Pathway Genomics

I remember in training that TJ said that he convinced Jim Plante to "go for it" and ramp up the sales organization.

Without question it was TJ's idea. I also remember TJ telling us that there were only a handful of sales people in the whole company when he joined.

He built it, he knew it was collapsing and bailed.

Of course, Jim Plante is the CEO and he hired TJ, so what Plante was thinking is unknown and he is as much to blame.

Lastly, Ardy wasn't even around at the time.

And the shit ship sails on...

How can a company be so dysfunctional.

I get the part that TJ, with his West Point background, may have mercenary tendencies, may have launched a suicide mission and the sales force is the collateral damage from that delusional vision, but TJ is now gone, but it appears that things are as dysfunctional as ever.

Does anyone know who is in charge? I mean, if AA is worse that TJ, who hired AA?

If KO sits on top of this dysfunctional pyramid, why does JP keep her around?

And if all of this happens because JP lets it happen, why does the Board keep him around?

How can a company be so screwed up?

Ed Smith is now hired (about 8 weeks on board)
See copies of his memos posted on here. Pathway Genomics
is actually looking to hire 12 more Sales Managers heavy emphasis on
Women's Healthcare

openings are from the sales managers that recently resigned. From 46 managers to roughly 34 in a course of four weeks.

Yep they are offering a finder's fee $$ to the remaining reps that recommend the new sales manager's and if they are on board after 3 months will get a hefty fee.

Any current remaining Sales Manager at Pathway that recommends a friend to this slave ship should think twice about friendship.

Lastly, notice how PG is pulling away from the "oncology Sales Manager" model and shifting toward emphasis on Women's Healthcare?

6 to 10 tests a week of BRCATrue is hardly bragging rights. Targeting Myriad existing business is laughable.

Can someone translate the new commission plan ?

For the newbies on this board, you have to understand the business strategy is to hire a rep, build a book of business and then fire that rep and the company keeps the revenue stream.

It's extremely unethical and I've never seen a company with so little respect for its employees.

I too thought the company had great promise, but as the massive layoffs and multiple rounds of sales force firings show (with no notice given whatsoever), it's how the company operates.

lets get this straight....nobody fired in July was lighting up the place with samples. Name me one with over 10 in a month

Bucko...they were there barely 8 weeks. Hardly enough time for a territory to produce don't you think?

It would have been more fair to give 90 days, but PG had to cut back. That is the real truth with the lawsuit and all. LMAO.
Karma baby

hey A$$ wipe..."For the newbies on this board, you have to understand the business strategy is to hire a rep, build a book of business and then fire that rep and the company keeps the revenue stream.".....

Nobody fired in July has built a book of business.....they created no revenue go f your self

lets get this straight....nobody fired in July was lighting up the place with samples. Name me one with over 10 in a month
That is a straight up LIE! I was one that was blindsided by Pathways pathetic "you are no longer employed by Pathway Genomics, turn in your iPad and materials to receive your last check" email. There is term in the business world called Business Ethics, something Pathway knows nothing about, just ask Billy Madison!!! Any how, I was bringing in 40-50 a month not including the ones that were not billable. I took over a failing territory that was bringing in about 6 a month. Its really a shame, because I voluntarily left my old company to join Pathway. I was truly dedicated to Pathway and I loved selling the science behind the tests. Even after they implemented the new unachievable commission structure, I hung in there making $0 commission because I was 49% of quota, which in reality should have been about 90%. I hung in there because I thought the company would see that the majority of the reps were making $0 in commission and they would change the structure accordingly. Wrong, instead I had to tell my wife and kids that I was terminated by email. I am sure most of you can figure out who this is and I am fine with that. I just wanted to respond to the above post! Have a great weekend!

I second (former) territory is still producing because I sold the value of the test and didn't pay anyone off, also a top performer with solid revenue generating from my accounts that I introduced to pathway not the other way around. You are welcome Jim, keep stuffing your pockets at the expense of hard working individuals though bought into your corrupt company! Thanks for my kind, thoughtful parting gift of being laid off.

That is a straight up LIE! I was one that was blindsided by Pathways pathetic "you are no longer employed by Pathway Genomics, turn in your iPad and materials to receive your last check" email. There is term in the business world called Business Ethics, something Pathway knows nothing about, just ask Billy Madison!!! Any how, I was bringing in 40-50 a month not including the ones that were not billable. I took over a failing territory that was bringing in about 6 a month. Its really a shame, because I voluntarily left my old company to join Pathway. I was truly dedicated to Pathway and I loved selling the science behind the tests. Even after they implemented the new unachievable commission structure, I hung in there making $0 commission because I was 49% of quota, which in reality should have been about 90%. I hung in there because I thought the company would see that the majority of the reps were making $0 in commission and they would change the structure accordingly. Wrong, instead I had to tell my wife and kids that I was terminated by email. I am sure most of you can figure out who this is and I am fine with that. I just wanted to respond to the above post! Have a great weekend!

I have to laugh at something I remembered from the May training sessions. Do you recall Todd stating: PG had a high turnover and many reps had to be fired because they were "poopie" he accused them of forging physician's signatures for the processing and handling contracts. I guess we will never know if that is really true. But we do KNOW that Pathway Genomics has a high turnover rate. at best there is barely 4 people selling over 50 kits a month.,
Lots of dissatisfaction, a revolving door and no one has any loyalty to Pathway Genomics. Most are looking for another job, hopefully they will be able to find one before they are given the golden axe by Pathetic Genomics.
I hope they get taken to the cleaners with the lawsuits. They deserve it.

In today's news-

Commissions cut by 70%, and we are moving from saliva to blood, next week.

Oh, and we want to focus on Cancer, which is obvious because four months ago we hired and then fired 30 Cancer reps. Happy Monday.

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