wow ... you are off the charts crazy aren't ya? I hope you take your medication tonight.
Todd took a CEO job.... do you know what that means?? that is a promotion... a higher level position...that's what people do to further their career.
People that were let go were not producing and guess what moron?? Myriad does the same thing.
You gave your paperwork to the local Myriad rep? I am sure that rep walked away thinking to themselves, "damn this bitch is crazy". I sure hope you figure out a way to get it together or you will be in the unemployed line for awhile.
looks like you were all wrong doesn't it?
Pathwayfit is a big deal and the company was invited to New York to ring the NASDAQ bell. This company is crushing it. This is why cafe pharma stinks. You guys bash them for 2 years and your giving us the wrong info.
wow ... you are off the charts crazy aren't ya? I hope you take your medication tonight.
Todd took a CEO job.... do you know what that means?? that is a promotion... a higher level position...that's what people do to further their career.
People that were let go were not producing and guess what moron?? Myriad does the same thing.
You gave your paperwork to the local Myriad rep? I am sure that rep walked away thinking to themselves, "damn this bitch is crazy". I sure hope you figure out a way to get it together or you will be in the unemployed line for awhile.
Everything there is a fraud from the good faith hiring of personnel to the illegal spit kits they used when they got busted by the FDA
Does Pathway Genomics even have plans for the future? Their tests seem shady, their morale is low, they micro manage their personnel, and they seem to have no direction. How does it continue to run with such poor leadership?
The "Pathway Genomics Team" responses in Glassdoor to the negative Glassdoor reviews are hilarious, but I don't think they are meant to be. --VH
They are not meant to be even a bonafide business, shady corrupt organization that doesn't get it. Their time is over. You play games with employees, bribe physicians with inducements to write your losey test, get fined by the FDA ....and they think they are a good company? Too funny.
Anybody else get contacted by a reporter today?
I am just now reading this years later. Wow are you unreal. It’s the recruiters fault that a company calls requesting their services and explaining what they do and sell? How is that the recruiters fault? You took the job and I’m not sure you got it with that horrible grammar. Hide behind your computer but I would bet anything you still call me looking for new jobs. In fact I am pretty sure who this is. Classy way to handle your bad luck.