PAML to LabCrap

It took time for you to know, what we tried so not to show. Something in your soul just cried, you see the want in our blue eyes.

Baby, I'd love you to want me, the way that I want you, the way that it should be.
Baby, you should want me to want you, the way that I want to, if you'd only let it be.

You told yourself years ago, you'd never let yourself be sold. The obligations that you made, for the title that they gave.

Baby, I'd love you to want me, the way that I want you, if you'd only let it be.

He always gets mad when there is too many signs that the others never get used the way we have when we lost the group that did way more than everyone that had their papers taken off the other shelf in the second room next to hers but usually not on the third one.

Well I work at LCA and we all just threw a party when the latest "Dark Report" came out. For any of you PAML people wondering what will happen to you when Providence and CHI sell to us, you can do all of us LCA people a favor and just pack up your things and leave right now.

LCA just showed PHS and CHI what a real business deal looks like, we painted them into a corner that will cost them millions (by not allowing any other bidders), and leave enough extra cash on hand for LCA to buy yet another lab (we're coming for you SunLab). Fools!!!

Unfortunately for all of us at LCA, we spend so much time writing hateful blogs, fighting amongst ourselves, and calling each other names, we have little time to actually serve our clients. The only way we are able to get new clients is to buy them and then whine when they leave us because we give them such inferior services and products. We would be foolish to purchase PAML. Their clients are used to excellent lab services and they won't stay around long to be abused by us. We will have spent millions of dollars for nothing. Think about it.

Well, we’re certainly glad you had the opportunity to throw a party for the Dark Reports article on their report of rumors, but then I ask you if you throw parties for news worthy articles published in the National Enquirer as well, because that’s about what the Dark Report is worth.
The PAML folks could certainly do you a favor and pack their bags up and leave but it’s a fact that LabCorp hasn't even come close to be able to sell against the sales force of PAML’s. So, if you’re a sub producing sales person (which most LabCorp sales folks are) I would dust off your bags and lay out whatever you want to take with you because LabCorp will only keep those folks that actually know how to sell service and not price. Now that brings up another issue, it’s an industry wide fact that LabCorp doesn't, and has never, been able to offer any type of service and only sells on low price, in that case they can use the PAML Sales and Service folks to actually train the LabCorp peons the proper way to sell and service accounts that actually keeps clients.
So, I hope you enjoyed the party, because it may come to a sobering closure

Let me get this straight. LCA is buying PAML knowing that;

* * * 1. All the joint ventures can opt out of the sale and go to another lab of their choice
* * * 2. All the PAML accounts in Eastern Washington, Idaho, Montana etc will dump us and * * * *use the newly built Providence Lab
* * * 3. All we get for our millions of dollars spent are possibly a few accounts in the Seattle area that may or may not stay with us
Has the LCA leadership looked around for cameras, because I think we are being punked

Really bad idea on our side. Excellent opportunity for Providence

LCA just showed PHS and CHI what a real business deal looks like, we painted them into a corner that will cost them millions (by not allowing any other bidders)QUOTE]

They were painted in to said corner internally and quite purposefully. FV was hired (before the PHS/CHI board ever even interviewed him) to weasel in and set this up from the inside and he's done a very thorough job of it. Look in to it yourself. This isn't his first Trojan rodeo leading to acquisition .

Prior to FV's take-down, PAML employees were very focused on offering superior service to clients and patients. One of the most frustrating things for them in recent years has been the steady, forced focus away from this. The necessary time and resources for such service has been axed and their new direction from the execs makes it impossible even for the best of the best to offer good service. Clients are bailing/on the verge of bailing en mass, large payers are taking advantage and worst, patients are feeling it profoundly. It saddens me to think that our clients and patients may be celebrating a new lab also

Whether you're a fan of The Dark Report or not, they are highly read. Their reports and industry news are watched closely in the industry. If there were no truth to the "rumors", would this not have been the perfect opportunity to nip those rumors in the butt? But instead: "Is PAML To Be Sold? 'No Comment!' Say Execs. Rumors persist that Spokane-based lab firm is having talks with at least one potential buyer. Owners and executives at PAML have neither confirmed nor denied the ongoing rumors that the lab company�s two health system owners are exploring a sale of PAML."

This speaks volumes to me.

In the meantime, anyone know the official line on the flood of clients (large, valuable client groups. not "trouble makers") who have recently declined to renew their contracts with PAML? Its a noticeable trend. Contracts expire and they are taking their business (and patients) elsewhere. How are they explaining this?