Obamacare 2015: Higher costs, higher penalties

Isn't there a Jeb or Hillary rally in your neck of the woods tonight? As long as there is an R or D after their names - that's all that really matters since you'll get the same result either way. If somebody asks you which political party you're registered under just tell them that you're a "Demipublican", and say it with pride! LOL!!! :D

Isn't there a Jeb or Hillary rally in your neck of the woods tonight? As long as there is an R or D after their names - that's all that really matters since you'll get the same result either way. If somebody asks you which political party you're registered under just tell them that you're a "Demipublican", and say it with pride! LOL!!! :D

Isn't there a 100 year old Ross Perot, loser candidate in your neck of the woods tonight. As long as he is part of the 12 year old emoticon girl, mythical Unicorn Party - that's all that really matters, even if you have absolutely no idea what that candidate stands for. Just throw money at him, just post on message boards in favor of him, just bitch like a whiney-ass victim as if this mythical candidate will change your pathetic lot in life. Just tell them that you're a "Unicorn Girl", and say it with pride... Then go throw your vote away and expect a different result. Then write "LOL!!!" as if anything you have written is even remotely humorous and make sure it's in all caps and multiple exclamation points for extra emphasis.

Hillary is just another shill for the corporations. As Secretary of State she lobbied the corporations that gave over $26M to the Clinton Foundation. lol. She would be no different than Bush or Obama. Jeb would follow in his brother's footsteps and start more wars around the world based on fake excuses - just like Obama has. Round and round we go - more dynasties. And idiots like yourself keep falling right into the same trap every 4 years. Vote for an R or vote for a D. You are such dumb asses. I bet you would vote for Mooocheeele Obama if she runs in 2020! LOL!!!

Hillary is just another shill for the corporations. As Secretary of State she lobbied the corporations that gave over $26M to the Clinton Foundation. lol. She would be no different than Bush or Obama. Jeb would follow in his brother's footsteps and start more wars around the world based on fake excuses - just like Obama has. Round and round we go - more dynasties. And idiots like yourself keep falling right into the same trap every 4 years. Vote for an R or vote for a D. You are such dumb asses. I bet you would vote for Mooocheeele Obama if she runs in 2020! LOL!!!

I bet you will keep bitching, like a whiney-ass victim and keep throwing your vote away on losers like Perot. I bet the mythical Unicorn Party will bring us all the mythical Utopia.

With all the dumb-asses who support the fraudulent 2-party system I predict that Mooocheeele Obama will be the 46th President of the United States in year 2020. And Chelsea Clinton will be her VP!!! LOL!!!!

With all the dumb-asses who support the fraudulent 2-party system I predict that Mooocheeele Obama will be the 46th President of the United States in year 2020. And Chelsea Clinton will be her VP!!! LOL!!!!

With the few dumb-asses that support the mythical unicorn-party, I predict they will throw their votes away again in 2016. And really.... nobody will care. They are irrelevant. LOL!!!! Isn't that funny? LOL!!!! Perhaps I should use a smiley face now.... Won't that be cute?

With the few dumb-asses that support the mythical unicorn-party, I predict they will throw their votes away again in 2016. And really.... nobody will care. They are irrelevant. LOL!!!! Isn't that funny? LOL!!!! Perhaps I should use a smiley face now.... Won't that be cute?

Speaking of 'throwing your vote away' - you nimrods are electing D's and R's who are literally destroying the nation by turning us into a 3rd world banana republic. US jobs are either being off-shored or handed to illegal foreigners. The nation's wealth is going to the 1% and the middle class is becoming impoverished. And you numbskulls are letting them get away with it. Your stupidity is so immense it hurts!! LOL!

Oh, and don't claim that America isn't impoverished. We have 50 million on food stamps! And to collect food stamps you have to be destitute. 1 out of 6 Americans are destitute! Yet you idiots continue to vote R or D!!!! LOL!!! Stupid is as stupid does!!! LOL!!!

Yes... Vote for Ralph Nader or maybe Pat Buchanan. Does anyone know if Ross Perot is still alive? He's not a rich 1 percenter. He is the new messiah. Someone wake him up from his cryogenic sleep chamber.

Wouldn't it be cool if we could just elect descendants of the following families as our future Presidents? Bush, Clinton, Obama. How much longer before we can vote for Sasha or Malia for President? Wouldn't it be cool if we could elect Sasha as President and she chose Malia as her VP? That would be so cool! I just love the Republican/Democrat paradigm. It's so cool! It's almost like living in Bangladesh where dynasties rule!! I'm so jazzed that D's and R's control Congress and rule the nation! I wish we only had one political party so we wouldn't have to choose on election day. That would be so cool. Oh wait! That's what we have right now! The letters "D" and "R" are interchangeable. I forget!!! LOL! :D

Wouldn't it be cool if we could just elect descendants of the following families as our future Presidents? Bush, Clinton, Obama. How much longer before we can vote for Sasha or Malia for President? Wouldn't it be cool if we could elect Sasha as President and she chose Malia as her VP? That would be so cool! I just love the Republican/Democrat paradigm. It's so cool! It's almost like living in Bangladesh where dynasties rule!! I'm so jazzed that D's and R's control Congress and rule the nation! I wish we only had one political party so we wouldn't have to choose on election day. That would be so cool. Oh wait! That's what we have right now! The letters "D" and "R" are interchangeable. I forget!!! LOL! :D

Wouldn't it be cool if every little 12 year old girl could post comments on adult websites and bitch and whine about things they don't understand? They could write LOL and include emoticons for extra emphasis. That would be so cool. Oh wait, that's what we have right now! I forgot. They would make ridiculous claims about how Reagan was exactly like Carter or that Ted Cruz would be exactly like a third term for Obama. It would be entertainng, but I wish their parent's would do a better job of educating them.

Bush and Obama are perfect examples of POTUS who represented the exact opposite of what the people voted into office. Bush was supposed to be a fiscal conservative and a rule of law guy. Then he destroyed the entire economy through greed, bailed out the Too Big To Fail banks and refused to prosecute the Wall Street pigs who committed financial fraud. So Bush was the opposite of what he purported to be.

Next we have Obama. He was supposed to be the POTUS of peace and was going to go after the 'fat cats' and make them pay. LOL! Now we're back in Iraq, Afghanistan is a mess, Obama attacked Libya without congressional approval and now he's ordered airstrikes on another sovereign nation, Syria, in violation of international law. And Obama's been one of the biggest whores for Wall Street, accepting millions of campaign dollars from the biggest banks and prosecuting none of them! LOL!

That describes the R and D parties. And the dumb-asses continue to worship them and can't understand why the nation is getting flushed!!! SO STUPID IT HURTS!!! LOL!!!

Did you read in the news that your GOP Top Dog in the Senate Mitch McConnell just authorized the Senate to vote on a clean bill (minus the anti-Obama amnesty amendment added by the House of Reps) which gives a green light for full funding of Obama's amnesty executive order for over 5 million illegal foreign criminals who broke into the country and stole jobs from US citizens??? Mitch is the best and the brightest that your GOP'er have to offer!!! LOL!!! Make sure you reelect him again next time he runs for office, okay??? LOL!!! You're being sold right down the river by the ones you vote into office and you don't even have the gray matter in your skull to figure it out!!! LOL!!! :D

Did you read in the news that your GOP Top Dog in the Senate Mitch McConnell just authorized the Senate to vote on a clean bill (minus the anti-Obama amnesty amendment added by the House of Reps) which gives a green light for full funding of Obama's amnesty executive order for over 5 million illegal foreign criminals who broke into the country and stole jobs from US citizens??? Mitch is the best and the brightest that your GOP'er have to offer!!! LOL!!! Make sure you reelect him again next time he runs for office, okay??? LOL!!! You're being sold right down the river by the ones you vote into office and you don't even have the gray matter in your skull to figure it out!!! LOL!!! :D

Do you live in Kentucky? I don't.... as such, I can't vote for or against him, moron.
You have zero understanding of reality. Stick with LOL's and smiley faces. You're out of your element.

Do you live in Kentucky? I don't.... as such, I can't vote for or against him, moron.
You have zero understanding of reality. Stick with LOL's and smiley faces. You're out of your element.

Hey dumb-dumb - you don't get it. The majority of republicans in the senate follow McConnell around like little puppy dogs. They do whatever McConnell tells them to do. Hence, the whole party is corrupted and you continue to reelect them so they can let more illegals in through the back door to steal jobs from US citizens. lol. It's not just McConnell, you dorkus! It's all his followers. Watch them approve a clean DHS spending bill which will fully fund Obama's amnesty - which is TOTALLY against the will of the Republican constituents!!! LOL!! McConnell and his buddies are taking your for a ride, dorkus! You gave them the majority in the House and the Senate then they turn around and screw you and laugh at your ignorance!!! LOL!!! How does that feel?

Quick homework assignment for Emoticon Girl... LOL!!!

Go lookup Angus King. Find out if he has a D or a R after his name.

Then investigate his voting record.

Lastly, report back with plenty of LOL's and Smiley Faces.