It’s crazy! Maybe if they would drop the price to make x affordable.... we could actually get some decent coverage. Just a thought......
They should have done this straight out of the gate. MC would have been easier...seriously what genius is like "hey let's launch this drug at the same price as the competition!"
They should have never hired 260 reps...way too many!
I could go on...

They should have done this straight out of the gate. MC would have been easier...seriously what genius is like "hey let's launch this drug at the same price as the competition!"
They should have never hired 260 reps...way too many!
I could go on...
My thoughts exactly. This launch could have been so much better

They should have done this straight out of the gate. MC would have been easier...seriously what genius is like "hey let's launch this drug at the same price as the competition!"
They should have never hired 260 reps...way too many!
I could go on...

We launched with a sales force of 281, plus 32 managers, plus 3 ZDs, added 1 ZD, added 20 KAMs, added 10+ Market Development people, added 20+ on Field Reimbursement Team. Total headcount of 360 or so for one product that will sell $400 million and in a declining market. If you think Takeda will not significantly cut, then you are stupid!

We launched with a sales force of 281, plus 32 managers, plus 3 ZDs, added 1 ZD, added 20 KAMs, added 10+ Market Development people, added 20+ on Field Reimbursement Team. Total headcount of 360 or so for one product that will sell $400 million and in a declining market. If you think Takeda will not significantly cut, then you are stupid!
Yup. Get out while you can

We launched with a sales force of 281, plus 32 managers, plus 3 ZDs, added 1 ZD, added 20 KAMs, added 10+ Market Development people, added 20+ on Field Reimbursement Team. Total headcount of 360 or so for one product that will sell $400 million and in a declining market. If you think Takeda will not significantly cut, then you are stupid!
It is ILLEGAL to post internal/confidential information! You will get prosecuted.

This defines many days in the sales profession. Keep at it, never quit, EVER! Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.

We don’t need to contract Med D, we have no competition and Ask Iiris/ Pill Pack is the answer to all! Now go sell and don’t worry about the extra work required for the office staff!