What kind of crack are you smoking? Seriously? If you have a perio defect and your tooth is compromised, would you ....
A. use EMD with the hopes that in 5 years you might see some gains in bone if you still have your tooth or.....
B. use pdgf that shows rapid and immediate increases in bone formation within 6 months and CONTINUED increase in bone formation for more than 3 years.
Hmmmm, only a Straumann rep would choose A. I don't even work for Osteohealth but pdgf is a great product while EMD is snake oil.
What good is a product that produces quick results in 3-6 months, then diminishes over time?
EMD produces solid short term results with LASTING and CONTINUED increases over long periods of time.
Longterm results will show and prove that you are wrong.....GEM is the SNAKEOIL !!!
EMD has been on the market for 5+ years with many loyal customers. GEM has been on the market for 2 years and has NO solid data AND has slipping market use......initial GEM users are going back to EMD.....Hmmmmm....I wonder why?
Osteohealth has been selling the market a bunch of crap and is paying opinion leaders to spin results. Anyone who buys into this "synthetic" PDGF is 1000x the strength of PRP are the ones who are smoking crack.....hahahaha......suckers!....keep spending money for a scam product !!!