The GOP'ers have joined them. The GOP Speaker of the House John Boner is walking in lockstep beside Obama. So is Mitch McConnell in the Senate. Both traitors appointed by the other GOP members of Congress. Boner just got appointed for the 3rd time! So the GOP has appointed 2 socialists as their leaders!!! Both have done nothing to overturn ObamaCare or Obama's amnesty exec order. On the contrary, they have fueled GOP support for both!!! Any objective observer can see what idiots the GOP constituents are! At least the Dem pols don't try to fool us. They tell us who they are, what they stand for and what they intend to do. The GOP'ers are wolves in sheep clothing. They say one thing and do the opposite. Only idiots would trust such a political party.
I am a conservative, who supports conservative values. I support candidates who believe in America as a Constitutional Republic. There are few, I agree... However, NONE exist on the Democrats side of the aisle, and far too few exist as Republicans. But... some do still exist and they need to be supported if we are to save this Great Country.
Now quit crying and stand for something... and better yet, do something.