Oncology division

From What I understand, They think Amaericans are stupid and have no idea what we are doing. And I am serious, thats why they send someone from Japan to run the place.

Yet they send their executives to America for business school...this thinking is based on them not being an economic power until their rebuild after being leveled in WWII. The West rebuilt, with western technology, their manufacturing infrastructure, namely steel and semiconductors. From this new technology Japan could make better steel on the cheap. - this decimated the US steel industry as no one thought that American manufactures would ever buy steel from an enemy like Japan(we were wrong)...so we kept our old steel mills with old technology and we went from the largest producer of steel in the world in the 60's to the 4th in present day.

This led to making cars cheaper, especially smaller cars at the same time as the oil embargo was happening and Americans were trading in their big American gas guzzlers for small Japanese fuel efficient cars. Couple that with the electronics boom from semi-conductor plants and it's why they took the lion's share of consumer electronics starting in the 80's, most notably Sony - and with mainly American technology. This was not great business acumen this was pure luck and happenstance.

Fast forward 30 or so years and S Korea has gained a significant share of the US Auto market from Japan with KIA/Hyundai and LG & Samsung own the consumer appliance and electronics market...so I guess the S. Korean's laugh at the stupid Japanese business people...I haven't even mentioned China. Japan had its run, S Korea and China are having theirs...then look at our industry...the US dominates the global Pharmaceutical and Biotech sectors...and it's not even close. If anything, the Japanese should look to us as how best to run a Bio/Pharm and stop trying to implement their automotive culture outside of cars...it has been proven it doesn't work.

The Japanese posturing is hilarious...where is there Apple, Amazon, Tesla, Microsoft, Google??? If they are such talented business people why have they not evolved out of the Automotive industry to be the leader in another sector?

Yet they send their executives to America for business school...this thinking is based on them not being an economic power until their rebuild after being leveled in WWII. The West rebuilt, with western technology, their manufacturing infrastructure, namely steel and semiconductors. From this new technology Japan could make better steel on the cheap. - this decimated the US steel industry as no one thought that American manufactures would ever buy steel from an enemy like Japan(we were wrong)...so we kept our old steel mills with old technology and we went from the largest producer of steel in the world in the 60's to the 4th in present day.

This led to making cars cheaper, especially smaller cars at the same time as the oil embargo was happening and Americans were trading in their big American gas guzzlers for small Japanese fuel efficient cars. Couple that with the electronics boom from semi-conductor plants and it's why they took the lion's share of consumer electronics starting in the 80's, most notably Sony - and with mainly American technology. This was not great business acumen this was pure luck and happenstance.

Fast forward 30 or so years and S Korea has gained a significant share of the US Auto market from Japan with KIA/Hyundai and LG & Samsung own the consumer appliance and electronics market...so I guess the S. Korean's laugh at the stupid Japanese business people...I haven't even mentioned China. Japan had its run, S Korea and China are having theirs...then look at our industry...the US dominates the global Pharmaceutical and Biotech sectors...and it's not even close. If anything, the Japanese should look to us as how best to run a Bio/Pharm and stop trying to implement their automotive culture outside of cars...it has been proven it doesn't work.

The Japanese posturing is hilarious...where is there Apple, Amazon, Tesla, Microsoft, Google??? If they are such talented business people why have they not evolved out of the Automotive industry to be the leader in another sector?
There’s one other thing you don’t specifically mention. Autos, IT, biotechnology, etc. were all industries that were developed in the West/US. The Japanese are pretty much incapable of true innovation. They’re good at being fast followers and taking systems and processes that were developed elsewhere and refining those. Their technical expertise and acumen pretty much ends there.

I'm so done... Senior management is so primary care, goals adjusted lower if RBL likes you. Managers noticed and questioned this and they were told to shut up. Lawyers are coming in. OIG is coming in. Everything here is illegal and corrupt.... Everyone is talking about it...Put your seatbelts on...

I'm so done... Senior management is so primary care, goals adjusted lower if RBL likes you. Managers noticed and questioned this and they were told to shut up. Lawyers are coming in. OIG is coming in. Everything here is illegal and corrupt.... Everyone is talking about it...Put your seatbelts on...
Lawyers? OIG? Ha, no serious people like that care about some pharma companies weird goal structure. But nice try.

I am a medical recruiter, any reason why so many are applying for open positions? I know all companies have issues but for a small company like Eisai, its a lot of people calling.

I just gave my notice and they acted like they didn't understand. I had to say it- people are constantly leaving, you know exactly why, we have no new products coming so, no future! The manager acted like I was the crazy one.

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