October 12 date

Sad to say I agree with one rep per territory for specialty and PCP. I feel like a broken record when I say our leadership team doesn’t understand we don’t need the old reach and frequency model and they are not listening to the doctors who don’t want multiple reps with the same product. Don’t even get me started on the managers incessant field rides. Wake up senior leaders / we aren’t in the 90’s. This whole
Model isn’t working anymore. Stop the traditional manager role

Please tell me you are kidding. There should only be 1 per CV territory, 1 PCP, No ISS, No ISET and all territories much bigger also. This can’t be legit?
My territory is geographically and volume wise enormous. I could work for any other company and have a smaller territory…..however, there are 5 of us, who all want credit for the Leqvio sales. I’m hoping for a smaller territory and getting all the credit for my work.

2 oncology reps and 2 hem reps. Melanoma rep will have much larger territories. Sickle cell and lung are gone except for Lung DALs. On the hematology side, 8 territories will be affected by the new DAL positions and will be eliminated. This is due to a lack of business given the amount that the DAL takes away. There will be some territory changes depending upon if you have a DAL. Maps are out, if you haven’t seen yours then you need to make better contacts.

Good luck to all on the 11th and 12th

That still sounds like a lot of reps given the fact that most can’t see the oncologists without a lunch or appt. and even then most docs don’t show up. And please don’t reply that “you must be a shitty rep if you can’t access the doctors”. This is happening all across onco in all companies and got worse since the pandemic

2 oncology reps and 2 hem reps. Melanoma rep will have much larger territories. Sickle cell and lung are gone except for Lung DALs. On the hematology side, 8 territories will be affected by the new DAL positions and will be eliminated. This is due to a lack of business given the amount that the DAL takes away. There will be some territory changes depending upon if you have a DAL. Maps are out, if you haven’t seen yours then you need to make better contacts.

Good luck to all on the 11th and 12th

Which territories?

That still sounds like a lot of reps given the fact that most can’t see the oncologists without a lunch or appt. and even then most docs don’t show up. And please don’t reply that “you must be a shitty rep if you can’t access the doctors”. This is happening all across onco in all companies and got worse since the pandemic

Not just oncologists, all doctors in general are this way

Not just oncologists, all doctors in general are this way
Doctors experienced what it was like to do their job without interruption and wont go back. Some of the best relationships Ive had from over the years are only giving ten min at a lunch and no access to staff. Its made the relationships fade a little.

I don’t understand why our company doesn’t get it. We can work in a hybrid capacity and be effective. An appropriate combination of in person supplemented with virtual would be perfect. Access has changed for me as well. Some doctors don’t even want to do lunches anymore. They just don’t have the time and when they do they want to chill out for a bit. We need to me the customers where they are - not where Novartis this they should be

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