On what criteria were Cardiovascular Reps Displaced?


So we know layoffs were coming. But what was the basis? Were they just drawing numbers out of a hat? A lot of great people were let go and it’s very unfortunate.
Don’t know.
But could not agree more. AZ has messed up big time in the past. This was an epic fail on their part. Way too many great people displaced

Wondering how long this charade would last. Met two women out of Pa area. Not only were they morons but they openly bragged about how little they did and how easy they had it.

So now that the dust has settled it looks like about 90% of Renal was displaced and about 100 CV reps. In almost all cases the CV rep that was let go was the oldest rep in a three person POD.

When are some of you going to get it? The company is under NO obligation to tell you who gets canned. No one will reveal the parameters of who gets let go. You can bet anyone on a PIP is gone. That's easy to figure out. Next, AZ gives this assignment to a company like ZS associates to handle. They really don't care who the "great" reps are and who are not. They are to insure that AZ is not going to lose any discrimination case. Another parameter could be distance to the center of the territory. One rep is three miles away one is twenty. The farther rep gets canned. Years ago DM's forced ranked reps in their district and this was one thing ZS looked at. It is my understanding that this is not done anymore. Is managed care availability of the promoted drugs looked at? I don't know maybe. I'm sure there are other factors looked at. I have no idea what they are. Anyone let go should not take it personally. Like people have said....great reps hard working reps get the pink slip while the "all day lie" rep keeps their job. All AZ cares about is the number decided to cut is met without putting the company in any danger of discrimination charges.

When are some of you going to get it? The company is under NO obligation to tell you who gets canned. No one will reveal the parameters of who gets let go. You can bet anyone on a PIP is gone. That's easy to figure out. Next, AZ gives this assignment to a company like ZS associates to handle. They really don't care who the "great" reps are and who are not. They are to insure that AZ is not going to lose any discrimination case. Another parameter could be distance to the center of the territory. One rep is three miles away one is twenty. The farther rep gets canned. Years ago DM's forced ranked reps in their district and this was one thing ZS looked at. It is my understanding that this is not done anymore. Is managed care availability of the promoted drugs looked at? I don't know maybe. I'm sure there are other factors looked at. I have no idea what they are. Anyone let go should not take it personally. Like people have said....great reps hard working reps get the pink slip while the "all day lie" rep keeps their job. All AZ cares about is the number decided to cut is met without putting the company in any danger of discrimination charges.
This is an excellent post and insightful. Most of it is true. However, Force Rank exists, under a different name and survey. I’m a manager, we had this exercise in August 2021. It’s Not Over!

This is an excellent post and insightful. Most of it is true. However, Force Rank exists, under a different name and survey. I’m a manager, we had this exercise in August 2021. It’s Not Over!

Manager thank you for this information. Valuable to know. Anyone with an ounce of brains could figure where their DM would rank them within their district. If you feel you're in the bottom figure a way to climb in the rankings. Give your DM what they want. If you don't want to go this route then look for another job while you still have one.

Manager thank you for this information. Valuable to know. Anyone with an ounce of brains could figure where their DM would rank them within their district. If you feel you're in the bottom figure a way to climb in the rankings. Give your DM what they want. If you don't want to go this route then look for another job while you still have one.
SAGE ADVIVE! Crystal Ball Much? They kept you. No surprise!

Location in comparison to the majority of business volume
Everyone knows it starts with zip codes. Where it goes from there is a mystery. There No sense around this. I feel so guilty for being here. Middle of the road numbers. In a few weeks we will all forget the 400 just like we forgot the casualties 11 months ago.