
I used to work for Osteohealth about 4 years ago. Then came along DG who turned everything upside down and all 20+ reps. and managers left or more accurately were set up by DG to be fired. He was supposed to be the new golden boy. Not so golden now. Looks like the little reject boy who was never accepted when he was younger and got left out of the schoolyard games tried to prove something and shit himself real good this time. He has a lot of blood on his hands and people don't forget.

I for one won't forget! Karma can be a bitch DG

I used to work for Osteohealth about 4 years ago. Then came along DG who turned everything upside down and all 20+ reps. and managers left or more accurately were set up by DG to be fired. He was supposed to be the new golden boy. Not so golden now. Looks like the little reject boy who was never accepted when he was younger and got left out of the schoolyard games tried to prove something and shit himself real good this time. He has a lot of blood on his hands and people don't forget.

I too once wanted revenge on Osteohealth, but this is soooo much sweeter. Watching them die a slow death while all of us look on. Now everybody wave to the assholes as they slip into the Abiss. Perfect Titanic metaphor if I ever have seen one!

You saw that? What were you with them? I think you are making things up...boy NK must have something on you or maybe she got the job you wanted or felt you should have. Does the word STALKER mean anything to you?

Read up on the "What his bond with his mom means" on MSN today and that will tell you a lot about our former leader (s) here at O.H. as we have been told. No wonder the leaders should be screened by calling their mothers, not their mistresses or their counterparts. So yes I think these stalkers need to get off our board, I believe we are starting to put 2 and 2 together to figure out who you are.

Wow you are so smart. Please go back to little league and at stop micromanaging us because you are a terrible manager. Managers getting their due here and this is how they respond. Hey isn't there another worthless email you need to forward on? HAAAAAAAAHAAAAAA.

Read up on the "What his bond with his mom means" on MSN today and that will tell you a lot about our former leader (s) here at O.H. as we have been told. No wonder the leaders should be screened by calling their mothers, not their mistresses or their counterparts. So yes I think these stalkers need to get off our board, I believe we are starting to put 2 and 2 together to figure out who you are.

Nice response Naaannncccceeeee Paaantttsss

Wow you are so smart. Please go back to little league and at stop micromanaging us because you are a terrible manager. Managers getting their due here and this is how they respond. Hey isn't there another worthless email you need to forward on? HAAAAAAAAHAAAAAA.

Yes, actually some of us are pretty smart. You can't even put a sentence together! You are probably one of those men that treat(s,ed) their mom like they were pieces of garbage so you treat women like dirt or objects. I wonder how you treat your wife/girlfriend/family. You are probably the biggest scumbag on the earth. You keep repeating the same thing over and over. You clearly have to be the same person.

Finally this board is interesting again. DG and his lackies are getting theirs and this is too funny. Is this NK following you guys around in a rental car? Typical DG tactics. As long as DG is here this place is doomed.

When I hired this phoney she came from Elan. Thought she was so real and so honest and found out she was a liar. You are fraud. So sad you showed your real colors we had so may good times.

Watch out for NK. If she doesn't like you she will make up a story with D.Shapiro saying you paid off a doctor violating some company SOPs just to get you fired. She is so evil. She will do whatever she can to get your fired. Watch your back because you are dealing with a bad person.

Watch out for NK. If she doesn't like you she will make up a story with D.Shapiro saying you paid off a doctor violating some company SOPs just to get you fired. She is so evil. She will do whatever she can to get your fired. Watch your back because you are dealing with a bad person.

I don't know about this situation but I did know that NK made on great rep on our team sick to the point she quit. NK made up stuff about her and she micromanaged her to the point she quit. She had was one of our best reps. She is crazy so glad I don't report to her anymore.

By NK making "this rep" so sick she quit, are we referring to the rep who was working for another company while at OHD and making up call notes and was given the option to resign or get fired? Yeah, lost a real winner there.