Obamacare 2015: Higher costs, higher penalties

Dude, you have transcended from the absurd to just flat-out stupid.
Please tell me where this mythical 3-party beast lives... and when has there ever been a meaningful one elected? You must also believe in unicorns and magical pixie dust. Please quit embarrassing yourself.

You are one of these morons who thinks that if you can't elect a person who 100% agrees with you on every position, then why vote. Extremists like you, can simply piss-off. You are useless.

Dude, you have transcended from the absurd to just flat-out stupid.
Please tell me where this mythical 3-party beast lives... and when has there ever been a meaningful one elected? You must also believe in unicorns and magical pixie dust. Please quit embarrassing yourself.

You are one of these morons who thinks that if you can't elect a person who 100% agrees with you on every position, then why vote. Extremists like you, can simply piss-off. You are useless.

Yo, doofus.....read slowly and multiple times for retention purposes: The reason there are no 3rd party electeds in Congress is because the Democrats and Republicans have concocted campaign rules (mainly campaign financing) that makes it impossible for a 3rd party candidate to gain any traction and succeed. Hence, the one-party system. Then if you throw in all the mainstream media propoganda which completely focuses on dems and pubs while totally ignoring 3rd party candidates - it seals the election results. But bait swallowers like yourself allow the fraudulent political system to survive and thrive.

So I'm an "extremist" because I expect politicians to deliver on what they promised to the people prior to getting voted into office and not to lie??? LOL! Were you indoctrinated by liberal schools during your upbringing and taught to 'go along to get along', void of any critical thinking skills? No need to implant electrodes in human brains with folks like you!

Yo, doofus.....read slowly and multiple times for retention purposes: The reason there are no 3rd party electeds in Congress is because the Democrats and Republicans have concocted campaign rules (mainly campaign financing) that makes it impossible for a 3rd party candidate to gain any traction and succeed. Hence, the one-party system. Then if you throw in all the mainstream media propoganda which completely focuses on dems and pubs while totally ignoring 3rd party candidates - it seals the election results. But bait swallowers like yourself allow the fraudulent political system to survive and thrive.

So I'm an "extremist" because I expect politicians to deliver on what they promised to the people prior to getting voted into office and not to lie??? LOL! Were you indoctrinated by liberal schools during your upbringing and taught to 'go along to get along', void of any critical thinking skills? No need to implant electrodes in human brains with folks like you!

Ok... Now you listen moron. I gave you a short list of Republicans who have totally delivered on what they promised. And the last time we had a third-party candidate, his name was Ross Perot... and guess what, he guaranteed the election of Bill Clinton. So, who is it that is the indoctrinated liberal. I submit it's you.

You're a complete fraud, hung-up on conspiracy theories and languish in a world of victim hood.

Ross Perot was the last presidential candidate who had any credibility. Ross was our final hope for America. He was ahead of both Clinton and Bush1 by over 10 percentage points when your democrat and republican oligarchs used nasty intimidation tactics to scare him away. So you named a perfect example of what happens when a 3rd party candidate is leading in an election race. Thanks for doing my work for me, Einstein. Now don't you have a republican political party rally to attend so you can wave a flag with an elephant on it - like a little monkey??

Ross Perot was the last presidential candidate who had any credibility. Ross was our final hope for America. He was ahead of both Clinton and Bush1 by over 10 percentage points when your democrat and republican oligarchs used nasty intimidation tactics to scare him away. So you named a perfect example of what happens when a 3rd party candidate is leading in an election race. Thanks for doing my work for me, Einstein. Now don't you have a republican political party rally to attend so you can wave a flag with an elephant on it - like a little monkey??

Ross Perot was on every presidential ballot in every state, you stupid fucking moron. He lost and he guaranteed Bill Clinton's victory.

Now go hunt for Unicorns in your alternate-reality.

What is Liberty Score™? The Liberty Score™ grades members of Congress on the top 50 votes over the past six years. The rolling six-year window shows a more accurate picture of a lawmaker's performance than traditional one or two-year scoring methods. The Liberty Score™ empowers conservatives to quickly determine if a politician is supporting conservative principles separating their rhetoric from reality.

- See more at: https://www.conservativereview.com/user/login?redirect=/members/t/412573#sthash.b9bwIJ5h.dpuf

Ross Perot was on every presidential ballot in every state, you stupid fucking moron. He lost and he guaranteed Bill Clinton's victory.

Now go hunt for Unicorns in your alternate-reality.

Hey, brainstem......Ross Perot resigned as a presidential candidate after the democrat and republican parties ganged up on him and used vile intimidation tactics to force him to leave the POTUS race. It's amazing how you hollow boneheads try to revise history! lol. Pull your head out, xlax! lol.

Hey, brainstem......Ross Perot resigned as a presidential candidate after the democrat and republican parties ganged up on him and used vile intimidation tactics to force him to leave the POTUS race. It's amazing how you hollow boneheads try to revise history! lol. Pull your head out, xlax! lol.

There is nothing more to say other than you are wrong, MORON... simply and easily demonstrably wrong.

Poor baby Perot did briefly withdraw from campaigning, but re-enter in October. Perot largely financed his own campaign and relied on marketing and wide grassroots support. In certain polls, Perot led the three-way race with Republican nominee George H. W. Bush, the incumbent President, and Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas, the Democratic nominee. He dropped out in July 1992 amid controversy, but reentered in October, and surpassed the 15% polling threshold to reach his goal of participating in all three presidential debates. Despite an aggressive use of campaign infomercials on prime time network television, his polling numbers never fully recovered from his initial exit. On Election Day, Perot appeared on every state ballot as a result of the earlier draft efforts.

On Election Day, Perot finished in third place behind Clinton (the winner) and Bush. Perot received 19,743,821 votes, which accounted for 18.91% of the popular vote. He failed to win any states in the Electoral College because of the relatively even distribution of his support.

And somehow, I am not supposed to invoke the name of Reagan, the greatest 2-time President of my lifetime. But you want to swang on the nuts of a loser like Ross Perot? Make some sense and stop embarrassing yourself.

You missed the entire point, pal. As soon as Ross Perot withdrew from the POTUS race his poll numbers plummeted - and never rebounded. There are lots of strong rumors about what the dems and pubs did to make him withdraw. And the stories are not pretty. Ross Perot was right on target in his original campaign platform. He nailed what needed to be done to reform the economy. Remember his famous phrase "that giant sucking sound"? He was referring to NAFTA (which proved to be a total loser for the USA) and to too much spending and not enough revenue generated by productivity. About 22 years later the nation is saddled with $18 trillion dollars of debt and is forced to keep interest rates at near 0% and print fiat currency up the wazzu to keep the economy afloat!!! LOL!!! Perot was spot on and had he been elected we'd be in MUCH better shape today. As it stands we are all sitting on the Titanic and it's just a question of "when?". That is the package the dems and pubs have delivered to us. And all you little sychophant cheerleaders with the pom-poms allowing them to steal us blind are the reason the USA is preparing to get flushed.

You missed the entire point, pal. As soon as Ross Perot withdrew from the POTUS race his poll numbers plummeted - and never rebounded. There are lots of strong rumors about what the dems and pubs did to make him withdraw. And the stories are not pretty. Ross Perot was right on target in his original campaign platform. He nailed what needed to be done to reform the economy. Remember his famous phrase "that giant sucking sound"? He was referring to NAFTA (which proved to be a total loser for the USA) and to too much spending and not enough revenue generated by productivity. About 22 years later the nation is saddled with $18 trillion dollars of debt and is forced to keep interest rates at near 0% and print fiat currency up the wazzu to keep the economy afloat!!! LOL!!! Perot was spot on and had he been elected we'd be in MUCH better shape today. As it stands we are all sitting on the Titanic and it's just a question of "when?". That is the package the dems and pubs have delivered to us. And all you little sychophant cheerleaders with the pom-poms allowing them to steal us blind are the reason the USA is preparing to get flushed.

Ifs and buts.... Wow, what a compelling argument. You are so right... if 20+ years ago, Ross Perot won the presidency, we would be in Utopia right now. But, as it stands, in this place called reality, Ross Perot was a quitter who could not stand the rigors of the campaign process. The result, we got Bill Clinton... maybe that was "the giant sucking sound" that Perot heard.

Got it loser?

Ifs and buts.... Wow, what a compelling argument. You are so right... if 20+ years ago, Ross Perot won the presidency, we would be in Utopia right now. But, as it stands, in this place called reality, Ross Perot was a quitter who could not stand the rigors of the campaign process. The result, we got Bill Clinton... maybe that was "the giant sucking sound" that Perot heard.

Got it loser?

Clinton was no angel. Agreed. But Bush was the one who brought the entire global economy to it's knees by allowing Wall Street to swindle Main Street - a shakedown from which we still haven't recovered and won't - since it's mathematically impossible at this point. Not only that, Bush lied about Iraq having WMD as a prelude to his illegal invasion and look at what resulted from that. The terrorists have taken over in Iraq and the it's in total turmoil. ISIS is armed with US equipment and weapons that Bush gave to the Iraqis! lol. What a cluster**** thanks to GW. And now Jeb wants to follow in his brother's footsteps!!! LOL!!!

Ross Perot was America's last hope. But the political tyrants threatened him and chased him off when he has a 10 percentage point lead on both Clinton and Bush1. Now after the triple clown act of Clinton, Bush2 and Obama America is on it's last leg and financially bankrupted. And losers like you are cheering them on!!! LOL!!! :D

Clinton was no angel. Agreed. But Bush was the one who brought the entire global economy to it's knees by allowing Wall Street to swindle Main Street - a shakedown from which we still haven't recovered and won't - since it's mathematically impossible at this point. Not only that, Bush lied about Iraq having WMD as a prelude to his illegal invasion and look at what resulted from that. The terrorists have taken over in Iraq and the it's in total turmoil. ISIS is armed with US equipment and weapons that Bush gave to the Iraqis! lol. What a cluster**** thanks to GW. And now Jeb wants to follow in his brother's footsteps!!! LOL!!!

Ross Perot was America's last hope. But the political tyrants threatened him and chased him off when he has a 10 percentage point lead on both Clinton and Bush1. Now after the triple clown act of Clinton, Bush2 and Obama America is on it's last leg and financially bankrupted. And losers like you are cheering them on!!! LOL!!! :D

So you finally, you show your TRUE COLORS. Really? Bush lied about WMD's? You're no more than a typical lib-tard.

Ok, now that we know how much you love Perot..... Please explain how Reagan and Carter are the same? Explain how Obama is no different from Romney or Bush. Lastly, explain how Cruz, Walker or Paul will be identical to a third-term for Obama? You won't answer that, because it is an ABSOLUTE ABSURD CLAIM. You're a fraud!

So you finally, you show your TRUE COLORS. Really? Bush lied about WMD's? You're no more than a typical lib-tard.

Ok, now that we know how much you love Perot..... Please explain how Reagan and Carter are the same? Explain how Obama is no different from Romney or Bush. Lastly, explain how Cruz, Walker or Paul will be identical to a third-term for Obama? You won't answer that, because it is an ABSOLUTE ABSURD CLAIM. You're a fraud!

You had to be living on another planet not to know that Bush2 lied about Saddam having WMD's. Whatever weapons they had were given to them by the US government when they were at war with Iran in the 1980's. lol. We're the ones with the WMD's. We killed over 400,000 innocent Iraqi civilians (to include children) during our invasion. Nobody talks about that though. It was a war to steal their oil. It had nothing to do with WMD's. If you believe that you're even a bigger bubblehead than I thought. lol.

I can compare Bush2 and Obama because they were both POTUS during consecutive terms. Obama picked up where Bush2 left off. Both wanted amnesty for illegals. Both fomented war. Both rewarded the criminal banksters on Wall Street and failed to prosecute even one. Both spent taxpayer money like a couple drunken russian sailors on shore leave.

Reagan increased the federal debt about as much as Obama from a percentage point of view. Don't forget....Reagan used his exec power to give more than a million illegals amnesty. Reagan loved war too. All of them are the same. Dems and pubs play on the same team. They only wear different colored jerseys to fool dopes like you!! lol!!! :D

You had to be living on another planet not to know that Bush2 lied about Saddam having WMD's. Whatever weapons they had were given to them by the US government when they were at war with Iran in the 1980's. lol. We're the ones with the WMD's. We killed over 400,000 innocent Iraqi civilians (to include children) during our invasion. Nobody talks about that though. It was a war to steal their oil. It had nothing to do with WMD's. If you believe that you're even a bigger bubblehead than I thought. lol.

I can compare Bush2 and Obama because they were both POTUS during consecutive terms. Obama picked up where Bush2 left off. Both wanted amnesty for illegals. Both fomented war. Both rewarded the criminal banksters on Wall Street and failed to prosecute even one. Both spent taxpayer money like a couple drunken russian sailors on shore leave.

Reagan increased the federal debt about as much as Obama from a percentage point of view. Don't forget....Reagan used his exec power to give more than a million illegals amnesty. Reagan loved war too. All of them are the same. Dems and pubs play on the same team. They only wear different colored jerseys to fool dopes like you!! lol!!! :D

Yeah, that's how that works... Bush creates a lie, then says lets go to war. You are fucking retarded. And nice emoticons... what are you, a 12 year old girl?

And really... how much oil did we steal moron? You fucks are so stupid.

Yeah, that's how that works... Bush creates a lie, then says lets go to war. You are fucking retarded. And nice emoticons... what are you, a 12 year old girl?

And really... how much oil did we steal moron? You fucks are so stupid.

You are one of millions of American who believe whatever the oligarchs tell you. lol. I bet you have autographed photos of Brian Williams hanging on your bedroom wall. lol. Actually it was Dick 'darth vader' Cheney who pulled GW's strings and was the mastermind behind Iraq. Bush2 didn't have the brains to pour urine from a boot. He did whatever Dick told him to do. I bet you drooled when Bush2 boarded that big aircraft carrier with cotton in his crotch and declared "Mission Accomplished", didn't ya, bonehead? lol. Dick and GW would have never been able to pull it off if not for useful idiots like yourself. You took the bait hook, line and sinker all the way down to your gut. Dumb ass. lol.

You are one of millions of American who believe whatever the oligarchs tell you. lol. I bet you have autographed photos of Brian Williams hanging on your bedroom wall. lol. Actually it was Dick 'darth vader' Cheney who pulled GW's strings and was the mastermind behind Iraq. Bush2 didn't have the brains to pour urine from a boot. He did whatever Dick told him to do. I bet you drooled when Bush2 boarded that big aircraft carrier with cotton in his crotch and declared "Mission Accomplished", didn't ya, bonehead? lol. Dick and GW would have never been able to pull it off if not for useful idiots like yourself. You took the bait hook, line and sinker all the way down to your gut. Dumb ass. lol.

Yeah... I think your lib-tard, cliche' story was first reported by Brian Williams... right after his copter was shot down.

You're a complete tool. Hey man, I'm George Bush and there are WMDs in Iraq. I order the U.S. to go to war. Seriously, where did you learn about the war in Iraq, Keith Olberman???

Perhaps you should read about and become familiar with The Iraq War Resolution. I believe Congress even voted on it.

You are seriously retarded, right?

What? You didn't know that it was the GW Bush White House that instigated the Iraq War based upon the premise of Saddam possessing WMD's and visions of mushroom balls in the sky, Einstein? Were you living in a cave from 2001-2003 by chance? lol. I bet you were one of those half-witted slobbering goons waving the US flag in 2003 and screaming "shock 'n awe, shock 'n awe" on the nightly news with Brian Williams, weren't ya? lol. Look where that got us! lol. Fast forward 12 years. Now the terrorists have taken over Iraq and Congress doesn't know whether to crap or get off the pot!!! lol.

Now that Jeb's running I suppose you're going to join his campaign team and tell all your neighbors that he's the best thing since sliced bread and will save the nation, eh?? lol. Stupid gone wild! lol. When stupid gains momentum with some people it has no boundaries! lol. Do you have your little "Jeb for President" button yet that you can wear around town and impress your community with??? LOL!

Stuck on stupid!!! lol.

What? You didn't know that it was the GW Bush White House that instigated the Iraq War based upon the premise of Saddam possessing WMD's and visions of mushroom balls in the sky, Einstein? Were you living in a cave from 2001-2003 by chance? lol. I bet you were one of those half-witted slobbering goons waving the US flag in 2003 and screaming "shock 'n awe, shock 'n awe" on the nightly news with Brian Williams, weren't ya? lol. Look where that got us! lol. Fast forward 12 years. Now the terrorists have taken over Iraq and Congress doesn't know whether to crap or get off the pot!!! lol.

Now that Jeb's running I suppose you're going to join his campaign team and tell all your neighbors that he's the best thing since sliced bread and will save the nation, eh?? lol. Stupid gone wild! lol. When stupid gains momentum with some people it has no boundaries! lol. Do you have your little "Jeb for President" button yet that you can wear around town and impress your community with??? LOL!

Stuck on stupid!!! lol.

Hey r*****, I told you who I would support. Apparently you haven't supported anybody since your loser candidate quit in 1992. Once again, read the resolution. It was so much more than your cliche', ultra-simplistic view.

Regardless, I am glad you quit hiding and revealed your True Lib-tard identity.

It has been most entertaining, destroying your ridiculous world-view.

Have a great weekend, LOSER!

Hey r*****, I told you who I would support. Apparently you haven't supported anybody since your loser candidate quit in 1992. Once again, read the resolution. It was so much more than your cliche', ultra-simplistic view.

Regardless, I am glad you quit hiding and revealed your True Lib-tard identity.

It has been most entertaining, destroying your ridiculous world-view.

Have a great weekend, LOSER!

Your support of the fraudulent 2-party political system speaks volumes about you: Gullible, naive, below average intelligence, easily conned, a follower, believing whatever the established authorities tell you, etc.... My dog likely has more original thoughts than you do in an average day. People like you would be laughable if you weren't causing so much damage to our nation. Did you remember to send Brian Williams a Valentine's day card? :D