PAML to LabCrap

In the meantime, anyone know the official line on the flood of clients (large, valuable client groups. not "trouble makers") who have recently declined to renew their contracts with PAML? Its a noticeable trend. Contracts expire and they are taking their business (and patients) elsewhere. How are they explaining this?

That's what I don't quite understand, if all these clients are leaving PAML why are we trying so hard to buy PAML. Seems like we could just get the clients that are leaving them to use us. At least we should try. What city are these clients in that are leaving? I would like to go get them.

It wouldn't make sense to renew our contracts knowing 1- we haven't been dealing with the paml we initially contracted with for several years now, the paml that used to provide such outstanding service. The service has declined dramatically and our patients feel it. and 2- any contracts with paml won't be worth the paper they were printed on when the hammer falls. They aren't even with paml now. We don't want pamls financial choices sticking us with someone we never wanted to begin with.

:) What a fantastic thread to read!!! PAML is a joke. FV is an expensive b.s. artist that anyone with any people skills can see through within minutes of meeting him. The PAML of yesteryear was top-notch, first-rate in every aspect. What PAML is now is a perfect example of what happens to a company when leadership is ONLY interested in what's in it for them. Leadership does not care about patients, clients or their employees. PAML needs to lose their tagline about compassion and helping the poor, that is not what they stand for now. PAML is just a vehicle so that Leadership can make Huge money until the PAML ship sinks.

The last post is the sad truth. Many treads in the post give FV too much credit for actually knowing what he is doing. One comment suggested this was all planned and that FV and his group of stickmen/women are there to pump it up for sale. Unfortunately for all involved, FV has only succeeded in dismantling a once successful business based on his personal arrogance. He's alienated those bringing value to the organization and only hands on due to the equally ineptness of the PAML Board of Directors. This is a great example of how someone can come into a town and rape a once solid organization for personal gain.
While the previous administration may not have been the best, at least they had a vision that was not based on personal gain.

What are you PAML people hearing about us buying you soon? The word here at Labcorp seems to be that in the next 60 days there will be a 'major announcement'

I feel bad for what my company will do to PAML, but it's survival of the fittest right? Or at least survival of the richest. PAML is for sale, and we have the capital to make a deal.

If you've not started looking outside of PAML, start now. Time is running out.

- The Janitor.

PAML is the best. The people are the best. There are people that care within PAML. Not everyone is out for personal gain. It is not PAML's decision what happens. It is not their money. Providence and CHI will do what they have to do. Keep your head up PAML employees! Your reputation speaks for itself.

Yes my friends, there is something in the wind at PAML. There is much scurrying about by FV minions. Even more closed door meetings than ever, which is astounding that it's even possible. So many HUGE messes to clean up (or bury) before the sale. FV and his zombies have a fine mess for sale. Even as FV and his comrades hold "meetings" for the "help" to try to explain away the rumors. The "meetings" truly end up being a testament to FV and his "vainglorious leadership team".

One can only hope that the "God" that is mentioned in PAML's tagline will give FV and his henchmen (and women) exactly what they deserve for the pain, suffering and damage they've caused to their employees.

Good Luck to the new owners!! There is much they do not know, much that has been hidden.

Not sure how you can be up for sale when all of your JV's have other partners besides Prov and CHI. Thats probably why the sale is either off or taking for ever. Good luck sorting through the mess. GO PAML

FV was hired to infiltrate to succeed in 1 of 2 goals: set up for a sweet sale to the competition that hired him or set up for failure, eliminating PAML as serious competition. You're a fool (or from outside the company) if you can't see the huge strides he's made towards those ends. Anyone working here can see this for themselves.

Asked recently about the "rumors" of a sale, face to face, mind you, FV had the balls to fake shock and actually say "What!? What rumors!? I don't know anything about any rumors. We're doing great!" Now come on FV. Surely you don't think your employees are so stupid, do you? You yourself spoke of these "rumors" in the last round of Town Hall meetings! and you've had your minions passing out the BS for months. You'd have a lot more respect from people if you weren't flat out lying to them contradicting your own words and actions. No, you don't think we're stupid. You just wish we were.

To the above post, Thank you! FV and his posse of wannabe's exhibit all the telltale signs of megalomania and psychopathy. Their actions and words, at this point in the game, are laughable.

Do they believe the verbal excrement they're trying to feed the help? Or have they fooled themselves into believing the "little people" are too stupid to see through their blatant lies?

FV is evil.

FV's marionettes are still dancing. The minions no longer care to watch as the sad FV dolls go through motions. Soon the lights will go down and the FV show will be over.

FV's marionettes are still dancing. Their soulless eyes stare out at the help. FV snickers to himself as he watches all of them. He could care less for the damage he has caused. His big fat paycheck and big fat perks have numbed him to the reality of the hell he has created.

Dance FV's marionettes Dance!! Your ridiculous contorted shows are pathetic. Just be sure to be shocked when this house of cards folds.

All you PAML people can expect a major announcement soon. This will not end well for most of you. But rest assured that we've already identified essential leadership and secured them for the transition. This means that they'll be paid a sizable bonus to ensure you all work yourself out of a job as Labcorp takes over your company. Sadly this means you are all stuck with SW for longer than what is humane. It would appear that not everyone here at Labcorp can see him for what he truly is --- or Isn't for that matter, which is a fraud and a wanna be IT leader.

So for those PAML & Prov people hoping a Labcorp take over would at the very least spell the end for SW --- no such luck. Get out now and stop the pain while you can!

- The Water cooler

All you PAML people can expect a major announcement soon. This will not end well for most of you. But rest assured that we've already identified essential leadership and secured them for the transition. This means that they'll be paid a sizable bonus to ensure you all work yourself out of a job as Labcorp takes over your company. Sadly this means you are all stuck with SW for longer than what is humane. It would appear that not everyone here at Labcorp can see him for what he truly is --- or Isn't for that matter, which is a fraud and a wanna be IT leader.

So for those PAML & Prov people hoping a Labcorp take over would at the very least spell the end for SW --- no such luck. Get out now and stop the pain while you can!

- The Water cooler

Very Exciting News! Tell me, the "essential leadership" that has been secured, are those the same "marionettes" who did such a fine job for FV? Are those the same "soulless eyes" that have made sure that all the loyal, qualified help is gone? Does that "essential leadership" include all the overpaid family members of senior leadership? Or is that "essential leadership" the SW's and KT's of the once great PAML?

Stop picking on SW. He's doing exactly what he was brought on to do. Of course he and the rest of FV's hand picked inner circle will still be involved! THIS IS WHAT THEY WERE BROUGHT ON FOR AND WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN SETTING UP FOR!! Key positions that are necessary to make this kind of transition happen were filled with insiders loyal only to FV and the mighty dollar. They'll have to be around for quite some time after things finalize. The nature of the beast merging systems. Its common practice to offer a bonus and incentives when their mission is complete. It will, however, be interesting to see how the cards fall for the few remaining old guard. Some, like RA & MB, may be close enough to retirement to make sticking around for an extra early retirement bonus worth the price of selling the souls of the mission values. I wonder where KT and the likes will fit in.

PAML. Once a great company, now just a shadow of it's former glory. PAML. Once a great company, brought to it's knees by an incompetent board of directors and in turn FV and his cronies. PAML. A has-been in every way. PAML. FV's personal vehicle for personal gain. PAML. The company and employees who were exploited till the end for FV and all his accomplices.

PAML. The best local example yet of a company who sold it's soul to the Devil (FV). Years and years of hard work, gone. The best reputation in the business, gone. Gone in less than 3 years.

PAML. Soon all that will be left is a bad memory.

Has it occurred to you guys that what is happening to PAML is the same thing that's happening to all the other midsize clinical & path labs out there?

Yes, PAML may have poor management, but the overriding reason for its predicament: payers have substantially reduced their rates FOR ALL LABS over the past few years as technology gets cheaper and cheaper.

The only labs that will survive are those few that have the economies of scale to accept the lower rates. We're not going back to higher rates for the services PAML is capable of performing.

It's the classic business cycle, and y'all are being willfully blind if you don't see it playing out everywhere in the country...