
You saw that? What were you with them? I think you are making things up...boy NK must have something on you or maybe she got the job you wanted or felt you should have. Does the word STALKER mean anything to you?

You saw that? What were you with them? I think you are making things up...boy NK must have something on you or maybe she got the job you wanted or felt you should have. Does the word STALKER mean anything to you?

NK is an evil person. If she doesn't like you she will go out of her way to single you out and micromanage you until you quit. This is an act of an evil psychotic.

You saw that? What were you with them? I think you are making things up...boy NK must have something on you or maybe she got the job you wanted or felt you should have. Does the word STALKER mean anything to you?

NK you are a failure as a manager and a human. You just run people out when you don't like them.

You obviously have "issues". Don't you have something better to do with your time and your life then attacking someone on CF? You will never amount to anything in life with such hurtful ways. A good person is rewarded for their good deeds in life. A horrible person, such as yourself will see and feel nothing but pain and suffering. Maybe that is why you are like you are. You probably don't even work here anymore and just want to come back and attack our company. No I am not NK but she is a fine person even if she wasn't a good manager and she is, no one deserves attacks on a boards like this.

Well you told him. That should do it. C'mon go back to the self help books and realize that bad managers who treat people badly are going to get called out on this forum. If this manager was such a "good person" then she wouldn't be getting attacked. She's getting what she gave.

Well you told him. That should do it. C'mon go back to the self help books and realize that bad managers who treat people badly are going to get called out on this forum. If this manager was such a "good person" then she wouldn't be getting attacked. She's getting what she gave.

Bad managers? that treat people badly? are going to get called out on this forum? maybe not OH's board, but on maybe another forum and possibly here too? because "good persons" which you aren't, will get what is comin to you too??? Think about it...Will your name and "crap" be next for the viewing?

I used to work for Osteohealth about 4 years ago. Then came along DG who turned everything upside down and all 20+ reps. and managers left or more accurately were set up by DG to be fired. He was supposed to be the new golden boy. Not so golden now. Looks like the little reject boy who was never accepted when he was younger and got left out of the schoolyard games tried to prove something and shit himself real good this time. He has a lot of blood on his hands and people don't forget.

I used to work for Osteohealth about 4 years ago. Then came along DG who turned everything upside down and all 20+ reps. and managers left or more accurately were set up by DG to be fired. He was supposed to be the new golden boy. Not so golden now. Looks like the little reject boy who was never accepted when he was younger and got left out of the schoolyard games tried to prove something and shit himself real good this time. He has a lot of blood on his hands and people don't forget.

MJ doesn't seem to mind him.....