PAML to LabCrap

Yes! Yes! Yes! All true. The industry (I'd take it a step further and say the medical industry in general) is in a world of hurt with the reduction in rates etc etc etc. No doubt we would be facing some of the same challenges under TT's crew. The difference is in how its being handled. TT would have faced it from a more honest, frugal approach. He wouldn't have been out squandering the companies budget on things like installation of a basketball hoop at his home on the companies expense account. He wouldn't have a personal driver, insisting on limo service and first class on our dime. He would not have been flaunting it in our faces in those headquarters. And he would not have been able to flat deny "what! What rumors! I've never heard of this rumor!" months after discussing those rumors in the same type of meeting. No. TT is a man of integrity. He would have been sitting in the same boat with the rest of us and not spinning brodies around us in his luxury yaucht, sinking us in his wake.

Yes! Yes! Yes! All true. The industry (I'd take it a step further and say the medical industry in general) is in a world of hurt with the reduction in rates etc etc etc. No doubt we would be facing some of the same challenges under TT's crew. The difference is in how its being handled. TT would have faced it from a more honest, frugal approach. He wouldn't have been out squandering the companies budget on things like installation of a basketball hoop at his home on the companies expense account. He wouldn't have a personal driver, insisting on limo service and first class on our dime. He would not have been flaunting it in our faces in those headquarters. And he would not have been able to flat deny "what! What rumors! I've never heard of this rumor!" months after discussing those rumors in the same type of meeting. No. TT is a man of integrity. He would have been sitting in the same boat with the rest of us and not spinning brodies around us in his luxury yaucht, sinking us in his wake.

^^^MY NEW HERO^^^ So very well stated.

You're all idiots. FV may not be a great leader, but the real decisions being made on your purchase is coming from PROV, not the PAML SMT. PAML has no say whether or not they want to be purchased.

You're all idiots. FV may not be a great leader, but the real decisions being made on your purchase is coming from PROV, not the PAML SMT. PAML has no say whether or not they want to be purchased.

This is the true hero! The real truth! Prov is throwing PAML under the bus and letting the dirt fly all over. The new SLT never had a chance. They are the ones that have been played.

Is Providence making FV fly first class and rock limo's on their dime during times of financial crisis? 3 times what TT's was on top of his highly inflated personal "business" expense account. This lack of integrity clashes with the Providence values. Its sickening.

This is the true hero! The real truth! Prov is throwing PAML under the bus and letting the dirt fly all over. The new SLT never had a chance. They are the ones that have been played.

Sorry young Jedi but you are fooled by the forked tongue FV and the rest of the fearful senior leadership team (shame on RA, KT and MB - didn't you attend the Providence Leadership retreats? When will you speak up to the BOD leadership?). FV instilled the fear quickly and swiftly. This is simply his can't fault a skunk for being a skunk. The real shame resides with the Board of Directors whose job it is to mind the course of the organization. They have fallen short. Unfortunately they are a completely disinterested group. Their greed has led them to believe the FV business strategy fantasy. AION...really????
So sad.

Is Providence making FV fly first class and rock limo's on their dime during times of financial crisis? 3 times what TT's was on top of his highly inflated personal "business" expense account. This lack of integrity clashes with the Providence values. Its sickening.

And there, my friends, is the fact of the matter. It's not about payers not paying what they used to pay or anything of the sort. It comes down to Integrity. Integrity, the glaring missing component of FV and his management team. Fat paychecks, Fat bonuses, Fat Perks, Fat "business" expense accounts. Add to that the Monument to FV's Ego known as PAML Headquarters. A multi-million dollar expenditure that is nothing more than a palace for the little emperor and his court. A fenced-in mini-kingdom for the mini-king across the street from the "help".

All while the economy is tanking and employee pay is below average.

Sorry young Jedi but you are fooled by the forked tongue FV and the rest of the fearful senior leadership team (shame on RA, KT and MB - didn't you attend the Providence Leadership retreats? When will you speak up to the BOD leadership?). FV instilled the fear quickly and swiftly. This is simply his can't fault a skunk for being a skunk. The real shame resides with the Board of Directors whose job it is to mind the course of the organization. They have fallen short. Unfortunately they are a completely disinterested group. Their greed has led them to believe the FV business strategy fantasy. AION...really????
So sad.

Yea right...RA and MB are coasting to retirement, just coasting and enjoying the sick show. KT could never duplicate her salary with her high school diploma (no advanced degree necessary). if you think any of these three will come to the rescue you're delusional.

Yea right...RA and MB are coasting to retirement, just coasting and enjoying the sick show. KT could never duplicate her salary with her high school diploma (no advanced degree necessary). if you think any of these three will come to the rescue you're delusional.

Incompetence and greed.

Isn't that the new PAML tagline???

Here we are at the end of another month. Is it really going to be announced this time? The end of February? And is it true FV's contract is up? If so, is it being renewed? or will he have a new short term contract through new ownership that will just see him through the final transition? Or did everything fall through.

Is there a nepotism clause in the sale agreement? What about all the overpaid, under qualified family members, lovers and friends of those in high places? Whatever will become of them? What is this world coming to when the children, paramours and confidantes of the PAML SLT aren't guaranteed Big Pay with No qualifications?

Is there a nepotism clause in the sale agreement? What about all the overpaid, under qualified family members, lovers and friends of those in high places? Whatever will become of them? What is this world coming to when the children, paramours and confidantes of the PAML SLT aren't guaranteed Big Pay with No qualifications?

What the hell are you talking about? This does not make any kind of sense. Are you high?

Is there a nepotism clause in the sale agreement? What about all the overpaid, under qualified family members, lovers and friends of those in high places? Whatever will become of them? What is this world coming to when the children, paramours and confidantes of the PAML SLT aren't guaranteed Big Pay with No qualifications?

What does this mean? Paramours?? No. Guaranteed big pay without having qualifications.What are you talking about? You are making no sense. This post is ridiculous. PAML is being sold. SMT and everyone else will suffer. PHS is upset because they regret selling to CHI. PAML is paying for a bad decision of years ago. Please stop posting garbage.

What does this mean? Paramours?? No. Guaranteed big pay without having qualifications.What are you talking about? You are making no sense. This post is ridiculous. PAML is being sold. SMT and everyone else will suffer. PHS is upset because they regret selling to CHI. PAML is paying for a bad decision of years ago. Please stop posting garbage.

Finally someone that makes sense.