Pacific Pulmonary Services-Class Action Lawsuit

WOW - I was thinking of applying for an outside sales rep/patient care coordinator here in the Pacific Northwest when I came across this site. Can all this be true? I have a good job now but wanted to switch careers into health care. The job sounds great but now I have second, third, fourth . . . thoughts. Can someone offer an objective post? Thanks!

Well, I don't believe that you get the level of anger and bitterness that you see on these boards from nowhere. I don't believe you get the volume of posts that you see here from nowhere. I think it's an indication that SOMETHING is going on at this company, and it's not something good. This isn't just a few disgruntled ex-employees. One of the reasons I check in here occasionally is because I personally had a bad experience with these folks and it kind of validated to me that my own experience wasn't just me being a baby. I really was badly treated and unfairly treated and it had quite a negative impact on my life at the time.

From nowhere? Try from honest, competent people that have no tolerance for cheaters and liars.

Well, I don't believe that you get the level of anger and bitterness that you see on these boards from nowhere. I don't believe you get the volume of posts that you see here from nowhere. I think it's an indication that SOMETHING is going on at this company, and it's not something good. This isn't just a few disgruntled ex-employees. One of the reasons I check in here occasionally is because I personally had a bad experience with these folks and it kind of validated to me that my own experience wasn't just me being a baby. I really was badly treated and unfairly treated and it had quite a negative impact on my life at the time.

From nowhere? Try from honest, competent people that have no tolerance for cheaters and liars.

I was one of those cheated and lied to by this company. Most of us are very busy people and would not waste time posting negative information unless it was to WARN others about our misfortune.We just wanted a secure job where we could provide for our families and make the company profitable with our talents. It is vary rare to see this many posts that all have the same common thread. It is sad to see a company ruin so many lives (both patient and employee) and say they care about people. Unless those who were affected speak up,this behavior will always be tolerated. If we can save one individual from getting done to them that which was done to many of us then I say this board has made a difference.

WOW - I was thinking of applying for an outside sales rep/patient care coordinator here in the Pacific Northwest when I came across this site. Can all this be true? I have a good job now but wanted to switch careers into health care. The job sounds great but now I have second, third, fourth . . . thoughts. Can someone offer an objective post? Thanks!

Seriously? This company has more negative posts than ALL of the other DME companies COMBINED! If that doesn't give you pause, then go right on ahead, jump in, change careers and ruin your life by working with this company. I spend 7 years there. Left and can actually sleep nights now. And am working for a much better DME company. If you want to go into the medical field, pick any other company to work with.

Go back and read from the very start. I wish I had. It will take you several hours. Believe EVERY word of it. It is true, well, with the exception of the rah-rahs from corporate that post the company line, like JA.

90 counts of forgery discovered on PPC....OUCH!!!!

Thanks for this info, it came too late for me though! Where can I send my proof of forgery and who should I talk to? anyone have any ideas? I was kicked out the door, but I would like to let the business worls and our state insurance companies and local MD's what this company is doing! Help!

If you have documentation of forgery that involves Medicare you can go to the Judgea Advocate General's website to report. Also, whistleblowers who bring such activities to light are often entitled to a per centage of the money that the government recoups from the company involved.

For REAL. I submitted this company to be looked at for a Case Study at at a Major University. Yay! They are going to have SO much to work with here! Why is it that no one in the management of this company has been "bright" enough to catch on that the company culture is dire need of a reboot? Can't blame Japanese Corporate....but I think they need a better look at the life line on how the U.S. leaders are over seeing their investment.
A clue to management: Look up the most successful business' models in the U.S...... do they give people autonomy? Or question ethics and micro manage.
People were given "brains" to be utilized. You can train ANY monkey. Creativity is squashed by micro managing. In a day where everything is automized and technical...the only "up" a company will have is the people connect. So sad that management at PPS thinks that people connect is only accomplished by the young, hyper aggressive easily beat up and vulnerable souls. Wow. Crazy thinking. Just makes no sense on moving a company forward. Farewell PPS.. It has

I think the basic problem is this; PPS grew by buying other companies, not by actual growth; the PPS execs managing the buyouts always had the view that whoever worked for the bought out company and had any ability was a threat to THEIR jobs, so they worked to discredit them and force them out, rather than seeing them as assets to themselves and the company and treating them as such. The consequences of this; no one left with any ability or talent at the purchased locations, and those execs managing those locations have NO ONE there to enable them to meet their quotas. Since they got in that position by deceit, they try to stay there the same way.
This is a roadmap to an Enron like ending. Too bad some good people are hurt along the way.

I think the basic problem is this; PPS grew by buying other companies, not by actual growth; the PPS execs managing the buyouts always had the view that whoever worked for the bought out company and had any ability was a threat to THEIR jobs, so they worked to discredit them and force them out, rather than seeing them as assets to themselves and the company and treating them as such. The consequences of this; no one left with any ability or talent at the purchased locations, and those execs managing those locations have NO ONE there to enable them to meet their quotas. Since they got in that position by deceit, they try to stay there the same way.
This is a roadmap to an Enron like ending. Too bad some good people are hurt along the way.

This is so true. I would venture to add that it has become part of the corporate personality that ANY employee who shows any brains, initiative, ambition, etc... is generally targeted by their immediate supervisor to be gotten rid of or discredited in some way. They are perceived as threats instead of assets. I don't know for sure why this has become so entrenched in this company, but I have a theory. I think most people in management positions have gotten there by some major brown nosing and not by dint of their experience or skills. Since they aren't necessarily very talented themselves they see anyone who IS as a threat to their job. In addition, no one above them investigates why people are given the boot because their own activities couldn't bear any close scrutiny either. It just goes on and on and on. What you end up with is a poorly run, mis-managed company with low morale, lousy sales and revenue problems. PPS!

In state of California where should i turn to ? If I'd like to report fraud and wrongdoing? Can I remain anonymous? I am scared , as these people know where I live and are so mean and nasty while I work here, I have not quit yet, but since our position is being terminated anyway I am considering it...........

In state of California where should i turn to ? If I'd like to report fraud and wrongdoing? Can I remain anonymous? I am scared , as these people know where I live and are so mean and nasty while I work here, I have not quit yet, but since our position is being terminated anyway I am considering it...........

You have several choices; State Attorneys General Office, State Office for Medicare/Medicaid Services, FBI, CMS, and ACHC. A google search will get you to any of them.

Its kinda funny but why do you think everyone is ANONYMOUS! Everyone here is afraid of repercussions. I am an RET and the best way to explain my job is thru slave labor. Modern day slavery. We dont get paid shit, but what else is out there ya know. I feel like I am stuck here. We skip lunches every day cause the company is disfunctional and uneducated. We are overworked and there should be a law against how many hours you can be behind the wheel and work in a day. They expect us to do so much. We dont have enough time in the day or enough bodies to help. The best part of my job is some of the patients. They look forward to seeing us all week. I have made some serious friendships with some of them. Thats what the company is supposed to be about. The PPS core values are bullshit. They all contradict with what this company is supposed to be about. Its a joke. Our PCCs (most of them) know they are cheating the system. I have been forced on many occassions to falsify information. The PCCs are lazy as hell! I have to skip lunches all the time just to get the job done and make patients happy. PCCs are the ones who need to be tracked by GPS, Not the RETs. We are the backbone to this horendous company. The only reason I am still here is cause the economy is in shambles. We do have some good people here. But its more than clear to me why this company would go done hill. I am just afraid for my job which in turn effects my family. I am also afraid that soon I will be worried about my pay check bouncing. What can we do? I am at a loss.

PCCs are cheating? committing fraud???? Why is this company going down hill??? Why are so many people leaving??? or, are they being fired??? Please, someone explain, as I was looking to apply for the PCC position!!

If you look on LINKEDIN,on some of the current PSS employees profils, they are looking to leave, the company! Pretty Funny, is it not! A blow to the company!! How funny is it if a RM/DM or any Corporate Executive, looks at some of their current employees LINKEDIN profile,which states that they are currently seeking a position where it allows them opportunity for growth.

Anyone, take a look at some of the current employees profile, on LINKEDIN, and you will start laughing your behinds off!!!!! What a blow to the company's reputation! you gotta luv it!!!!

Seriously? This company has more negative posts than ALL of the other DME companies COMBINED! If that doesn't give you pause, then go right on ahead, jump in, change careers and ruin your life by working with this company. I spend 7 years there. Left and can actually sleep nights now. And am working for a much better DME company. If you want to go into the medical field, pick any other company to work with.

Go back and read from the very start. I wish I had. It will take you several hours. Believe EVERY word of it. It is true, well, with the exception of the rah-rahs from corporate that post the company line, like JA.


Its kinda funny but why do you think everyone is ANONYMOUS! Everyone here is afraid of repercussions. I am an RET and the best way to explain my job is thru slave labor. Modern day slavery. We dont get paid shit, but what else is out there ya know. I feel like I am stuck here. We skip lunches every day cause the company is disfunctional and uneducated. We are overworked and there should be a law against how many hours you can be behind the wheel and work in a day. They expect us to do so much. We dont have enough time in the day or enough bodies to help. The best part of my job is some of the patients. They look forward to seeing us all week. I have made some serious friendships with some of them. Thats what the company is supposed to be about. The PPS core values are bullshit. They all contradict with what this company is supposed to be about. Its a joke. Our PCCs (most of them) know they are cheating the system. I have been forced on many occassions to falsify information. The PCCs are lazy as hell! I have to skip lunches all the time just to get the job done and make patients happy. PCCs are the ones who need to be tracked by GPS, Not the RETs. We are the backbone to this horendous company. The only reason I am still here is cause the economy is in shambles. We do have some good people here. But its more than clear to me why this company would go done hill. I am just afraid for my job which in turn effects my family. I am also afraid that soon I will be worried about my pay check bouncing. What can we do? I am at a loss.
If you were to ask the all the DRIVERS if this comment is true, 99.9 % would say that it's an accurate comment.

Anyone unjustly dismissed from Pacific Pulmonary Services or know of anyone that would be interested in Class Action Lawsuit?

We are interested in finding out if this practice is throughout the company or if it occurs in a specific region.

Hi there,
2 years of marketing in Northern California, was placed on stress leave due to this horrible company.

So get this,, the Syracuse staff were told today by there new PPS molded she male DOM that if they are approached by any agents of the gov. or the press that they are to say NOTHING except to give a phone # for them to call and plead the fifth. Now just how guilty does that sound?? If they were to EVER go into ANY of the Associated Health Care's and have a look at the VA. crap that goes on and even just take there techs off to the side they would really find ALOT of wrong doings...