Pacific Pulmonary Services-Class Action Lawsuit

This site/thread confirmed what I've pieced together since PPS took over Associated Health Care. I'm a client. I rely on DME equipment and have for the last 25+ years. I also had the misfortune of working for a large bank in one of their call centers so I know understand that aspect of PPS well. It is not a place for someone with any sort of education or backbone.

PPS took over my previous provider last year. For years I had the ability to call locally and speak to someone locally who was familiar with my needs. That is gone. PPS came in, reduced the staff from 80 to 8 and relocated across town to naturally decrease their overhead. There was no letter or any type of communication informing me of the change. Calls were routed to the Kentucky call-center where I spoke to someone with no understanding of the equipment or supplies I used. I was repeatedly told I was being transferred to the local branch when I was just re-routed to someone else each person lacking even more knowledge than the last.

I'm told by an employee that even after the staff was reduced dramatically there is no job stability and that PPS wants nothing to do with ventilator using patients. Since I use a ventilator I'm very concerned about my future and equally concerned about the lack of responsibility coming from the top at PPS. When I first looked up the company on the www I noticed they, like most large companies liked to display the credentials of their board. One board member previously worked for Citi Card. That in itself speaks volumes.

I noticed in the last 6 months they also got rid of their facebook page due to too many complaints. I even emailed using the email address listed on their page but received no response. This is a company that allegedly provides services but is failing to do so adequately. I feel for the employees who have a relationship with their clients. You are in a tough position.

I don't know what will come of PPS, but I will do everything I can to join in the pursuit of better service or repercussions by way of lawsuits.

This site/thread confirmed what I've pieced together since PPS took over Associated Health Care. I'm a client. I rely on DME equipment and have for the last 25+ years. I also had the misfortune of working for a large bank in one of their call centers so I know understand that aspect of PPS well. It is not a place for someone with any sort of education or backbone.

PPS took over my previous provider last year. For years I had the ability to call locally and speak to someone locally who was familiar with my needs. That is gone. PPS came in, reduced the staff from 80 to 8 and relocated across town to naturally decrease their overhead. There was no letter or any type of communication informing me of the change. Calls were routed to the Kentucky call-center where I spoke to someone with no understanding of the equipment or supplies I used. I was repeatedly told I was being transferred to the local branch when I was just re-routed to someone else each person lacking even more knowledge than the last.

I'm told by an employee that even after the staff was reduced dramatically there is no job stability and that PPS wants nothing to do with ventilator using patients. Since I use a ventilator I'm very concerned about my future and equally concerned about the lack of responsibility coming from the top at PPS. When I first looked up the company on the www I noticed they, like most large companies liked to display the credentials of their board. One board member previously worked for Citi Card. That in itself speaks volumes.

I noticed in the last 6 months they also got rid of their facebook page due to too many complaints. I even emailed using the email address listed on their page but received no response. This is a company that allegedly provides services but is failing to do so adequately. I feel for the employees who have a relationship with their clients. You are in a tough position.

I don't know what will come of PPS, but I will do everything I can to join in the pursuit of better service or repercussions by way of lawsuits.

I am sorry you are with P.P.S.. As a P.C.C. in the Washington State area, I have seen this company go from bad to worse. Just when I think it can't get any worse, they hire or promote another unqualified idiot into a management position that they no nothing about. The op's managers are complete tools as are the district and regional managers. The V.P. of Sales is a complete stooge. If I were you, I would not only change companies,but I would contact your insurance,medicare or medicaid provider and inform them you have not received services that you were charged for. Good Luck

I am sorry you are with P.P.S.. As a P.C.C. in the Washington State area, I have seen this company go from bad to worse. Just when I think it can't get any worse, they hire or promote another unqualified idiot into a management position that they no nothing about. The op's managers are complete tools as are the district and regional managers. The V.P. of Sales is a complete stooge. If I were you, I would not only change companies,but I would contact your insurance,medicare or medicaid provider and inform them you have not received services that you were charged for. Good Luck

Could not have stated it any better. Also for the unfortunate PPS patient, let me just say as a former O2 Tech you will never get your needs met from this company. They cannot even provide basic service needs for the average O2 patient, let alone someone with special needs. The saddest part? Management doesn't even blink an eye. You and everyone else on-service is simply "number$" to them. Find another provider quick because things are rapidly getting even worse. Very sad.

How interesting it is to find this website and read these thread comment's after we in fact filed a lawsuit against this so called company last week.

My father-in-law is STILL in the ICU after not receiving his portable oxygen system as promised for his trip.

First, it was supposed to be delivered to his home in N.Y. Then it was "We don't have a portable concentrator here that you ordered 3 MONTHS AGO... We will have to bring it to his hotel in California!" This is 4 HOURS BEFORE HIS DEPARTURE!!

Needless to say this never happened. And after we talked to a FOURTH manager from this hellhole that still hadn't a CLUE, we filed.

Attention All P.C.C's
As a former P.C.C. who was terminated for refusing to carry ANY O2 tanks ( to hospitals for discharges),CPAPS or concentrators in my personal vehicle due the the fact that YOUR personal auto coverage WILL NOT cover you in an accident. I am now an insurance agent and would like to warn you that you cannot be forced or should you do this. First to transport O2 without the legal safety restraints i.e cages and secure racks is illegal in most states, you are a driving hazard to yourself and others. Imagine an e cylinder hitting you in the head if in an accident or God forbid it gets punctured or worse. This is a warning to ALL sales people who are asked to perform this task as part of your duties (in some states it is illegal to do this) but companies like Pacific Pulmonary and others continue to put their employees in harms way with NO regard for safety. Rather than talk my word for it, call your agent and simply ask if you would be covered in the event of an accident. Make sure and explain you are doing this for BUSINESS and you do not have a personal prescription yourself for O2. I think some of you will be surprised at the answer. If your agent still says it is okay,THEN contact your actual carrier and make sure about your coverage. PROTECT yourself....They don't care about you,only$$$$

Don't forget kevin S and Melanie here in Chicago. We had a great team that was built under the leadership of Dana W. and since he has left our numbers have suffered, morale is at an all time low and several PCC's have either left or are going to work for the competition. We want our old management team back here in Chicago!!!!

Don't forget kevin S and Melanie here in Chicago. We had a great team that was built under the leadership of Dana W. and since he has left our numbers have suffered, morale is at an all time low and several PCC's have either left or are going to work for the competition. We want our old management team back here in Chicago!!!!

Yeah. You FORGOT nobody cares!!


The guy on the auto insurance is completely right. I just checked and if I was using my car for business and transporting anything that was used for business i.e O2,cpap and I got into an accident,the insurance company would not have to cover me. I asked about O2 and they said unless your personally prescribed by a doctor you should NOT carry that in your personal vechicle. It takes commercial insurance to cover and it's way more money,P.P.S., why don't you tell us in advance?

The guy on the auto insurance is completely right. I just checked and if I was using my car for business and transporting anything that was used for business i.e O2,cpap and I got into an accident,the insurance company would not have to cover me. I asked about O2 and they said unless your personally prescribed by a doctor you should NOT carry that in your personal vechicle. It takes commercial insurance to cover and it's way more money,P.P.S., why don't you tell us in advance?

and i believe we're all breaking the law as well.

Attention All P.C.C's
As a former P.C.C. who was terminated for refusing to carry ANY O2 tanks ( to hospitals for discharges),CPAPS or concentrators in my personal vehicle due the the fact that YOUR personal auto coverage WILL NOT cover you in an accident. I am now an insurance agent and would like to warn you that you cannot be forced or should you do this. First to transport O2 without the legal safety restraints i.e cages and secure racks is illegal in most states, you are a driving hazard to yourself and others. Imagine an e cylinder hitting you in the head if in an accident or God forbid it gets punctured or worse. This is a warning to ALL sales people who are asked to perform this task as part of your duties (in some states it is illegal to do this) but companies like Pacific Pulmonary and others continue to put their employees in harms way with NO regard for safety. Rather than talk my word for it, call your agent and simply ask if you would be covered in the event of an accident. Make sure and explain you are doing this for BUSINESS and you do not have a personal prescription yourself for O2. I think some of you will be surprised at the answer. If your agent still says it is okay,THEN contact your actual carrier and make sure about your coverage. PROTECT yourself....They don't care about you,only$$$$

I too worked for PPS as a tech and got a speeding ticket in the company van and was told by my manager not to drive the company van and use my own car to deliver O2 tanks. I told my boss is was unsafe and a hazard to me and others. Thier resopnse was to not to worry about it and do my route.I know that there is a fine of $500.00 per tank if not stored properly. I ask my boss about that also and was told not to worry about it. I was carring 75 to 100 tanks- E tanks and M6s (small ones). Well after a few days of all that heavy weight on my van the transmission went out and I asked my boss if the company would fix it and he said,"NO" then after a month they fired me.

I too worked for PPS as a tech and got a speeding ticket in the company van and was told by my manager not to drive the company van and use my own car to deliver O2 tanks. I told my boss is was unsafe and a hazard to me and others. Thier resopnse was to not to worry about it and do my route.I know that there is a fine of $500.00 per tank if not stored properly. I ask my boss about that also and was told not to worry about it. I was carring 75 to 100 tanks- E tanks and M6s (small ones). Well after a few days of all that heavy weight on my van the transmission went out and I asked my boss if the company would fix it and he said,"NO" then after a month they fired me.

This sounds about right for this company. There are so many stories out there like this one. This company is so corrupt at so many levels and it just trickles down to even store managers.

I have been working for PPS for almost 4 years now and must admit i'm upset as well. I'm upset that you people actually made it through the job screening process. If you idiots spent this much effort working for PPS you might still be employed. Get off cafeloser and go get a job.

I have been working for PPS for almost 4 years now and must admit i'm upset as well. I'm upset that you people actually made it through the job screening process. If you idiots spent this much effort working for PPS you might still be employed. Get off cafeloser and go get a job.

wow you mental midget.

- you're on here
- you're obviously the poster on both threads which means you've spent considerable amount of time on here
- you made it through the screening process

so what's your point again?

I have been working for PPS for almost 4 years now and must admit i'm upset as well. I'm upset that you people actually made it through the job screening process. If you idiots spent this much effort working for PPS you might still be employed. Get off cafeloser and go get a job.

Valley-girl got schooled on the other board, so now you are insulting people here, and during working hours no less? So, PPS pays you to cruise the boards and scream insults at those telling the truth, and you're not even competent at that. At least they're, like, consistent. Whatever!

I have been working for PPS for almost 4 years now and must admit i'm upset as well. I'm upset that you people actually made it through the job screening process. If you idiots spent this much effort working for PPS you might still be employed. Get off cafeloser and go get a job.

The real problem is that the people still working at P.P.S. are why this company is the laughing stock of D.M.E.. Those that don't work there any longer can now look back with clarity and ask themselves with complete honesty "What was I thinking?". You are the idiot! The emperor has no clothes. Your naked and we can see you (and you are not hot).