Obamacare 2015: Higher costs, higher penalties

Quick homework assignment for Emoticon Girl... LOL!!!

Go lookup Angus King. Find out if he has a D or a R after his name.

Then investigate his voting record.

Lastly, report back with plenty of LOL's and Smiley Faces.

I searched for Anus King. A San Francisco address and phone number popped up. But no indication of his political affiliation. Is he a friend of yours? ;)

Oh, btw, daylight savings time occurs the morning of Sunday, March 8th @ 2am. GOP leaders Mitch McConnell and John Boehner say that you need to stay up until 3am to turn your clocks back to 2am for it to be official. So we expect you to follow the GOP mantra and do as you're told. Why think for yourself when Mitch and John can think for ya!!! LOL!!! :D

I searched for Anus King. A San Francisco address and phone number popped up. But no indication of his political affiliation. Is he a friend of yours? ;)

He is not a Democrat or a Republican.... So, he must be your magical Unicorn you've been dreaming of. He will deliver us to Utopia. The land of rainbows and pixies.

Oh, btw, daylight savings time occurs the morning of Sunday, March 8th @ 2am. GOP leaders Mitch McConnell and John Boehner say that you need to stay up until 3am to turn your clocks back to 2am for it to be official. So we expect you to follow the GOP mantra and do as you're told. Why think for yourself when Mitch and John can think for ya!!! LOL!!! :D

You have shown ZERO ability to think. LOL!!!
You need to set your clock back to about 1912.... got it Bull Moose? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have the ghost of Teddy Roosevelt tell you how to form your mythical 3rd. party. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ask your buddy, Anus, out in SanFran how he does it. LOL!!!!!!!!!!
Just bend over. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is your most admired man (other than Anus)? Brian Williams, Mitch McConnell or John Boner??? lol. Did you and Anus do the town last night? lol. Any good GOP rallies? lol. Say 'hi' to Anus for me. What are you guys doing today? Just layin' back??? lol.

Who is your most admired man (other than Anus)? Brian Williams, Mitch McConnell or John Boner??? lol. Did you and Anus do the town last night? lol. Any good GOP rallies? lol. Say 'hi' to Anus for me. What are you guys doing today? Just layin' back??? lol.

Remember, I like Republicans.... It is you, who prefers Anus. Anus does NOT have a R or D after his name. I am sure Anus totally appreciates your support. Give it to him... give it hard and steady! LOL!!!!!

Remember, I like Republicans.... It is you, who prefers Anus. Anus does NOT have a R or D after his name. I am sure Anus totally appreciates your support. Give it to him... give it hard and steady! LOL!!!!!

No. Since you're a Republican you have much more in common with Anus than I do, an independent. Did you hear that the Democrats and House Republicans got together and passed the Homeland Security funding bill giving Obama his exec amnesty program on a silver platter? lol. 75 House Republicans voted to pass it!!! lol. Those are your boys and girls. The ones you voted to give a majority in both the House and the Senate. lol. Then they turn around and screw you, sorta like Anus!!! Did you and Anus celebrate the bill's passage? Who pounded whom? lol. It used to be when a Democrat and Republican entered into a partnership we said "Opposites Attract". Can't say that anymore since both parties have the same goals and mission!!! lol. You're just so stupid you haven't figured it out yet!!! LOL!!! :D

No. Since you're a Republican you have much more in common with Anus than I do, an independent. Did you hear that the Democrats and House Republicans got together and passed the Homeland Security funding bill giving Obama his exec amnesty program on a silver platter? lol. 75 House Republicans voted to pass it!!! lol. Those are your boys and girls. The ones you voted to give a majority in both the House and the Senate. lol. Then they turn around and screw you, sorta like Anus!!! Did you and Anus celebrate the bill's passage? Who pounded whom? lol. It used to be when a Democrat and Republican entered into a partnership we said "Opposites Attract". Can't say that anymore since both parties have the same goals and mission!!! lol. You're just so stupid you haven't figured it out yet!!! LOL!!! :D

See... You are clearly a complete MORON. You don't support any Dems or Republicans and you refuse to stand by a guy like Angus who is neither. You just want to sit back and point fingers as if you are not part of the problem... as if you are above it. You stand for NOTHING, you pathetic P.O.S. You are worse than any Dem or Republican.
Yeah, and you conveniently left out the fact that 167 Republicans voted against the funding of Obama's unlawful actions.

"You can't even comprehend my basic opinion, dorkus. I said that 3rd party candidates could never succeed in American politics because the corrupted democrats and republicans who play on the same team have concocted a set of rules that make it impossible for a 3rd party candidate to compete in the phony electoral system."


Angus Stanley King, Jr. (born March 31, 1944) is an American politician and the junior United States Senator from the state of Maine. A political independent, he served as the 72nd Governor of Maine from 1995 to 2003.