Pathway Genomics

Are people paying attention to the daily departures? It is becoming a daily update on who is leaving. The bleeding is increasing and no one can stop this continual decline of madness. About one out of every 5 is announced. Isn't that interesting?

Let's see, over the past couple of weeks, to Sr. Leaders departed. TM and as of today JB.

Just within the past three business days, one regional manager, JG, and two additional sales managers have departed. One from Atlanta, RW, and one from Houston, JM.

On a amazing fact, each and every individual who has resigned, has given her or his two weeks notice. In each case, the offers where accepted, but made effective immediately. I do not know of a single individual who has been able to complete their two weeks notice.

Pretty amazing how this company is ran by JP, KO, and AA. This is the worst nightmare ever!

I cannot believe that there is no criminal investigation taking place. Surly one of the local new organizations would be interested in a real-time modern reality show.

JP, KO and AA= Axis of evil. Watch the self-destruction from the inside out, couldn't happen to a greater group of people.

Waiting for the wicked witch of the west to fly away on her broom. She will have problems finding another company to hire her. I must say justice is being served to this cast of characters. They can always hire Keesha's backup dancers to sell tests.

I hope everyone that is left get out before the lights are turned off. If you are not looking shame on you. 1099 rep will take over all your accounts eventually. Why waste anymore time!

The Wall Street Journal reported an HHS/OIG Investigation a few months ago.

Special Fraud Alert: Laboratory Payments to Referring Physicians, June 25, 2014

This Special Fraud Alert addresses compensation paid by laboratories to referring physicians and physician group practices for specimen collection, processing, and packaging. OIG has repeatedly emphasized that providing free or below-market goods or services to a physician who is a source of referrals, or paying such a physician more than fair market value for his or her services, constitutes illegal remuneration under the anti-kickback statute. This Special Fraud Alert describes the specific trend OIG has identified involving transfers of value from laboratories to physicians that we believe present a substantial risk of fraud and abuse under the anti-kickback statute.

The Wall Street Journal article also specifically mentioned payments for sample collection as a violation of anti-kickback laws,

The Wall Street Journal reported an HHS/OIG Investigation a few months ago.

Special Fraud Alert: Laboratory Payments to Referring Physicians, June 25, 2014

This Special Fraud Alert addresses compensation paid by laboratories to referring physicians and physician group practices for specimen collection, processing, and packaging. OIG has repeatedly emphasized that providing free or below-market goods or services to a physician who is a source of referrals, or paying such a physician more than fair market value for his or her services, constitutes illegal remuneration under the anti-kickback statute. This Special Fraud Alert describes the specific trend OIG has identified involving transfers of value from laboratories to physicians that we believe present a substantial risk of fraud and abuse under the anti-kickback statute.

The Wall Street Journal article also specifically mentioned payments for sample collection as a violation of anti-kickback laws,

Would you happen to know the specific phone number of the OIG that is handling this investigation? I would like to report fraud to him and give specific information - including the copy of the paperwork that PG has the phyisican offices sign.
I am told that PG has paid some physicians as much as $5-10,000 in processing, referral fees.

Would you happen to know the specific phone number of the OIG that is handling this investigation? I would like to report fraud to him and give specific information - including the copy of the paperwork that PG has the phyisican offices sign.
I am told that PG has paid some physicians as much as $5-10,000 in processing, referral fees.

The link to the office of Inspector General at the US Department of Health and Human Services is as follows.

It's been quiet for over 1 week on this board, any new juicy gossipy or scandals? How about any more departures?

There is only one rep left in the entire state of California. Pathway is so horrible to reps that they cannot even employee people in the state the set up shop in. I heard there are still 3 reps in Washington though. Which makes no sense. But the again nothing they do makes any sense so it's par for the course.

Christopher Columbus showed them another part of the world. You are obviously a outsider which leads me to the question of "why are you on this board if you don't work for this pathetic company?

There is only one rep left in the entire state of California. Pathway is so horrible to reps that they cannot even employee people in the state the set up shop in. I heard there are still 3 reps in Washington though. Which makes no sense. But the again nothing they do makes any sense so it's par for the course.

is that witch manager with red hair still out west in California. remember her from training, not exactly the brightest light in the room.

They are at ASHG. Everything looks fine.

"everything looks fine"
They are all about outer appearances, not even their marketing guy can spin this
piece of chicken shit into Chicken Salad.
Keesha was their poster child, do we need to say more?
Did you hear about her lawsuit? She is charging her ex manager of
using her for sex since she was 18, (sex slave) she has famed Attorney
Mark Geragos barking everywhere on TV about poor little Keesha (sniff sniff)

Can someone explain why Pathway Genomics is so messed up.

I read through the nine pages of comments and it appears that most of the blame is on individual management team members with the names most frequently mentioned, James Plante (CEO), Klene Oen (CBO), Ardy Arianpour (Chief Strategy Officer), and Todd Johnson (Chief Commercial Officer).

What's unclear is who is responsible. Typically it's the CEO who is providing the leadership, but in reading through the comments, that's unclear and it appears that KO, AA and TJ have an extraordinary amount of influence.

In addition, since the company was formed in 2008 and it wasn't until 2013 when all of these activities began to occur, that would support the notion that it was KO, AA and TJ who were responsible.

Where is the CEO through all of this? It's extremely odd that after five years of running the company he decides that it's a great idea to hire 100 sales people.

If it wasn't his idea, who's idea was it in the first place to expand the sales force in such a rapid fashion?

And apparently, sales never caught up and the sales force expansion plan was killed, but who's idea was that?

Since KO was there since 2008 and AA joined in 2014, that would appear to put the blame on TJ, Todd Johnson, who joined in 2012., which also tracks with the CafePharma comments.

If all that is correct, I still don't get why the CEO, James Plante, let all of this happen.

The CEO is a billionaire. This company is just something to do. His life won't change one bit if this company fails. The peoples lives who have changed are the people who were hired and maliciously used to open a ton of accounts, gather information about the accounts and local markets, get cases to start coming in and then let them go. After several months of hunting for a job I have learned that having Pathway on your resume is the equivalent of wiping your ass with your resume and handing out to a hiring manager. The billionaire CEO is such a great guy he has literally ruined 65 careers in just 6 months. That's 25 people they let go with no notice, no severance and the 40 they made offers to who quit their jobs and then we're told training was pushed back a week, then another week and then the offers were resented without reason.