Obamacare 2015: Higher costs, higher penalties

The GOP'ers have joined them. The GOP Speaker of the House John Boner is walking in lockstep beside Obama. So is Mitch McConnell in the Senate. Both traitors appointed by the other GOP members of Congress. Boner just got appointed for the 3rd time! So the GOP has appointed 2 socialists as their leaders!!! Both have done nothing to overturn ObamaCare or Obama's amnesty exec order. On the contrary, they have fueled GOP support for both!!! Any objective observer can see what idiots the GOP constituents are! At least the Dem pols don't try to fool us. They tell us who they are, what they stand for and what they intend to do. The GOP'ers are wolves in sheep clothing. They say one thing and do the opposite. Only idiots would trust such a political party.

I am a conservative, who supports conservative values. I support candidates who believe in America as a Constitutional Republic. There are few, I agree... However, NONE exist on the Democrats side of the aisle, and far too few exist as Republicans. But... some do still exist and they need to be supported if we are to save this Great Country.

Now quit crying and stand for something... and better yet, do something.

Here are the 67 Republicans who voted against the $1.1 trillion spending bill passed by the House of Representatives late Thursday night. Fifty-seven Democrats voted for the bill, allowing it to pass the House by a vote of 219-206.
1.Wittman, R. (R-VA)
2.Williams, R. (R-TX)
3.Webster, D. (R-FL)
4.Weber, R. (R-TX)
5.Stutzman, M. (R-IN)
6.Smith, L. (R-TX)
7.Smith, C. (R-NJ)
8.Sensenbrenner, F. (R-WI)
9.Scott, A. (R-GA)
10.Schweikert, D. (R-AZ)
11.Sanford, M. (R-SC)
12.Salmon, M. (R-AZ)
13.Rohrabacher, D. (R-CA)
14.Rogers, M. (R-AL)
15.Posey, B. (R-FL)
16.Pompeo, M. (R-KS)
17.Poe, T. (R-TX)
18.Perry, S. (R-PA)
19.Olson, P. (R-TX)
20.Neugebauer, R. (R-TX)
21.Mulvaney, M. (R-SC)
22.Miller, J. (R-FL)
23.Meadows, M. (R-NC)
24.McKinley, D. (R-WV)
25.McClintock, T. (R-CA)
26.McAllister, V. (R-LA)
27.Massie, T. (R-KY)
28.Marchant, K. (R-TX)
29.Lummis, C. (R-WY)
30.Lankford, J. (R-OK)
31.Lamborn, D. (R-CO)
32.LaMalfa, D. (R-CA)
33.Labrador, R. (R-ID)
34.King, S. (R-IA)
35.Jordan, J. (R-OH)
36.Jones, W. (R-NC)
37.Johnson, S. (R-TX)
38.Hurt, R. (R-VA)
39.Huelskamp, T. (R-KS)
40.Griffith, H. (R-VA)
41.Gowdy, T. (R-SC)
42.Gosar, P. (R-AZ)
43.Gohmert, L. (R-TX)
44.Garrett, S. (R-NJ)
45.Franks, T. (R-AZ)
46.Flores, B. (R-TX)
47.Fleming, J. (R-LA)
48.Farenthold, B. (R-TX)
49.Duncan, J. (R-TN)
50.Duncan, J. (R-SC)
51.DesJarlais, S. (R-TN)
52.DeSantis, R. (R-FL)
53.Crawford, R. (R-AR)
54.Cotton, T. (R-AR)
55.Conaway, K. (R-TX)
56.Clawson, C. (R-FL)
57.Rice, T. (R-SC)
58.Burgess, M. (R-TX)
59.Broun, P. (R-GA)
60.Brooks, M. (R-AL)
61.Bridenstine, J. (R-OK)
62.Brat, D. (R-VA)
63.Blackburn, M. (R-TN)
64.Bentivolio, K. (R-MI)
65.Barton, J. (R-TX)
66.Bachmann, M. (R-MN)
67.Amash, J. (R-MI)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives added another notch to its lengthy record of Obamacare repeal votes on Tuesday by approving a measure that would scrap the healthcare law and direct oversight committees to come up with a replacement.

Defying a White House veto threat, lawmakers voted 239-186 on a measure to eliminate the complex web of federal subsidies, insurance reforms, taxes and regulations that have extended health coverage to millions of Americans since the Affordable Care Act became law in 2010.

The action now moves to the Senate, where Republican Senator Ted Cruz, a Texas conservative, introduced legislation for full repeal on Monday.

The House has voted repeatedly to repeal, defund or dismantle Obamacare.

But on Tuesday, Republicans and Democrats could not agree on how many times. Republican aides said the new vote brought the total to 67, including eight votes for full repeal. Democrats said there had been 56 votes to repeal or undermine the law.

The House's second anti-Obamacare vote of 2015 was billed by Republican lawmakers as a way to give party freshmen a crack at repealing the law. Last month, lawmakers voted to scale back an Obamacare provision requiring employers to provide workers with health insurance.

Tuesday's bill also directed House committees to work toward Republican legislation to replace Obamacare, a goal that has eluded the party repeatedly up to now.

Here are the 67 Republicans who voted against the $1.1 trillion spending bill passed by the House of Representatives late Thursday night. Fifty-seven Democrats voted for the bill, allowing it to pass the House by a vote of 219-206.
1.Wittman, R. (R-VA)
2.Williams, R. (R-TX)
3.Webster, D. (R-FL)
4.Weber, R. (R-TX)
5.Stutzman, M. (R-IN)
6.Smith, L. (R-TX)
7.Smith, C. (R-NJ)
8.Sensenbrenner, F. (R-WI)
9.Scott, A. (R-GA)
10.Schweikert, D. (R-AZ)
11.Sanford, M. (R-SC)
12.Salmon, M. (R-AZ)
13.Rohrabacher, D. (R-CA)
14.Rogers, M. (R-AL)
15.Posey, B. (R-FL)
16.Pompeo, M. (R-KS)
17.Poe, T. (R-TX)
18.Perry, S. (R-PA)
19.Olson, P. (R-TX)
20.Neugebauer, R. (R-TX)
21.Mulvaney, M. (R-SC)
22.Miller, J. (R-FL)
23.Meadows, M. (R-NC)
24.McKinley, D. (R-WV)
25.McClintock, T. (R-CA)
26.McAllister, V. (R-LA)
27.Massie, T. (R-KY)
28.Marchant, K. (R-TX)
29.Lummis, C. (R-WY)
30.Lankford, J. (R-OK)
31.Lamborn, D. (R-CO)
32.LaMalfa, D. (R-CA)
33.Labrador, R. (R-ID)
34.King, S. (R-IA)
35.Jordan, J. (R-OH)
36.Jones, W. (R-NC)
37.Johnson, S. (R-TX)
38.Hurt, R. (R-VA)
39.Huelskamp, T. (R-KS)
40.Griffith, H. (R-VA)
41.Gowdy, T. (R-SC)
42.Gosar, P. (R-AZ)
43.Gohmert, L. (R-TX)
44.Garrett, S. (R-NJ)
45.Franks, T. (R-AZ)
46.Flores, B. (R-TX)
47.Fleming, J. (R-LA)
48.Farenthold, B. (R-TX)
49.Duncan, J. (R-TN)
50.Duncan, J. (R-SC)
51.DesJarlais, S. (R-TN)
52.DeSantis, R. (R-FL)
53.Crawford, R. (R-AR)
54.Cotton, T. (R-AR)
55.Conaway, K. (R-TX)
56.Clawson, C. (R-FL)
57.Rice, T. (R-SC)
58.Burgess, M. (R-TX)
59.Broun, P. (R-GA)
60.Brooks, M. (R-AL)
61.Bridenstine, J. (R-OK)
62.Brat, D. (R-VA)
63.Blackburn, M. (R-TN)
64.Bentivolio, K. (R-MI)
65.Barton, J. (R-TX)
66.Bachmann, M. (R-MN)
67.Amash, J. (R-MI)

So let me do the math here. There are 246 Republicans in the House of Representatives and only 188 Democrats. So if 67 Republicans voted against the $1.1T spending bill that means 179 Republicans voted for it. Likewise, if 57 Democrats voted for it that means 131 voted against it.

Based on the math it appears to me that the large majority of Republicans are responsible for the passage of this pork-stuffed spending bill.

I was always taught that the Republicans are supposed to be the fiscal conservatives. ha. Boy, times have sure changed, haven't they?

It was the Republicans who pushed the Cromnibus Bill over the finish line. That was the Bill that fully funded ObamaCare, Obama's amnesty and put the US taxpayers on the hook should the over $100T in Wall Street financial derivatives blow up and result in more economic chaos. More crony capitalism and welfare for Wall Street sponsored by the Republican Party (the fiscal conservatives!) ha!

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives added another notch to its lengthy record of Obamacare repeal votes on Tuesday by approving a measure that would scrap the healthcare law and direct oversight committees to come up with a replacement.

Defying a White House veto threat, lawmakers voted 239-186 on a measure to eliminate the complex web of federal subsidies, insurance reforms, taxes and regulations that have extended health coverage to millions of Americans since the Affordable Care Act became law in 2010.

The action now moves to the Senate, where Republican Senator Ted Cruz, a Texas conservative, introduced legislation for full repeal on Monday.

The House has voted repeatedly to repeal, defund or dismantle Obamacare.

But on Tuesday, Republicans and Democrats could not agree on how many times. Republican aides said the new vote brought the total to 67, including eight votes for full repeal. Democrats said there had been 56 votes to repeal or undermine the law.

The House's second anti-Obamacare vote of 2015 was billed by Republican lawmakers as a way to give party freshmen a crack at repealing the law. Last month, lawmakers voted to scale back an Obamacare provision requiring employers to provide workers with health insurance.

Tuesday's bill also directed House committees to work toward Republican legislation to replace Obamacare, a goal that has eluded the party repeatedly up to now.

Don't be silly. This will go nowhere. Obama has veto power and will strike this down. The Republicans knew that from the get-go. The House Republicans could have stopped all funding for ObamaCare by defeating the Cromnibus Bill. However, 167 Republicans in the House voted to approve it giving Obama all the money he needed to fund both ObamaCare and his exec order amnesty deal. The Republicans already gave Obama exactly what he wanted on a silver platter. You people who think that the Republican Party actually represents conservatives must be living in La-La land. John Boner and Mitch McConnell have their noses stuck so far up Obama's hind end that it would take a surgical proctologist 3 hours to extract them! :D Wake up and smell reality!

Don't be silly. This will go nowhere. Obama has veto power and will strike this down. The Republicans knew that from the get-go. The House Republicans could have stopped all funding for ObamaCare by defeating the Cromnibus Bill. However, 167 Republicans in the House voted to approve it giving Obama all the money he needed to fund both ObamaCare and his exec order amnesty deal. The Republicans already gave Obama exactly what he wanted on a silver platter. You people who think that the Republican Party actually represents conservatives must be living in La-La land. John Boner and Mitch McConnell have their noses stuck so far up Obama's hind end that it would take a surgical proctologist 3 hours to extract them! :D Wake up and smell reality!

All valid points. However, nothing will change, if we all are defeatist as you appear to be. There are a few conservatives left... and they are worth supporting. It is through our support, that this movement will grow. This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end... For this conservative movement, it is merely the end of the beginning.

All valid points. However, nothing will change, if we all are defeatist as you appear to be. There are a few conservatives left... and they are worth supporting. It is through our support, that this movement will grow. This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end... For this conservative movement, it is merely the end of the beginning.

Of course I had all valid points. I'm a defeatist living within the bounds of reality. I refuse to be a bubble-headed high-flyin' idealist who's living in La-La Land. At least I recognize when I've been had. You've been conned by the Grand 'Ol Party, pal. They sold you a bill of goods and you bought it lock, stock and barrel. So who do you think is going to save you, brother? Rand Paul? Chris Christie? Jeb Bush??? ha. All of them would confiscate the gold from your teeth and put it into their personal expense slush fund if they could get away with it. Take off your darn blinders. You voted to give the Republicans the majority in both the House and the Senate and the ink on the election certifications wasn't even dry when they approved the Cromnibus Bill that fully funded ObamaCare, amnesty and put us on the hook for over $100 trillion in Wall Street derivatives! ha! The jokes on you, pal. If you want to be a sucker and believe in such a system - go head on. Me? Screw it. I'm done with this corrupted house of political prostitution. I'm going fishing and never voting again as long as I live!

Of course I had all valid points. I'm a defeatist living within the bounds of reality. I refuse to be a bubble-headed high-flyin' idealist who's living in La-La Land. At least I recognize when I've been had. You've been conned by the Grand 'Ol Party, pal. They sold you a bill of goods and you bought it lock, stock and barrel. So who do you think is going to save you, brother? Rand Paul? Chris Christie? Jeb Bush??? ha. All of them would confiscate the gold from your teeth and put it into their personal expense slush fund if they could get away with it. Take off your darn blinders. You voted to give the Republicans the majority in both the House and the Senate and the ink on the election certifications wasn't even dry when they approved the Cromnibus Bill that fully funded ObamaCare, amnesty and put us on the hook for over $100 trillion in Wall Street derivatives! ha! The jokes on you, pal. If you want to be a sucker and believe in such a system - go head on. Me? Screw it. I'm done with this corrupted house of political prostitution. I'm going fishing and never voting again as long as I live!

If you aren't going to participate in the political process and all you are going to do is complain, then shut the fuck up, you don't matter.

If you aren't going to participate in the political process and all you are going to do is complain, then shut the fuck up, you don't matter.

Political process? lol. Is that what you conveniently call choosing whether to mark your ballot for Frankenstein or Dracula? lol. I see that you've chomped down firmly on the barbed hook and swallowed the bait. Likely all the way down to your gut. lol. Your 'political process' is a scam, Seymour. You've been had in a bad way. Capital Hill laughs at suckers like you. Just keep voting and paying your taxes. Do as big daddy tells you! lol. :D

Senate Democrats again block bill derailing Obama on immigration

Senate Democrats held firm on Wednesday and for the second time this week blocked a Republican proposal to cut off funding for President Barack Obama's immigration reform policies.


Come on. You're not that dull, are you? This was the plan all along. The Republicans could have avoided this angst by simply defeating the Cromnibus Bill that fully funded ObamaCare, amnesty and put the US taxpayers on the hook for over $100 trillion in Wall Street derivatives once they blow sky high. The Republicans were instrumental in passing the Cromnibus Bill. Don't you understand that? Now the dems and Obama can block whatever the Republicans try to approve. That's the way both parties planned it from the start. In the end the deceitful Republicans will just say "Oh well. We gave it our best shot. I guess we have no choice now but to live with ObamaCare and amnesty". (as they wink and nod in the direction of the dems). You folks who take this stuff at face value must really be stupid. No wonder our nation is in such big trouble.

Political process? lol. Is that what you conveniently call choosing whether to mark your ballot for Frankenstein or Dracula? lol. I see that you've chomped down firmly on the barbed hook and swallowed the bait. Likely all the way down to your gut. lol. Your 'political process' is a scam, Seymour. You've been had in a bad way. Capital Hill laughs at suckers like you. Just keep voting and paying your taxes. Do as big daddy tells you! lol. :D

I will continue to vote and pay my taxes. You... just pay your taxes and shut the fuck up. You have no voice.

Come on. You're not that dull, are you? This was the plan all along. The Republicans could have avoided this angst by simply defeating the Cromnibus Bill that fully funded ObamaCare, amnesty and put the US taxpayers on the hook for over $100 trillion in Wall Street derivatives once they blow sky high. The Republicans were instrumental in passing the Cromnibus Bill. Don't you understand that? Now the dems and Obama can block whatever the Republicans try to approve. That's the way both parties planned it from the start. In the end the deceitful Republicans will just say "Oh well. We gave it our best shot. I guess we have no choice now but to live with ObamaCare and amnesty". (as they wink and nod in the direction of the dems). You folks who take this stuff at face value must really be stupid. No wonder our nation is in such big trouble.

You folks who bitch and offer no solutions must really be stupid... No wonder our nation is in such big trouble.
Clearly, there are politicians that don't fit into your convenient conspiracy theory. They need to be supported.

You folks who bitch and offer no solutions must really be stupid... No wonder our nation is in such big trouble.
Clearly, there are politicians that don't fit into your convenient conspiracy theory. They need to be supported.

Did anyone ever tell you not to urinate into a 90mph headwind? Well, that the equivalent of what you're doing in the political system. You're only hope is to vote for 3rd party candidate who have no previous ties to either of the 2 major parties that make up today's one party poltical system in America. But boneheads generally live in denial and follow the course of insanity: Doing the same stupid things over and over again while expecting a different outcome! ha. :D

Did anyone ever tell you not to urinate into a 90mph headwind? Well, that the equivalent of what you're doing in the political system. You're only hope is to vote for 3rd party candidate who have no previous ties to either of the 2 major parties that make up today's one party poltical system in America. But boneheads generally live in denial and follow the course of insanity: Doing the same stupid things over and over again while expecting a different outcome! ha. :D

So... nothing would be different, if Romney had defeated Obama?
Nothing will be different if Cruz, Walker or Rand Paul wins in 2016?
Essentially, a Ted Cruz presidency, would be exactly like a third-term for Obama?
I thought you claimed to live "within the bounds of reality"?

So... nothing would be different, if Romney had defeated Obama?
Nothing will be different if Cruz, Walker or Rand Paul wins in 2016?
Essentially, a Ted Cruz presidency, would be exactly like a third-term for Obama?
I thought you claimed to live "within the bounds of reality"?

Was anything different between 8 years of Bush and 6 years of Obama? lol. One and the same, buddy. More war. More bailing out the Wall Street crooks. lol. Someday you might come around and figure it all out.

Scott Walker, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz have as much chance at becoming POTUS as I do.

The winner has already been picked by the ones who really run the country. You just don't know who it is yet. You won't find out until Nov 2016.

I am just amaze at how the system is able to hoodwink you. You folks fall for the same old tricks over and over again. Trust me, brother. I've been through at least 14 of these clown acts. It doesn't matter who is elected. The outcome remains the same. The oligarchs must get a real kick out of folks like you. lol.

Was anything different between 8 years of Bush and 6 years of Obama? lol. One and the same, buddy. More war. More bailing out the Wall Street crooks. lol. Someday you might come around and figure it all out.

Scott Walker, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz have as much chance at becoming POTUS as I do.

The winner has already been picked by the ones who really run the country. You just don't know who it is yet. You won't find out until Nov 2016.

I am just amaze at how the system is able to hoodwink you. You folks fall for the same old tricks over and over again. Trust me, brother. I've been through at least 14 of these clown acts. It doesn't matter who is elected. The outcome remains the same. The oligarchs must get a real kick out of folks like you. lol.

So Rand Paul, Scott Walker and Ted Cruz have no chance of being President, yet you advocate for some unknown third-party candidate? You're a clown.

So Rand Paul, Scott Walker and Ted Cruz have no chance of being President, yet you advocate for some unknown third-party candidate? You're a clown.

You must be a young one still wet behind the ears. Paul, Walker and Cruz all fall under the umbrella of the GOP trademark. And they will do anything the rulers of the Republican party tell them to do. Just like with the Tea Partiers in Congress. The ones who were elected in 2010 sold out to the big money machine within one year of taking office. Why do you think there are no 3rd party candidates in the 535 congressional seats? Because the Dems and the GOP make the rules (campaign finance laws, etc...) that keeps them outside the political circle. It's a big club. The 2 party system is for all intents and purposes a 1 party system. The bankers are their sugar daddies and they do whatever the bankers tell them do do. They aren't leaders. They're sychophants for the ruling class. Why do you think the middle class is being destroyed and all the wealth is going to the oligarchs? Haven't you seen the massive wealth gap that continues to grow? Wake up, man. You must be under their spell.

While Bush was not as conservative as I would have liked, to say there are no differences between him and Obama is absolutely laughable. Besides, history did not start the day you were born. Was Reagan a liberal? Was there no difference between him and Carter? And I will ask again...

So... nothing would be different, if Romney had defeated Obama?
Nothing will be different if Cruz, Walker or Rand Paul wins in 2016?
Essentially, a Ted Cruz presidency, would be exactly like a third-term for Obama?
I thought you claimed to live "within the bounds of reality"?

Third-Party is a dead-end, moron. And failure to admit this obvious fact, is a failure to acknowledge reality.

What are you, about 30 years old or less? Absolutely clueless. We have 3-5 candidates that have a lifetime voting record of 90%+ conservative. They need and deserve our support.

While Bush was not as conservative as I would have liked, to say there are no differences between him and Obama is absolutely laughable. Besides, history did not start the day you were born. Was Reagan a liberal? Was there no difference between him and Carter? And I will ask again...

So... nothing would be different, if Romney had defeated Obama?
Nothing will be different if Cruz, Walker or Rand Paul wins in 2016?
Essentially, a Ted Cruz presidency, would be exactly like a third-term for Obama?
I thought you claimed to live "within the bounds of reality"?

Third-Party is a dead-end, moron. And failure to admit this obvious fact, is a failure to acknowledge reality.

What are you, about 30 years old or less? Absolutely clueless. We have 3-5 candidates that have a lifetime voting record of 90%+ conservative. They need and deserve our support.

I expected such an answer from a typical neocon brainstem. lol.

You idiots always invoke the name of Reagan who's been irrelevant for more than 30 years. lol. Jump in your time machine and hit the fast forward button! lol.

Haven't you seen that photoshopped portrait of a mixture of Bush and Obama. There's a reason it's so popular and funny. There's lots of truth in humor. lol. Except for those who have the sense of humor of a rattlesnake. lol. Sound familiar? lol.

All of them (Romney, Obama, Cruz, Walker, Paul, Huckabee, etc...) talk the BS line that supports their ideological cause PRIOR to the election. Then once in office they do whatever the oligarchs (ie, bankers, defense contractors, etc...) tell them to do. Look at all the lies Obama told us in 2008! lol. Republicans are no different. It's a one-party system. That's there reason there are no 3rd party candidates in Congress, bonehead. Democracy??? LOL! We're always given the same choices. Frankenstein vs. Dracula. lol.

Fools like you are easy to fool. You'll bite at any BS the ruling class throws at you. I bet you're a big Brian Williams fan, huh??? LOL!!!! :D