
The posters on this board are utterly lacking in class and are clearly disgruntled (and maybe more than a little crazy) ex-employees. Good riddance. Oh, and to the double-job rep who got caught: you, not your boss, were in the wrong.

The posters on this board are utterly lacking in class and are clearly disgruntled (and maybe more than a little crazy) ex-employees. Good riddance. Oh, and to the double-job rep who got caught: you, not your boss, were in the wrong.

Since you seem to have all the answers what is going to happen when Geistlich start selling their product direct?

OMG horses? You guys are going to sell horse bone? Oh yea why don't you just kill my dog while your at it. I'm sure your doctors are going to be supportive of buying horse bone to put in there patients mouth. Who came up with this idea? OHD is so done.

I'm wondering will they be slaughtering ponies and donkeys too. What about mules aren't they part horse? How about zebra's they look like horses. I still can't believe they are killing horses to sell their products. MJ must be proud but no more pony rides for her.

How could any responsible company harvest and destroy horses to make a profit. There are so many other products out there to help patients it makes no sense this irresponsible company would kill such beautiful animals like horses. This is an absolute failuer of leadership to sell horse bone when they have a division that makes almost all their money from selling drugs to treat horses. How can this be justified?

Anyone know why the kicker program ends Nov 12 and not the end of the year?

Because they have a shitload of product to sell by Dec. 31 and they want to sell as much of it as they can well before the end of the year before they have to discount the shit out of the rest of the leftover inventory so they don't have to eat it.

I just can't believe that a company I helped grow to almost $50 mil in sales just a few years ago has faceplanted to this in such a short time. MJ and Dennis deserve each other and everything that has happened.

Now they actually think a dentist would consider buying horse bone. Just unbelievable.

Ah, the good old days of St. John, Maui, San Juan and Key West. RIP OHD.

I am a former rep so I admit this up front. If you are still employed with OH you should be warned. Don't fall for MJ or DG tricks. They are going to fire you in a heartbeat. They will want you to sell the remaining inventory of Bio-Oss and then you will be stuck selling equine bone. Save yourselves and get out. You are working for a company with zero crediability and failed management. Save yourself and save the horses. Can't believe this once great company has flamed out so badly. What a sad end. MJ you did this and you are getting what you deserve.