October 12 date

I know nothing of the plan, but seems like the cuts in CV should happen before the announced in person national meeting in January. Doesn’t make sense to send everyone in this bloated division to a meeting and then cut. Maybe say nothing until end of year. Try to squeeze every penny can out of Leqvio disaster in this trimester. Announce cuts January. People left will go to big rah rah meeting in January to be re programmed that all is well and now division is the right size, CV place to be, blah, blah, blah…
Those cut technically remain employed for whatever time needed to comply with certain state laws, warn act etc, but obviously don’t work. Idk… total guess.
When and how did they announce a national meeting in January? Are there dates? PCP CV here.

The last few town halls have been a waste of time. In the 10/26 call, we learned nothing new - brand priorities we’re already communicated. Not sure why there’s another call 2 weeks later.

Hopefully we will get a timetable when we will hear about the changes but that would be the right thing to do. We know management doesn’t care about the field. Productivity is at an all time low and will continue that way until we know our fate!

Agree. In regards to the question about the national meeting. We heard about it from our Manager about a month ago. Said dates would follow but most likely mid January. Haven’t heard anything since about it. Maybe not happening now?

Agree. In regards to the question about the national meeting. We heard about it from our Manager about a month ago. Said dates would follow but most likely mid January. Haven’t heard anything since about it. Maybe not happening now?

The CV meeting is still happening in late January. What a waste of money and time.

The CV meeting is still happening in late January. What a waste of money and time.

Just like the one day CRM pocket meetings. Complete waste. I’ve talked to four different people all from different districts and they all agreed.. it was completely pointless and a waste of time and money. Shameful when the company is laying off people to spend money on such pointless things. Could have done the same thing over MS teams

Hopefully we will get a timetable when we will hear about the changes but that would be the right thing to do. We know management doesn’t care about the field. Productivity is at an all time low and will continue that way until we know our fate!
CRM leadership has been stringing sales force along for multiple months with bullshit "transforming" conference calls, while changing/extending timetables without sharing clarity or finality on our futures. They have zero respect for sales, sales has zero respect for them. In the meantime I'll pretend to work - if that.

CRM leadership has been stringing sales force along for multiple months with bullshit "transforming" conference calls, while changing/extending timetables without sharing clarity or finality on our futures. They have zero respect for sales, sales has zero respect for them. In the meantime I'll pretend to work - if that.
Fuck the sales team. No one is more expendable within our organization. You aren’t special, cookie.

My manager told us January 30th Dallas. Coincidentally that date is the Monday after the 3 months is up for those getting severance……‍♀️

Neuroscience here……nobody is safe. We were told same thing and saw 35% cut to our division. President’s Club didn’t save people. Managers liking you didn’t save people. They farmed this reorg out to ZS. It’s been known for months every division, every level are going to have at least 20% cut across the board (medical, commercial, management) to help meet the promise vas made to shareholders and street of cutting $ 2 billion in costs. Wake up people

Neuroscience here……nobody is safe. We were told same thing and saw 35% cut to our division. President’s Club didn’t save people. Managers liking you didn’t save people. They farmed this reorg out to ZS. It’s been known for months every division, every level are going to have at least 20% cut across the board (medical, commercial, management) to help meet the promise vas made to shareholders and street of cutting $ 2 billion in costs. Wake up people

thank you! That’s what I’m trying to say. So many people have bought into the constant lies from leadership that they’re “safe”…..no one is safe. Stop drinking the kook aid and see reality.

Same thing happened in my previous division 2 years ago. On a Monday we were told how valuable we were- and on a Thursday we were told we had to do business differently and we would be going through a transformation. We all ended up displaced and had to interview for our jobs. About 25% cut. No one is immune in the field

Agree with the neuroscience post. Spot on. cuts were way deeper than we were told and we lost very good people at all levels. Severance was good and those that opted for early retirement got the 55 plus 10 and most have landed other jobs so they did well. But to assume you are safe is stupid.

Agree with the neuroscience post. Spot on. cuts were way deeper than we were told and we lost very good people at all levels. Severance was good and those that opted for early retirement got the 55 plus 10 and most have landed other jobs so they did well. But to assume you are safe is stupid.

What is "55 plus 10"?

What is "55 plus 10"?
If you were hired or rehired before 12/312014 have 10 years of employment and are at least 55 you have credits for novartis health care and every year beyond 10 earns you earn additional credits towards reducing premium up To 20 years. You started before end and f2014 at age 40 ( age 40 is when the health care clock starts) you could retire at 55 with 15 credits and it all goes up from there the longer you stay the less you pay until you can enroll in Medicare then NPC can be supplemental. If you were hired after 2014 Uiunsre not grandfathered in.

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