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Oncology division

How does one go about getting banned from one of the largest cancer centers in the country??

Call John Mucinski at UPMC. He is the Rx Director that ordered this $#it head out of his office, then called LM who sent JW in there to clean up the mess. Q should have been fired over this as well for promoting this idiot! MH can never show his face again at UPMC!

Obviously you have too much free time on your hands these days. If you have a beef with some of these people go call them and tell them how you feel. Being a coward on an anonymous board describing half accurate stories is not really in anybody's best interest. These people you are trying to bashing are well connected in the industry and would probably help you find a job if you were not such a hater.

Let go of the past and your future may end up much brighter.

Obviously you have too much free time on your hands these days. If you have a beef with some of these people go call them and tell them how you feel. Being a coward on an anonymous board describing half accurate stories is not really in anybody's best interest. These people you are trying to bashing are well connected in the industry and would probably help you find a job if you were not such a hater.

Let go of the past and your future may end up much brighter.

Wow! Did you get that from one of those cheesey motivational posters with the photo of mountain climber with "Determination" and a goofy saying underneath it?

Wow! Did you get that from one of those cheesey motivational posters with the photo of mountain climber with "Determination" and a goofy saying underneath it?

I thought the same thing: It does sound like Q! If he could help somebody get a job, he should help himself find one so he can get the phuk out of Aysi. Everybody "knows" how much Q loves it here!

MH should never have been promoted. Q knew during the MGI days that MH was trouble in Pittsburgh. This was not the first time he got slammed there. MH is well connected to all the other felons in the industry.

I don't think he has has anything haunting him. It seems to be haunting you. If you don't like his personality you probably never worked for him or got to know him and so be it. You can't ignore all of his awards and achievements year after year after year. It is hard to explain away all of his accomplishments. Trying to ruin his reputation will do nothing for you. Spend more time looking for a job. He could have one within a week with his resume. 2010 Pinnacle winner. Did he also win Nightengale again?

I don't think he has has anything haunting him. It seems to be haunting you. If you don't like his personality you probably never worked for him or got to know him and so be it. You can't ignore all of his awards and achievements year after year after year. It is hard to explain away all of his accomplishments. Trying to ruin his reputation will do nothing for you. Spend more time looking for a job. He could have one within a week with his resume. 2010 Pinnacle winner. Did he also win Nightengale again?

Not the basher. However, the statement "he could have one (job) within a week with his resume" is bull $#it! If this was true, he would have been gone along time ago, right after LM came on board. He is still at AYSI because he can't find a job outside of AYSI! Also, he would have been gone April 1st if the Halaven Team had not left and the DM took their place! He is a disgrace to be around and to be associted with on a professional basis. The guy has no class! So Carter quit defending this loser! He should be gone, like you!

You are all speculation and not in the know. Would AYZI really have cut a DM who is in the top 2 nationwide? Maybe the marketing move saved TB his job. One will never know. Why would he leave with all of the perks and incentives he has and is waiting on? He could find a job before you can since your focus is way off. Now go find a job.

You are all speculation and not in the know. Would AYZI really have cut a DM who is in the top 2 nationwide? Maybe the marketing move saved TB his job. One will never know. Why would he leave with all of the perks and incentives he has and is waiting on? He could find a job before you can since your focus is way off. Now go find a job.

Yes, AYSI would cut the #2 DM nationwide. They cut the #1 of 2010 MB in April 2011! Also, they cut the #1 RBD (Carter) in 2010! And a$$hole I don't need a job!

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