Peerless - worst distributor

I can't wait to watch PB stand outside in the hall at NSM this year and monitor everyone. Last year I couldn't go to the bathroom without my manager calling/texting me asking where I was because PB was asking. He wansts to have complete control of our movements, this guy is nuts.

At our agency meeting in Naples this spring he would send group text demanding that we ask questions during corp presentations, just so he looked good. And I'm sure he was heart-broken that RS didn't even show up. The funniest part was his pre-meeting email stating that we would all be interviewing for our jobs during these "intense meeting" and no one showed for his presentation.

When EK introduced PB there was a timed moment where he thought the sales reps would applaud, and there was nothing but an awkard silence, but PB was so self involved he didn't even notice, but EK has a very puzzled look on his face as to why PB wasn't acknowledged.

I can't wait to watch PB stand outside in the hall at NSM this year and monitor everyone. Last year I couldn't go to the bathroom without my manager calling/texting me asking where I was because PB was asking. He wansts to have complete control of our movements, this guy is nuts.

At our agency meeting in Naples this spring he would send group text demanding that we ask questions during corp presentations, just so he looked good. And I'm sure he was heart-broken that RS didn't even show up. The funniest part was his pre-meeting email stating that we would all be interviewing for our jobs during these "intense meeting" and no one showed for his presentation.

When EK introduced PB there was a timed moment where he thought the sales reps would applaud, and there was nothing but an awkard silence, but PB was so self involved he didn't even notice, but EK has a very puzzled look on his face as to why PB wasn't acknowledged.

Too bad Reinhold wasn't there to witness the debacle. Too funny!

Everyone here is so jealous of our great leader. He has proven to be one of the best. All your stories are just fantasy reading. Keep them coming..... Lol.

I have witnessed the fear Reinhold puts into the hearts and minds of the distributor principals. Reinhold terrorizes each and every one of them And with good reason. The ax falls fast. That is why the Arthrex ranks are filled with "Yes" men and woman.

I have witnessed the fear Reinhold puts into the hearts and minds of the distributor principals. Reinhold terrorizes each and every one of them And with good reason. The ax falls fast. That is why the Arthrex ranks are filled with "Yes" men and woman.

You want to talk about putting fear into the hearts and minds, call anyone at Arthrex (product manager, tech support, etc) without approval and you will feel the wrath. It's all about 100% complete control and appearance.

T Sutton has nothing on PB. He's the best at everything, and I'm talking everything.

Completely dreading this weekend in Charleston, we'll be forced to drive all the way to the beach and then sit in meetings and look at phony numbers and pretend to care, then we'll have to stare blindly at powerpoint and we will not remember any part of the meeting except the joyous drive home.

Painful can't even begin to describe this weekend, can't wait to watch how fake he'll act around everyones spouse.

Can't begin to describe how foolish he acted over and all over nothing or than being drunk off his ass. Lost complete control of his emotions, acted like a spoiled child which we're sure he was.