Peerless - worst distributor

Arthrex corporate claims to be one of the best places to work but this sociopath continues on out of control. He throws a tantrum and is escorted out of the hotel bar by security at his own meeting in front of our families and nothing happens. No wonder he doesnt allow us to contact corporate directly.

Numbers would explode if Arthrex put someone in charge that has any clue how to motivate and grow a sales team. This alcoholic has never done anything to help make me a better salesperson. What is the point in keeping him around? The only doctors he meets are those going to corporate for a lab, he has to protect that image. He does find time to issue endless threats and demands and of course to disrespect the personal time we spend with our families at night and on the weekends. Youre right its all about him all the time.

The numbers are great. Bowman is filling the till for Arthrex.

For PB to fill the till that would mean that he would have to actually work, instead he relies on everyones else's relationships, he has NONE of his own.
All that matters is the Arthrex numbers. That's it. Superman could not hit quota going solo. All distributor principals rely on the rolodexes of their rent-a-stooges.

Nice try at deflecting PB. Your ego is so huge (note you reference yourself as Superman) that you have nothing but contempt for the sales reps, and Arthrex for that matter. I speak for all of US when I say "we can't wait for 2017, this will be a year of reckoning for Peerless". I've never seen any group of reps want their distributor to miss quota so badly. Not to mention every Arthrex product manager, they all hate you, period.

More like The Joker.

All distributor principals rely on the rolodexes of their rent-a-stooges.
This is an accurate peak at what life is like for a sales rep at peerless surgical. Who would want to work for someone that says this publicly? Can you imagine what he says behind our backs?

Run away if you are thinking about coming. Keep looking if you are already here.

This thread is filled with incidents that clearly violate the Arthrex Code of Conduct. Arthrex has a system that allows anyone to anonymously report any violations of this code over the phone or online.

ATTENTION! This webpage is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of the Arthrex, Inc. website or intranet.

Arthrex is committed to following the Arthrex Code of Conduct. It is essential for Arthrex to continue to demonstrate a strong ethical commitment to ensure a safe, trustworthy law-abiding environment within the corporation. The commitment to ethical conduct and values is vital to maintain the integrity between employees at all levels. Employees are expected to uphold the ethical standards Arthrex maintains.

To encourage transparency and open lines of communication, Arthrex partnered with EthicsPoint to create a confidential helpline to report misconduct while protecting the privacy of the caller. The helpline provides telephone access for people seeking to report possible instances of wrongdoing. Callers will not be subject to retaliation by making a good-faith report of potential misconduct and personal identity will remain anonymous.

Why don't you quit? Money must be pretty decent if you're still hanging in there. Tired of seeing all of this shit on here. This is a guy who continually excels at everything he attempts to do (not just at Arthrex but every company he has worked for). You sound a little too sensitive for this job, so what, you got your feelings hurt, big deal, get over it! Jealousy is a sickness.

PB has a razor temper.....he lashes out at everyone unless your Arthrex corporate.....he see's his behavior as a sign of strength but it's nothing more than weakness and selfishness because he's always attacking and assigning blame. Because in PB's fantasy world it's all about ME, MY and I.

He doesn't have a single friend in the world except the man in the mirror, that's his only true love.

Philip is someone you simply cannot run over. He will not lay down for anyone. This quality drives people crazy, I am sure, as most people are not used to dealing with strong minded individuals. He also is someone who will not stand for stupidity, laziness, entitlement (you aren't owed anything, you have to earn it with this guy, PERIOD) or carelessness of any kind. If you have crossed that line with him, be forewarned, you will not like the reaction, and this is a completely warranted response. People are often intimidated by these qualities because few people actually possess them-people are typically afraid of qualities they, themselves, do not possess. Bottom line is this...Do your job as professionally as possible, leave no detail left undone, HIT YOUR NUMBER and you will not have a problem. He has an amazing ability to weed through the weak and he knows exactly who they are! Do your job or get out.

Nice try at deflecting PB. Your ego is so huge (note you reference yourself as Superman) that you have nothing but contempt for the sales reps, and Arthrex for that matter. I speak for all of US when I say "we can't wait for 2017, this will be a year of reckoning for Peerless". I've never seen any group of reps want their distributor to miss quota so badly. Not to mention every Arthrex product manager, they all hate you, period.

Yeah, this was said in 2010 then again pretty much every year after that. Fact is, he always does what it takes to come out on top, no one can really dispute that record. These claims are way off base. 2016 is also shaping up nicely, so it would seem at some point you have to admit the distributorship has been extremely successful. Due to the gross underestimation on your part and the part of the people who have said these things in the past, you probably shouldn't anymore. The types of statements made in the past are simply not justifiable and I would pretty much bet that your hope for a poor performance in 2017 will never be realized either.

Why don't you quit? Money must be pretty decent if you're still hanging in there. Tired of seeing all of this shit on here. This is a guy who continually excels at everything he attempts to do (not just at Arthrex but every company he has worked for). You sound a little too sensitive for this job, so what, you got your feelings hurt, big deal, get over it! Jealousy is a sickness.

You sure did not excel when you moved down to Florida when you worked for S&N/JR. How long did you live in Fl? Maybe a year before you had to run home to mommy and daddy. Did you get your feelings hurt? I sure wouldn't say you excelled in that position. Do you want me to go on PB?

Why don't you quit? Money must be pretty decent if you're still hanging in there. Tired of seeing all of this shit on here. This is a guy who continually excels at everything he attempts to do (not just at Arthrex but every company he has worked for). You sound a little too sensitive for this job, so what, you got your feelings hurt, big deal, get over it! Jealousy is a sickness.

Why don't you quit? Money must be pretty decent if you're still hanging in there. Tired of seeing all of this shit on here. This is a guy who continually excels at everything he attempts to do (not just at Arthrex but every company he has worked for). You sound a little too sensitive for this job, so what, you got your feelings hurt, big deal, get over it! Jealousy is a sickness.
Much needed tough love has finally come. Where have you been???

Philip is someone you simply cannot run over. He will not lay down for anyone. This quality drives people crazy, I am sure, as most people are not used to dealing with strong minded individuals. He also is someone who will not stand for stupidity, laziness, entitlement (you aren't owed anything, you have to earn it with this guy, PERIOD) or carelessness of any kind. If you have crossed that line with him, be forewarned, you will not like the reaction, and this is a completely warranted response. People are often intimidated by these qualities because few people actually possess them-people are typically afraid of qualities they, themselves, do not possess. Bottom line is this...Do your job as professionally as possible, leave no detail left undone, HIT YOUR NUMBER and you will not have a problem. He has an amazing ability to weed through the weak and he knows exactly who they are! Do your job or get out.

Why don't you quit? Money must be pretty decent if you're still hanging in there. Tired of seeing all of this shit on here. This is a guy who continually excels at everything he attempts to do (not just at Arthrex but every company he has worked for). You sound a little too sensitive for this job, so what, you got your feelings hurt, big deal, get over it! Jealousy is a sickness.

Money must be decent? You are joking aren't you Philip? You've now started charging additional fee's for inventory and sets, my bonus potential is lower than ever yet in your opinion the money is "pretty decent" and it's that time of year when the funny math is about to start. And since our bonus's are now lower than ever can we PLEASE not have to attend your stupid year end meeting? We have to arrange babysitters, load up our wives and spend another weekend working on Peerless, why not do a webinar and let us keep our weekend. But because you don't have ANY friends you make us give up a weekend to pretend you appreciate all we do. I hate hearing you say "thank you so much" your go to line, yet when another rep quits you'll say "glad he's gone, was going to fire him anyway, he never worked etc" you have no loyalty to the ones that have BUILT Peerless, yet you take every bit of praise that has ever come from Arthrex as your own.

He over charges for everything and your not allowed to question a commission statement. PB was a good rep at SN, trust me I've heard him tell me time and time and time again how great he was, hell just ask him and he'll tell you too.
Arthrex has been good because of the people he's conned into taking the job. But his ego is beyond words, he talks shit about SouthTech, Team 1, and even his own reps yet he hates it when the microscope is turned on him, he's perfect just ask him and he'll tell you.
Pathetic..... go open some boxes.

You sure did not excel when you moved down to Florida when you worked for S&N/JR. How long did you live in Fl? Maybe a year before you had to run home to mommy and daddy. Did you get your feelings hurt? I sure wouldn't say you excelled in that position. Do you want me to go on PB?

From what I understand he was a loyal top rep year after year for SNE and his distributor until they both made promises they couldn't keep. Moved to Florida and worked out the non-compete and at one year came back to SC with Arthrex and made SNE and the old distributor pay year after year until he crushed him and ran him out of a job. Took all SNE's business in SC. Fact.

On another note, I am sure he is no Mama's/Daddy's boy but sounds like he has quite a few working for him judging by these whiny posts.

Money must be decent? You are joking aren't you Philip? You've now started charging additional fee's for inventory and sets, my bonus potential is lower than ever yet in your opinion the money is "pretty decent" and it's that time of year when the funny math is about to start. And since our bonus's are now lower than ever can we PLEASE not have to attend your stupid year end meeting? We have to arrange babysitters, load up our wives and spend another weekend working on Peerless, why not do a webinar and let us keep our weekend. But because you don't have ANY friends you make us give up a weekend to pretend you appreciate all we do. I hate hearing you say "thank you so much" your go to line, yet when another rep quits you'll say "glad he's gone, was going to fire him anyway, he never worked etc" you have no loyalty to the ones that have BUILT Peerless, yet you take every bit of praise that has ever come from Arthrex as your own.

If reps were competent enough to manage their inventory correctly probably wouldn't have to charge any fees. But seemingly, there are several who just aren't. Why should he have to pay for your mistakes? To echo another post, not sure why you haven't quit yet? NO ONE has answered this question yet...WHY?

Also, the ones who helped build Peerless and continue to do so on a daily basis are the ones who are helping to running it now, people in management positions. They proved they were reliable, honest and hard working and were promoted to these positions because they were not a drain on Peerless and were the ones who made the most money and made things happen, instead of sitting behind a computer screen all day complaining. There are two types of people, people of action and then all the rest.