PAML to LabCrap

Seriously this is so stupid. Its been since June that this thread has been going. Isnt it time already to call it what it is? Previous gruntled employees fishing for info in hopes of a fall out. Obviously they don't have satisfying fulfilled lives and feel the need to try to bring PAML down and all the people that are at least trying to make a business successful. For the current employees if you miss the golden days then why not leave?

April 1st of what year??? blah blah blah.............I work for LabCorp and...., Someone from Quest said....., I opened a fortune cookie that said Sonic. It wont be a PAML decision, it is all PROV. Oh, and I fart fairy dust

Executive level silence on this whole matter speaks volumes as to what is going on. If the "rumors" weren't true, then you would think that the fine executives would speak up to dispel that which has become so pervasive. 50+ years of pride and tradition ran into the ground and sold out by those only concerned with lining their pockets.

Executive level silence on this whole matter speaks volumes as to what is going on. If the "rumors" weren't true, then you would think that the fine executives would speak up to dispel that which has become so pervasive. 50+ years of pride and tradition ran into the ground and sold out by those only concerned with lining their pockets.

Well said. To the post about about former disgruntled employees and current employees. You obviously must be in Management of the current PAML regime. You have obviously fooled yourself into thinking that your help is happy and you and your comrades are doing a fine job. NEWS FLASH! PAML is a shell of its former glory and a vast majority of your help is looking for work elsewhere. Always remember your help is nearly as stupid and helpless as you believe. Believe it, they are leaving as fast as they can.

What about all the current employees on government assistance because the wages that PAML pays are below poverty level? What about all those "charities" that PAML employees have the "privilege" of donating to? Those charities that those same employees qualify for because of the wage scale that this "christian" organization.

Hats off to the SLT that came up with the idea to have employees donate "charities" that a majority of the employees qualify for!


It will happen. Its being held up because the hospital partners work at a snails pace. Once the partners review the terms and get a plan in place, the hammer should fall. Some of the venture partners are already reviewing the deal.