
Unlike others, I hate to see good sales representatives and good products suffer due to poor management. Call me human but I guess the manager in me wants to see sales managers develop their people and progress sales. When there is sooo much animosity as there seems to be in Osteohealth then something is terribly wrong. In todays economy things are hard enough without having to look over your shoulder constantly for a self serving manager that is out on a power trip.

Let us know if you still feel this way after your second week of being a manager.

Unlike others, I hate to see good sales representatives and good products suffer due to poor management. Call me human but I guess the manager in me wants to see sales managers develop their people and progress sales. When there is sooo much animosity as there seems to be in Osteohealth then something is terribly wrong. In todays economy things are hard enough without having to look over your shoulder constantly for a self serving manager that is out on a power trip.

Also, unlike others you are an idiot.

a distributor like Osteo can not be micro managed like a big pharma company. It needs to hire seasoned professional reps to run large territories and pay big commisions. We sell products to GPs and have large territories. I don't think I need any more motivation than $$$.

a distributor like Osteo can not be micro managed like a big pharma company. It needs to hire seasoned professional reps to run large territories and pay big commisions. We sell products to GPs and have large territories. I don't think I need any more motivation than $$$.

This micro managing is all from Dennis. But it is not as bad as how screwed up the commission program is here. Just give us the 3% back so we can make a decent living. The goals are already screwed up and then Dennis you take us down to 2%. You need to go back to big pharma. Mary Jane wake up.

I was at that meeting and once worked for Osteo, but in their defense there wasn't many people up in Canada. Don't know why the held it there anyway.

If you know the AAOMS is typically slow AND it is in Canada....why in HELL bring the biggest booth you can find?....must be that crack new pharma. management team......keep it up.....your competitors are loving it !!!!

Plain and simple.....just terrible management !!! All those tenured...well trained representatives that have left are now selling for the competition against Osteohealth. Osteohealth has screwed up BIG TIME allowing this guy to dismantle what took years to build !!!

MJ deserves this. For years, she hid behind the 25-30% growth rates that we, the sales team, made happen. Now she is paying for her pathetic decisions with 25-30% DECREASES in sales each year because of her complete incompetence. I doubt the Sankyo people are still kissing her ass.

the people that built Osteohealth are now going to use their relationships to convert specialist to new products. Will never understand why they got rid of seasoned reps and brought on pharma managers with no dental contacts to run the comapny. What could they bring to the table...nothing

What is the manager like for the NY area? Call reporting is fine and an effective tool, but how a manager uses that information to manage / coach your performance is the real matter. What kind of a manager are they?

What is the manager like for the NY area? Call reporting is fine and an effective tool, but how a manager uses that information to manage / coach your performance is the real matter. What kind of a manager are they?

They use it strictly against you if it isn't done to their requirements. You have strict number of calls per day that must be entered and the notes must show how you are "advancing the sale". They expect you to get face time in every office you walk into or don't bother entering in a call where you just left a reprint and a note. They also track gas receipts and make you adhere to a call cycle based on your territory. If you like being managed like a pharma rep you will love this company.