Pacific Pulmonary Services-Class Action Lawsuit

Here's a thought. If you don't like it, leave. It's a free country right? Or are you not marketable?
Maybe you should reconsider biting the hand that feeds you as you work on your job search.

It's a free country...........well not really, you can't cheat medicare

Reconsider biting the hand that feeds genius, you defrauded medicare who happens to be THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU.

And there you have it ladies and gentleman, PPS management

It's a free country...........well not really, you can't cheat medicare

Reconsider biting the hand that feeds genius, you defrauded medicare who happens to be THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU.

And there you have it ladies and gentleman, PPS management

good one! so true.....PPS management bites all hands that feed them...from PCC's out selling to Medicare paying them......NO way do they understand an honest days work, so to PPS management, good luck finding a job after the PPS gig is over! you will be lucky to sell for Rotech!

Soon the government ( which is pps main source of cash flow ) will turn off the spigots due to the FBI and its evidence. Then there will be no management to defend this train wreck of a company.

I would not disagree, but telling PCC's to eat a dic*?! Come on now.. lets show some class.

Sorry, I have no class after what I have been through. Thats who I am. I tell it like it is. Although you agree with me I think you have mistaken me for someone who cares. You must be a PCC or an assistant. Class? This company should show some class. get the bleep out of here with that crap. Thats all you care about? Wow!

Here's a thought. If you don't like it, leave. It's a free country right? Or are you not marketable?
Maybe you should reconsider biting the hand that feeds you as you work on your job search.

Heres a thought for you. I work hard for my money. I dont have to take advantage of the elderly and disabled nor do I need to con those that dont speak english and have no idea what is going. I am gone. Have a job making more money and leading a stress free life with a clear conscious. Marketable? I work for the state now ho. By all means, It is a free country, So what does that mean to you? Maybe its ok for you to scam to get a paycheck. Most americans work hard for their money. Some of us have gone as far as joining the military. So your welcome for all those freedoms you get to enjoy day in and day out. Now thats marketable. So go and soil yourself worrying about if the FBI is going to allow you to keep your job after the investigation. I will be sitting back and watching you all squirm. Good Riddance!

Nobody put a gun to your head. either do the job or quit, pretty simple solution. I no longer work there but when I did it was about the easiest job I ever had. I was a Tech in northern Cali. I was never asked to compromise my Integrity nor would I have anyway. I guess thats the Integrity part of Integrity. Now I was asked to work long hours on occasion, But in return I asked that they pay me twice a month. (we both kept our promise!) I knew being on call was part of the deal I made. I've got to admit I did hate that part but its not like I didnt know about it going in.

Nobody put a gun to your head. either do the job or quit, pretty simple solution. I no longer work there but when I did it was about the easiest job I ever had. I was a Tech in northern Cali. I was never asked to compromise my Integrity nor would I have anyway. I guess thats the Integrity part of Integrity. Now I was asked to work long hours on occasion, But in return I asked that they pay me twice a month. (we both kept our promise!) I knew being on call was part of the deal I made. I've got to admit I did hate that part but its not like I didnt know about it going in.
Oh, please! If it was so easy (and you were so well treated) why aren't you still there?

Well, to be honest. I was starting to gain weight, that's no joke! I'm not sure what part you considered hard. Driving to the houses? walking up to the front door? or maybe hefting those mighty heavy 5 pound tanks. lol. I mean really come on. I am fully aware of what hard work is. If you think that working as a Tech at PPS is hard, then I'm going to venture a guess that you don't know hard work. Another reason I'm not there is because, unlike many who post here, Instead of complaining about the wage that I agreed upon I chose to find a job that pays better. of course in return I have to work a little harder for it.
Look bottom line is you have decided what your self worth is. You said to yourself this is what I'm willing to do and this is what I'll do it for. If you choose to settle for anything less then what you think your worth is thats your fault, not your bosse!

Well, to be honest. I was starting to gain weight, that's no joke! I'm not sure what part you considered hard. Driving to the houses? walking up to the front door? or maybe hefting those mighty heavy 5 pound tanks. lol. I mean really come on. I am fully aware of what hard work is. If you think that working as a Tech at PPS is hard, then I'm going to venture a guess that you don't know hard work. Another reason I'm not there is because, unlike many who post here, Instead of complaining about the wage that I agreed upon I chose to find a job that pays better. of course in return I have to work a little harder for it.
Look bottom line is you have decided what your self worth is. You said to yourself this is what I'm willing to do and this is what I'll do it for. If you choose to settle for anything less then what you think your worth is thats your fault, not your bosse!
OMG! You are hilarious! The job was easy, soooooo easy that you were putting on weight because they didn't work you hard enough. Honestly, I have tears iny my eyes from laughing over this, it is absolutely adorable. Do you honestly think that a single person reading this tripe actually believes that you're just an Averge Working Joe who had it so good and so easy at PPS that you had to quit for the sake of your health? This is just too good to true. I have to assume you are up in Novato.

OMG! You are hilarious! The job was easy, soooooo easy that you were putting on weight because they didn't work you hard enough. Honestly, I have tears iny my eyes from laughing over this, it is absolutely adorable. Do you honestly think that a single person reading this tripe actually believes that you're just an Averge Working Joe who had it so good and so easy at PPS that you had to quit for the sake of your health? This is just too good to true. I have to assume you are up in Novato.

Are you a tech? What is it you find so hard about the job exactly?

well its been awhile since I've been called a adorable thank you ;-) and cant remember the last i was called a liar. I'll do what non of you have the courage to do. I'll tell you who I am. I'm Bill V and I worked in Chico as a Tech. It was the easiest job I ever had and yes I gained weight. I got out of the military in march and got the tech job in April. I went from 230 to 250 at 6'3 in less then a yr. I never intended to retire on a a techs wage and for those that have that plan read my original post. I never insulted anybody here and not sure why I was. Do we always attack those we don't agree with? I enjoyed everybody I worked with Pcc's, CSR's and all the techs from Sac to Yuba City. Even my District manger was easy to work for. Oh and your right I didn't mention the Concentrators because I didn't think It added to any I wore body armour that weighed more. I was never asked to break the law or compromise my morals by anyone and I wouldn't have anyway.. so to recap. yes my job was easy Yes I did gain weight with this Job. yes I was treated well. No I'm not from Navato and I stand behind what I wrote.
I'm Bill V from chico and I approved this post!
I'm not sure I got your name...You know the one that felt the need to insult me. i'd accept an apology though.

Well, to be honest. I was starting to gain weight, that's no joke! I'm not sure what part you considered hard. Driving to the houses? walking up to the front door? or maybe hefting those mighty heavy 5 pound tanks. lol. I mean really come on. I am fully aware of what hard work is. If you think that working as a Tech at PPS is hard, then I'm going to venture a guess that you don't know hard work. Another reason I'm not there is because, unlike many who post here, Instead of complaining about the wage that I agreed upon I chose to find a job that pays better. of course in return I have to work a little harder for it.
Look bottom line is you have decided what your self worth is. You said to yourself this is what I'm willing to do and this is what I'll do it for. If you choose to settle for anything less then what you think your worth is thats your fault, not your bosse!

It is SOOOOO obviously written by someone in Corporate. They are the only people DUMB enough to think the "heavest thing you carry is a 5 lb tank" They dont haVE ENOUGH SENSE TO KNOW WE ALSO USE CONCENTRATORS..... Man, I have never met a dumber group of people that PPS has at corporate. You are not, nor have you ever been a tech. You are just a brown noser trying to score brownie points. Get a life moron. Go watch the agents go through your files.

So, Bill V, why are you even on these boards? Why monitor, why post? You worked for PPS briefly, you left on good terms, doesn't sound like it was much of an interlude in your life. Certainly nothing compared with being a combat veteran!!! Why on earth would you keep track of what was going on at PPS, much less dig up this bulletin board? Seems like PPS would be just a tiny speck on your rear view mirror at this stage of your life.

Nobody put a gun to your head. either do the job or quit, pretty simple solution. I no longer work there but when I did it was about the easiest job I ever had. I was a Tech in northern Cali. I was never asked to compromise my Integrity nor would I have anyway. I guess thats the Integrity part of Integrity. Now I was asked to work long hours on occasion, But in return I asked that they pay me twice a month. (we both kept our promise!) I knew being on call was part of the deal I made. I've got to admit I did hate that part but its not like I didnt know about it going in.
You don't call this post insulting? "...either do the job or quit." ? "I guess that's the Integrity part of Integrity.". This is how you dismiss everyone who has ever posted on these boards with complaints and concerns? There are posts that are whiny, rude and insulting, but there are many posts from people who have been treated unfairly and have legitimate complaints. This is how you dismiss them? With a couple of snide comments? It's no wonder that people think you are some shill from Novato.

Well I was bored I guess and I still have friends that still work there. so I thought I'd check up. I dont consider them specks in my rear-view mirror. Anyway,Good luck to everbody and I hope your situation improves one way or the other.


well its been awhile since I've been called a adorable thank you ;-) and cant remember the last i was called a liar. I'll do what non of you have the courage to do. I'll tell you who I am. I'm Bill V and I worked in Chico as a Tech. It was the easiest job I ever had and yes I gained weight. I got out of the military in march and got the tech job in April. I went from 230 to 250 at 6'3 in less then a yr. I never intended to retire on a a techs wage and for those that have that plan read my original post. I never insulted anybody here and not sure why I was. Do we always attack those we don't agree with? I enjoyed everybody I worked with Pcc's, CSR's and all the techs from Sac to Yuba City. Even my District manger was easy to work for. Oh and your right I didn't mention the Concentrators because I didn't think It added to any I wore body armour that weighed more. I was never asked to break the law or compromise my morals by anyone and I wouldn't have anyway.. so to recap. yes my job was easy Yes I did gain weight with this Job. yes I was treated well. No I'm not from Navato and I stand behind what I wrote.
I'm Bill V from chico and I approved this post!
I'm not sure I got your name...You know the one that felt the need to insult me. i'd accept an apology though.
That's probably why you were fired....Got too fat for the job?

well its been awhile since I've been called a adorable thank you ;-) and cant remember the last i was called a liar. I'll do what non of you have the courage to do. I'll tell you who I am. I'm Bill V and I worked in Chico as a Tech. It was the easiest job I ever had and yes I gained weight. I got out of the military in march and got the tech job in April. I went from 230 to 250 at 6'3 in less then a yr. I never intended to retire on a a techs wage and for those that have that plan read my original post. I never insulted anybody here and not sure why I was. Do we always attack those we don't agree with? I enjoyed everybody I worked with Pcc's, CSR's and all the techs from Sac to Yuba City. Even my District manger was easy to work for. Oh and your right I didn't mention the Concentrators because I didn't think It added to any I wore body armour that weighed more. I was never asked to break the law or compromise my morals by anyone and I wouldn't have anyway.. so to recap. yes my job was easy Yes I did gain weight with this Job. yes I was treated well. No I'm not from Navato and I stand behind what I wrote.
I'm Bill V from chico and I approved this post!
I'm not sure I got your name...You know the one that felt the need to insult me. i'd accept an apology though.

oh i wanna play. i'm bill v!