Peerless - worst distributor

If reps were competent enough to manage their inventory correctly probably wouldn't have to charge any fees. But seemingly, there are several who just aren't. Why should he have to pay for your mistakes? To echo another post, not sure why you haven't quit yet? NO ONE has answered this question yet...WHY?

Also, the ones who helped build Peerless and continue to do so on a daily basis are the ones who are helping to running it now, people in management positions. They proved they were reliable, honest and hard working and were promoted to these positions because they were not a drain on Peerless and were the ones who made the most money and made things happen, instead of sitting behind a computer screen all day complaining. There are two types of people, people of action and then all the rest.

Confucius say he who thinks only of number one must remember this number is next to nothing.

Peerless is a great distributor to work for. Coming from another company that had nothing like what I have found here I can honestly say they back up their reps with major support and have more resources than most other companies/distributorships. I have never witnessed anything negative whatsoever in terms of how I am treated or talked to. Maybe I'm one of the few who just get it done and go home at the end of the day without the drama? I like the challenge of working here and the money that goes with it and don't see how any of this bellyaching is really helping anyone.

From what I understand he was a loyal top rep year after year for SNE and his distributor until they both made promises they couldn't keep. Moved to Florida and worked out the non-compete and at one year came back to SC with Arthrex and made SNE and the old distributor pay year after year until he crushed him and ran him out of a job. Took all SNE's business in SC. Fact.

On another note, I am sure he is no Mama's/Daddy's boy but sounds like he has quite a few working for him judging by these whiny posts.

Philip, thank you for chiming in, but we all know the history and your version is inaccurate. You bought the SC business by hiring SNE's top reps in Charleston and Columbia. Kirk worked his tail off and when you hired more people got pushed to the back burner. You didn't make a dent in Columbia until you hired Nicole and she brought all the business with her. So saying you crushed him is a typical PB lie, you bought the business from Columbia to Charleston. Let's talk about Charlotte, you moved the office there and haven't put any points on the board, you removed your manager, lost a major pump deal, got smacked in the mouth at Mallard Creek, too bad you couldn't hire JJ, he might have saved that territory from failing.

If reps were competent enough to manage their inventory correctly probably wouldn't have to charge any fees. But seemingly, there are several who just aren't. Why should he have to pay for your mistakes? To echo another post, not sure why you haven't quit yet? NO ONE has answered this question yet...WHY?

Also, the ones who helped build Peerless and continue to do so on a daily basis are the ones who are helping to running it now, people in management positions. They proved they were reliable, honest and hard working and were promoted to these positions because they were not a drain on Peerless and were the ones who made the most money and made things happen, instead of sitting behind a computer screen all day complaining. There are two types of people, people of action and then all the rest.

Speaking of sitting behind a computer, does calling reps and mangers and threatening them with their jobs weekly count as action? If it does then you are a busy man. When was the last time you were in the field, in a case, or even at the office?

Peerless is a great distributor to work for. Coming from another company that had nothing like what I have found here I can honestly say they back up their reps with major support and have more resources than most other companies/distributorships. I have never witnessed anything negative whatsoever in terms of how I am treated or talked to. Maybe I'm one of the few who just get it done and go home at the end of the day without the drama? I like the challenge of working here and the money that goes with it and don't see how any of this bellyaching is really helping anyone.

If this is the case, then you have low expectations of income. And you must not be trusted by your co-workers or you would hear how much PB is hated.

And let's talk about the control freak who is now requiring that every case be posted in RedSpot so that he can track every person all day long. What happened to "hit your number and be left alone"? I can tell you, it never existed.

Philip is someone you simply cannot run over. He will not lay down for anyone. This quality drives people crazy, I am sure, as most people are not used to dealing with strong minded individuals. He also is someone who will not stand for stupidity, laziness, entitlement (you aren't owed anything, you have to earn it with this guy, PERIOD) or carelessness of any kind. If you have crossed that line with him, be forewarned, you will not like the reaction, and this is a completely warranted response. People are often intimidated by these qualities because few people actually possess them-people are typically afraid of qualities they, themselves, do not possess. Bottom line is this...Do your job as professionally as possible, leave no detail left undone, HIT YOUR NUMBER and you will not have a problem. He has an amazing ability to weed through the weak and he knows exactly who they are! Do your job or get out.

Philip, you are a liar, you want complete control, which stems from you insecurity

Yeah, this was said in 2010 then again pretty much every year after that. Fact is, he always does what it takes to come out on top, no one can really dispute that record. These claims are way off base. 2016 is also shaping up nicely, so it would seem at some point you have to admit the distributorship has been extremely successful. Due to the gross underestimation on your part and the part of the people who have said these things in the past, you probably shouldn't anymore. The types of statements made in the past are simply not justifiable and I would pretty much bet that your hope for a poor performance in 2017 will never be realized either.

Again, another lie. In reality the only reason quota will be met this year is because of the kayos that happened in Columbia and Asheville. If it weren't for those two situations Peerless would be on life support. And unless CLT steps up in 2017 you'll be dead in the water, and there are not big Synergy deals or conversions on the radar.

Peerless is a great distributor to work for. Coming from another company that had nothing like what I have found here I can honestly say they back up their reps with major support and have more resources than most other companies/distributorships. I have never witnessed anything negative whatsoever in terms of how I am treated or talked to. Maybe I'm one of the few who just get it done and go home at the end of the day without the drama? I like the challenge of working here and the money that goes with it and don't see how any of this bellyaching is really helping anyone.

My friend if the above post is true then your previous employer must have been a joke.

Bunch of cryin' ass bitches! Can't hack it get out of the game! The man always does what he says he will do, no doubt. Never any surprises. Always know where you stand with him. Which is more than I can say for most people!

Bunch of cryin' ass bitches! Can't hack it get out of the game! The man always does what he says he will do, no doubt. Never any surprises. Always know where you stand with him. Which is more than I can say for most people!

Another lie. When did doing what you said you would become an action that should be praised? Next thing you'll be asking for is a particpation trophy. And the daily surprise is the mood swings from hell, you never know which personality you'll be getting.

Again, another lie. In reality the only reason quota will be met this year is because of the kayos that happened in Columbia and Asheville. If it weren't for those two situations Peerless would be on life support. And unless CLT steps up in 2017 you'll be dead in the water, and there are not big Synergy deals or conversions on the radar.

LD, you're a broken record.

Philip, thank you for chiming in, but we all know the history and your version is inaccurate. You bought the SC business by hiring SNE's top reps in Charleston and Columbia. Kirk worked his tail off and when you hired more people got pushed to the back burner. You didn't make a dent in Columbia until you hired Nicole and she brought all the business with her. So saying you crushed him is a typical PB lie, you bought the business from Columbia to Charleston. Let's talk about Charlotte, you moved the office there and haven't put any points on the board, you removed your manager, lost a major pump deal, got smacked in the mouth at Mallard Creek, too bad you couldn't hire JJ, he might have saved that territory from failing.

Bought? They and everyone else went to Peerless to represent a better company who could provide them with a high sustainable income.
In the Charlotte area Arthrex has at least 5x as much biz as SNE and growing.

JJ not a good candidate. He writes checks to surgeons, hands out free tickets to box seats for panthers games in parking lots to HCP's and carries multiple lines on the side while being employed directly by SNE. Won't be around much longer.

Bought? They and everyone else went to Peerless to represent a better company who could provide them with a high sustainable income.
In the Charlotte area Arthrex has at least 5x as much biz as SNE and growing.

JJ not a good candidate. He writes checks to surgeons, hands out free tickets to box seats for panthers games in parking lots to HCP's and carries multiple lines on the side while being employed directly by SNE. Won't be around much longer.

Yes, bought the business. Without them you would have never gotten any traction. And if CLT is growing why did you remove the manager, hire more reps, have a rep recently quit, hire 2 additional sub reps...AND YOUR STILL MISSING THE NUMBER!!!

Bought? They and everyone else went to Peerless to represent a better company who could provide them with a high sustainable income.
In the Charlotte area Arthrex has at least 5x as much biz as SNE and growing.

JJ not a good candidate. He writes checks to surgeons, hands out free tickets to box seats for panthers games in parking lots to HCP's and carries multiple lines on the side while being employed directly by SNE. Won't be around much longer.

And how many surgeons have you given consulting contracts to???? Pot meet kettle.