Peerless - worst distributor

This thread is so funny. Pb owns JB and rs. They are never getting rid of him. They can’t afford to drop him and all his reps need jobs and have nowhere better to go. They are making good money (even the new ones doing their time). Please stop the negative bashing on this guy and go away. You didn’t cut it here and that’s why your mad

This thread is pathetic and those complaining more so. If it’s so bad get another job, or are you incapable? And if you’re incapable then it just confirms how pathetic you are. I’ve had a job I hated, went to market got another gig and never looked back and moved on.
Bash my post all you want, the more you do the more I’ll laugh and feel justified in what I said.
Seriously however, please move on get another job if you hate it that much as it will be better for your health etc..
This is gone on long enough and you look completely stupid.

This thread is so funny. Pb owns JB and rs. They are never getting rid of him. They can’t afford to drop him and all his reps need jobs and have nowhere better to go. They are making good money (even the new ones doing their time). Please stop the negative bashing on this guy and go away. You didn’t cut it here and that’s why your mad

Bulls-eye! 100% correct.

This thread is pathetic and those complaining more so. If it’s so bad get another job, or are you incapable? And if you’re incapable then it just confirms how pathetic you are. I’ve had a job I hated, went to market got another gig and never looked back and moved on.
Bash my post all you want, the more you do the more I’ll laugh and feel justified in what I said.
Seriously however, please move on get another job if you hate it that much as it will be better for your health etc..
This is gone on long enough and you look completely stupid.

Glad you got that off of your chest. I hope you feel better now. The reason this thread is relevant is because it exposes the unethical behavior of this distributor. This serves as a to anyone looking at a job there, Arthrex for running product through there, and anyone else that can use this information for themselves. So please sir, you shut up and move along to your new job that you went and acquired. This will go on as long as it needs to because you are not the referee of this game. This information is relevant and is needed.

This thread is pathetic and those complaining more so. If it’s so bad get another job, or are you incapable? And if you’re incapable then it just confirms how pathetic you are. I’ve had a job I hated, went to market got another gig and never looked back and moved on.
Bash my post all you want, the more you do the more I’ll laugh and feel justified in what I said.
Seriously however, please move on get another job if you hate it that much as it will be better for your health etc..
This is gone on long enough and you look completely stupid.
Ive lost count how many of us have already left because of this jerk. Nobody cares about your feelings.

Glad you got that off of your chest. I hope you feel better now. The reason this thread is relevant is because it exposes the unethical behavior of this distributor. This serves as a to anyone looking at a job there, Arthrex for running product through there, and anyone else that can use this information for themselves. So please sir, you shut up and move along to your new job that you went and acquired. This will go on as long as it needs to because you are not the referee of this game. This information is relevant and is needed.

Glad you got that off of your chest. I hope you feel better now. The reason this thread is relevant is because it exposes the unethical behavior of this distributor. This serves as a to anyone looking at a job there, Arthrex for running product through there, and anyone else that can use this information for themselves. So please sir, you shut up and move along to your new job that you went and acquired. This will go on as long as it needs to because you are not the referee of this game. This information is relevant and is needed.

Been three years this thread, and there still going, so you’re having a real impact. Do yourself a favour and move on.
I was right, I did find the replies funny.....

I learned the principles of the Arthrex business not from corporate training but from an encyclopedia that walks and talks. His name is Philip. Most principals teach their reps how to do a better job at work. Not PB. You taught all of us what was far more important, how to be happier at work and how to improve the health of Arthrex patients and how to make our docs more successful.

I learned the principles of the Arthrex business not from corporate training but from an encyclopedia that walks and talks. His name is Philip. Most principals teach their reps how to do a better job at work. Not PB. You taught all of us what was far more important, how to be happier at work and how to improve the health of Arthrex patients and how to make our docs more successful.
You my friend are full of it. All the emails and voice mails and shit talking behind everyone’s back. He sucks balls

Be honest. PB is not our best friend or psychologist or financial adviser or drinking buddy.
Yet he leads us and he guides us. PB is our coach, the boss, the leader of Peerless. He is the "Head Fred".
Like him or not, Philip keeps the business goals at the forefront. PB acts in the best interest of Peerless and always Arthex. Above all, he is honest, accessible and clear. Everyone knows this to be true.

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