Good products in CMF. Unfortunately, not any better than the competition who has better name recognition and resources. You can make money here.
Toby Miles is a great guy and so is Walt.
Unwillingness to participate in GPO's is a real issue in some markets. In others, you can negotiate local pricing.
Some territories are geographically huge, due to small market share. You will typically be competing against multiple reps from larger companies in your territory.
Battery powered screwdriver is ancient and does not compete with Stryker QuikDrive or any of the other co's screwdrivers. Some Surgeons will shut you out on that alone. Good news is that OM is re-designing theirs and is working on a self-feeding a deck screw gun. Both of those are more than a year out.
Some OM Reps make a lot of commission selling drill systems into dental offices. Recently OM has taken some of this away by transferring this responsibility to Ted Hout at Corporate ofc. Therefore potentially, commission potential would be decreased. Good and Bad...there is no commission on repairs even though they eat up a ton of time if you do a lot of power. OM power does not compete well in the OR, where Stryker dominates in most territories.
OM does not have a patient matched implant for cranioplasty that can be delivered sterile to the account. The current OsteoMatch requires ETO sterilization, which most hospitals have discontinued using. They are working on sterile. Stryker sells the same PMI implant and they can deliver it sterile. OM looking for a new manufacturer. We shall see, but this is usually not a large percentage of your sales as these cases are usually few and far between. it's nice when they do hit at $12k for the implant.
OM hangs their hat on the fact that each screw is microscopically inspected and de-burred by hand. I have seen it. It is impressive. It does work. But, if loaded properly, all other competitive screws stay on the driver just as well and obtain plenty of bone purchase.
OM 1.2mm screws have a tendency to break at the head of the screw if driven hard. Many senior reps will even suggest drilling the pilot hole with a 1.0mm bit, leaving only .2mm of bone purchase.
New CFx and Mfx trays are nice if you can get them. The instruments are all on top and the techs like that. Good selection of screw and plate options. Most of the same instruments as the competition.
Rapid prototyping is improving turnaround on customes and Surgeon developed IP, but still not competitive with larger competitors.
Angulated Locking technology is good, but you had better be in the Sx to make it go smooth. 2.0mm screw requires a 1.6mm screwdriver blade. They are working on it. Synthes allows you to drive just about everything with one screwdriver blade.
Field Management is an issue. The TX/OK/LA are has had three different Regional managers in the past 18 months. The RM's are promised large performance commissions based on unrealistic sales quotas.
OM misfired on the Strategic Accounts Management Program. Spent lots of $. Didn't gain much mkt share. Pissed off the older reps who lost accounts. Spent tons on Recruiters due to huge turnover.
If you are entering a territory that has no sales, you will find it difficult to penetrate most hospitals, because many Surgeons and hospital staff have ever heard of OsteoMed. Neurosurgeons will be difficult to convert, becasue all of the systems are similar and many of the large cases that involve other specialties, such as Plastics are dominated by other companies. Any new Surgeon that lands in your territory will have been trained on something other than OM, due to OM's under penetration of Level-1 and Resident Programs...most of which are headed by AO Faculty or consulting surgeons for a major company.
OM has a good portfolio of distraction osteogenesis products, but KLS dominates this arena. The training on DO is non-existant and the majority of the business is done in two markets, Cinncinatti and can't remember the other. Don't worry too much though, DO is only 5% of the total CMF mkt.
New AccuVue medical modeling is better than most competitors, but the new Materilise partnership with Synthes will rapidly leapfrog OM. You probably won't be getting any major reconstruction cases anyway, until you prove yourself on the small stuff.
Move into spine using distributors is misguided. Late to market with a spineous process clamp instead of buying an existing cervical plate and selling direct to the neurosurgeons who already like OM screws for crainis. Doesn't make much sense.
Keep your own phone. OM uses BlackBerry and you are not allowed to text msg. Make sure you give your customers your personal ph #, so when you leave OM they will still call you when you work for Stryker, Synthes, etc.
Quotas can be a bit heavy. The company has been flat in CMF for the last year, but at the ASM the projection for 2011 was +20%. Not sure how OM thinks this will he achieved with lower headcount. No new products. Management turnover. Unwillingness to hire top reps from direct competitors. Top Reps leaving and taking all the business with them (Calif).
Although OM didn't release final sales totals for 2010. At the end of Q3 the total CMF sales were were #1 Rep $576, #10 rep $345k, #20 rep $210k, #30 rep $114k, #40 Rep $48k. that's total sales, not what they took home.
OM has two pay structures. Presidents plan is 18% on all sales with no base. The other plan is a base between $40k and $60k with 10% commission. Both plans include $500 a month auto allowance, gas, and phone. Keep in mind that the percentage commission goes down if you discount product. If you are getting into a new territory with no many have to drop your pants to get in the door. #1 Rep had made $107,500 through Q3...projects to $213k annually. #10 made $66,600 through Q3...projects to $83,250. This is assuming both are on the President's Plan. keep in mind that once you go to President's there is no going back to base + commission. make sure your business is solid before ypou make the leap.
Ask for 60k base and max the draw; $20k over 6 months. If you are going into a territory without any existing business, you will need it.
Can be a good company to get your start in device sales or if you are between jobs. Not a lifelong career choice for most.