except negativity, violent mood swings, anger, rage. We deserve a manager that actually contributes something back. Who wants to work their ass off for someone that does nothing but threaten, bully, and pit us against each other???

Not a joke they just weren't as good as Peerless is to work for. Also seems like there are only 2-3 people on here saying the bad stuff based on how the posts are written and what language is used/saying the same things over and over. 2-3 out 40 plus is not too bad. There are always going to be a few bad apples in the barrel! Some people always have to have SOMETHING to bitch about (no matter how small or petty) to feel that they have been validated. Worthless!! This is a good job or else you would not still be here.
Spin it Bowboy, spin it for us...

Not a joke they just weren't as good as Peerless is to work for. Also seems like there are only 2-3 people on here saying the bad stuff based on how the posts are written and what language is used/saying the same things over and over. 2-3 out 40 plus is not too bad. There are always going to be a few bad apples in the barrel! Some people always have to have SOMETHING to bitch about (no matter how small or petty) to feel that they have been validated. Worthless!! This is a good job or else you would not still be here.
Yup, at home and at work. Try golfing with these nattering nabobs of negativism.

Not a joke they just weren't as good as Peerless is to work for. Also seems like there are only 2-3 people on here saying the bad stuff based on how the posts are written and what language is used/saying the same things over and over. 2-3 out 40 plus is not too bad. There are always going to be a few bad apples in the barrel! Some people always have to have SOMETHING to bitch about (no matter how small or petty) to feel that they have been validated. Worthless!! This is a good job or else you would not still be here.

If it's so good why did two reps leave last month? PB has posted that he employes 40 people, have you ever counted the number that have left? Over 30.