Dude, you have transcended from the absurd to just flat-out stupid.
Please tell me where this mythical 3-party beast lives... and when has there ever been a meaningful one elected? You must also believe in unicorns and magical pixie dust. Please quit embarrassing yourself.
You are one of these morons who thinks that if you can't elect a person who 100% agrees with you on every position, then why vote. Extremists like you, can simply piss-off. You are useless.
Please tell me where this mythical 3-party beast lives... and when has there ever been a meaningful one elected? You must also believe in unicorns and magical pixie dust. Please quit embarrassing yourself.
You are one of these morons who thinks that if you can't elect a person who 100% agrees with you on every position, then why vote. Extremists like you, can simply piss-off. You are useless.