Oncology division

Is mighty mouse Hillman still around??

matt is great dont be a hater. Yes, he sweats too much has terrible teeth and breath like common yard ape, buys his closes 2 sizes too small from kmart, and most importantly knows how to sell off label really well. Matt will stop at nothing to protect himself first but other than this he is great.

sorry but you are really gonna have to clarify which two you are talking about!

Matt H. And Walz!

I cannot believe Aysi has that "lower than a used car salesman" MH working ASCO! Company has no class in letting this happen. He has spent most of his time "interviewing" at other companies booths! And he is the booth Captain! What a phuking joke!

Matt H. And Walz!

I cannot believe Aysi has that "lower than a used car salesman" MH working ASCO! Company has no class in letting this happen. He has spent most of his time "interviewing" at other companies booths! And he is the booth Captain! What a phuking joke!

Isn't he like #1 or #2 in the country? Sounds like sour apples from someone who didn't make the cut. Hmmm who could that be?

He has never been near the bottom or even in the bottom 2/3. Constant performance year after year like him or not. Can you say that?

Do you really think the DM has ANY influence over the numbers? WE as reps have nary a 1% to 5% documented influence rate. The DM is merely shuffling papers around all day.

This must be Walz defending him. He already does all of his thinking for him. Also, he had to "save" Matt's a$$ after the UPMC incident. He should have been fired for messing up that top Aysi account. But management (typical) hide their mistake by putting JW in there to calm things down. Matt will never have Pittsburg in his area again!