PAML to LabCrap

CFO's from PAML JV partners are doing their due diligence. So the cat is surely out of the bag with all JV's. Just a matter of time before a dollar amount is offered to PHS for the sale of PAML. GO LabCrap

People are leaving PAML, especially in IT. They are not being replaced. All the work is being shifted on the backs of the remaining staff and burn out is increasing. It will look good for the books to have expenses be lower. It makes the offer that much more attractive and lines the pockets for those that are "cut in" on the deal. The do more with less dam will break soon.

People are leaving PAML, especially in IT. They are not being replaced. All the work is being shifted on the backs of the remaining staff and burn out is increasing. It will look good for the books to have expenses be lower. It makes the offer that much more attractive and lines the pockets for those that are "cut in" on the deal. The do more with less dam will break soon.

That's the FV way. Do More, With Less. More Work, Less Pay.

Unless of course, You're in the inner circle, where "More Money, Less Soul" is the mantra. FV zombies only do what they're told. Their only care is their compensation, their reward for selling their soul to FV.

We appreciate due diligence, but who can provide some specifics and when the hell is it coming out? This is ridiculous! Mr. Janitor? Mrs. Maid? Anyone???? I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at the "leaders" keeping quiet and placing the work on our backs!

This just in...another big player has come to the table. Any guesses? Things could get interesting...

The only others that makes sense are LabCorp or Sonic. Someone's gotta explain how FV continues to survive! Has anyone actually asked how much revenue has come in from his failed business initiatives? My guess is not enough to pay for his latest boondoggle.