Obamacare 2015: Higher costs, higher penalties

Your support of the fraudulent 2-party political system speaks volumes about you: Gullible, naive, below average intelligence, easily conned, a follower, believing whatever the established authorities tell you, etc.... My dog likely has more original thoughts than you do in an average day. People like you would be laughable if you weren't causing so much damage to our nation. Did you remember to send Brian Williams a Valentine's day card? :D

The REAL gullible fools are those that think a third-party will ever succeed. Keep following the likes of Perot, he will you down a dead-end road every time.

The REAL gullible fools are those that think a third-party will ever succeed. Keep following the likes of Perot, he will you down a dead-end road every time.

You can't even comprehend my basic opinion, dorkus. I said that 3rd party candidates could never succeed in American politics because the corrupted democrats and republicans who play on the same team have concocted a set of rules that make it impossible for a 3rd party candidate to compete in the phony electoral system. You idiots who worship the two-party system remind me of the ignorant pagans in Africa who worship the coconuts. You're nothing more than educated savages! lol. :D

You can't even comprehend my basic opinion, dorkus. I said that 3rd party candidates could never succeed in American politics because the corrupted democrats and republicans who play on the same team have concocted a set of rules that make it impossible for a 3rd party candidate to compete in the phony electoral system. You idiots who worship the two-party system remind me of the ignorant pagans in Africa who worship the coconuts. You're nothing more than educated savages! lol. :D

Your basic opinion is worthless. It is not based in reality and even if it was, then why are you promoting 3rd. party candidates who you admit can't win. Quit wasting our time, moron.

Your basic opinion is worthless. It is not based in reality and even if it was, then why are you promoting 3rd. party candidates who you admit can't win. Quit wasting our time, moron.

Hey doofus, your homework assignment for tonight is to determine how many of the 535 elected congress critters represent 3rd parties and report back to us tomorrow. Self-educate yourself, bonehead. This is the premise of my argument. Now pay attention: The reason the USA is getting flushed is because the people are forced to vote for either dem or pub losers to lead the nation. When losers with the same old failed ideas are elected America suffers. There. Digest some of that! :D

Hey doofus, your homework assignment for tonight is to determine how many of the 535 elected congress critters represent 3rd parties and report back to us tomorrow. Self-educate yourself, bonehead. This is the premise of my argument. Now pay attention: The reason the USA is getting flushed is because the people are forced to vote for either dem or pub losers to lead the nation. When losers with the same old failed ideas are elected America suffers. There. Digest some of that! :D

Why bother with him, he'll never let a fact cloud his opinion. That said, it is good sport

Hey doofus, your homework assignment for tonight is to determine how many of the 535 elected congress critters represent 3rd parties and report back to us tomorrow. Self-educate yourself, bonehead. This is the premise of my argument. Now pay attention: The reason the USA is getting flushed is because the people are forced to vote for either dem or pub losers to lead the nation. When losers with the same old failed ideas are elected America suffers. There. Digest some of that! :D

Hey moron, why stop at 3? Why should I be forced to vote for only 10 different parties, how about 20? And why stop there? You act as if somebody puts something other than a R or a D after their name, that it will make a difference. Third-party is a loser-idea that most candidates and voters acknowledge. Everyone knows when you vote third-party, you are throwing away your vote. It is a loser proposition. If you believe in conservative values, I am sure there will be several to choose from in 2016. It is because of losers like you that we have had Obama for 2-terms... undoubtedly the worst President in my lifetime. No go find a new emoticon to post for extra emphasis, like a good little school-girl.

Hey doofus, your homework assignment for tonight is to determine how many of the 535 elected congress critters represent Unicorns and report back to us tomorrow. Self-educate yourself, bonehead. This is the premise of my argument. Now pay attention: The reason the USA is getting flushed is because the people never vote for Unicorns to lead the nation. When losers with the same old failed ideas are elected America suffers. There. Digest some of that! VOTE UNICORN PARTY and there will be a pot of Gold at the end of every Rainbow.

You must have been educated in public schools. So incredibly stupid. A cheerleader for voting either dem or pub then get the same outcome at the end of the day! lol. The folks Capital Hill have labeled people like you as "useful idiots". lol. They want to breed more of you to remain in power! lol. Where do you live anyway? The Ozark Mountains? lol. I bet you pick a mean banjo, don't ya? LOL! :D

You must have been educated in public schools. So incredibly stupid. A cheerleader for voting either dem or pub then get the same outcome at the end of the day! lol. The folks Capital Hill have labeled people like you as "useful idiots". lol. They want to breed more of you to remain in power! lol. Where do you live anyway? The Ozark Mountains? lol. I bet you pick a mean banjo, don't ya? LOL! :D

You must have been educated in OZ, because you obviously have no interest in reality. I gave you 3 REAL-WORLD potential candidates. What do you have? Nothing, just the mythical jibberish of some imagined 3rd. party candidate. What does this 3rd. party candidate even stand for? Does it matter, or are you just going to wave the pom-poms for him because he is not a Democrat or Republican? What a moron you are.

hey goofy, wake up and smell some reality. America has been on a course of disaster for the last 20 years because you numbskulls keep electing either Frankenstein (the democrats) or Dracula (the republicans). In other words, you keep doing the same damn thing over and over again while expecting a different result! LOL. We engage in costly war after war overseas that have taken thousands of American lives. Our national debt is now north of $18 TRILLION! We've had zero interest rates for the last 7 years because the economy is still in shambles. Wall Street bankers launder trillions of dollars in narco funds for the South American drug cartels and nobody goes to jail. Illegal aliens come here and steal jobs from US citizens and Obama rewards them for it. Cops choke people out on our streets against department policy and kill them on video - and the cops just walk away without being charged. America is turning into a police state. And you boneheads keep voting for democrats or republicans thinking they are going to solve the problems!!! HAH! LOL! Stuck on stupid, man!!!

hey goofy, wake up and smell some reality. America has been on a course of disaster for the last 20 years because you numbskulls keep electing either Frankenstein (the democrats) or Dracula (the republicans). In other words, you keep doing the same damn thing over and over again while expecting a different result! LOL. We engage in costly war after war overseas that have taken thousands of American lives. Our national debt is now north of $18 TRILLION! We've had zero interest rates for the last 7 years because the economy is still in shambles. Wall Street bankers launder trillions of dollars in narco funds for the South American drug cartels and nobody goes to jail. Illegal aliens come here and steal jobs from US citizens and Obama rewards them for it. Cops choke people out on our streets against department policy and kill them on video - and the cops just walk away without being charged. America is turning into a police state. And you boneheads keep voting for democrats or republicans thinking they are going to solve the problems!!! HAH! LOL! Stuck on stupid, man!!!

Just keep posting emoticons like a 12 year old girl and writing cliche quotes from fortune cookies. You have zero substance and nothing to offer. Pathetic!

I bet you write out a generous check each election year to your favorite democrat or republican of choice, doncha Einstein? And when it arrives in their mailbox it's deposited in the 'sucker account' and the whole office staff erupts in laughter! And when you go to bed at night you feel proud that you've contributed to the betterment of America!!! LOL!!! Remember what PT Barnum once said: "There's a sucker born every minute" LOL!!! Sleep on that!!! LOL!

I bet you write out a generous check each election year to your favorite democrat or republican of choice, doncha Einstein? And when it arrives in their mailbox it's deposited in the 'sucker account' and the whole office staff erupts in laughter! And when you go to bed at night you feel proud that you've contributed to the betterment of America!!! LOL!!! Remember what PT Barnum once said: "There's a sucker born every minute" LOL!!! Sleep on that!!! LOL!

Wow... more fortune cookie wisdom from a moron, who believes in third-party unicorns.
Keep it up emoticon-girl.

Wow... more fortune cookie wisdom from a moron, who believes in third-party unicorns.
Keep it up emoticon-girl.

I heard that Jeb is opening up campaign offices across the country and is seeking volunteer door knockers to promote his political platform. You'd fit right in. Are you a spanish speaker? I've got an idea. How 'bout a new 'JebPhone' for every newly arriving illegal foreigner??? lol! Or an autographed photo of Jeb and Brian Williams single-handedly capturing a squad of ISIS fighters in the mountains of Iraq. lol!

I heard that Jeb is opening up campaign offices across the country and is seeking volunteer door knockers to promote his political platform. You'd fit right in. Are you a spanish speaker? I've got an idea. How 'bout a new 'JebPhone' for every newly arriving illegal foreigner??? lol! Or an autographed photo of Jeb and Brian Williams single-handedly capturing a squad of ISIS fighters in the mountains of Iraq. lol!

I heard a mythical third-party candidate is opening up campaign offices in the land of Oz. He is looking for midgets, especially mental midgets to promote his political platform of smoke and mirrors. You'd fit right in. When people want to know what this imaginary candidate stands for, you can tell them "Nevermind... pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." Now fly back to Kansas in your magical balloon, you fucking moron.

When people ask me why the uber-rich keep getting richer while ordinary americans keep getting poorer with a wealth gap that is wider now than at any point in US history, why the rich never go to jail when they commit crimes while the prisons are packed full of poor folks with by far the highest per-capita prisoner population on the globe, why decent paying jobs that support middle class families are being harder and harder to find, why the cost of living continues to soar while ordinary wages stay the same, why it costs a kid $50,000 or more to get a lousy 4-year college degree that often only qualified him or her for a $13/hr job, why only American kids from poor or middle class families die in wars overseas that are started by rich fat cats on Capital Hill whose kids attend private Ivy League schools, whenever they ask me "Why?" I point to dumb-asses like yourself who continue to vote democrat or republican. Own it! lol.

When people ask me why the uber-rich keep getting richer while ordinary americans keep getting poorer with a wealth gap that is wider now than at any point in US history, why the rich never go to jail when they commit crimes while the prisons are packed full of poor folks with by far the highest per-capita prisoner population on the globe, why decent paying jobs that support middle class families are being harder and harder to find, why the cost of living continues to soar while ordinary wages stay the same, why it costs a kid $50,000 or more to get a lousy 4-year college degree that often only qualified him or her for a $13/hr job, why only American kids from poor or middle class families die in wars overseas that are started by rich fat cats on Capital Hill whose kids attend private Ivy League schools, whenever they ask me "Why?" I point to dumb-asses like yourself who continue to vote democrat or republican. Own it! lol.

Wow... people really ask you that? You sound like a real jealous, douche-bag. Oh, and the rich NEVER go to jail? You are a really disconnected moron, aren't you? And what exactly is an "ordinary" American? You are very talented at bitching, but what are your solutions? How would you fix your wealth-gap problem? Perhaps, your imaginary third-party candidate could mandate that everyone make the same amount of money. Perhaps he could make the "uber-rich" pay even more in taxes, nevermind the fact that the top 10% pay over 70% of federal income taxes. Lastly, I did not attend an Ivy League School and I make much more than $13/hour. Just like a true lib, you always play the victim role so well.

You are seriously one bad cliche after another... Keep reading them fortune cookies, emoticon-girl. Perhaps one will offer a solution to your victim-hood status.

You actually went to college??? LOL! That's quite an indictment against the American higher educational system. Or did you go to community college in the State of Mississippi in a river town? LOL! What was your major? Banjo Theory? Who are you going to vote for in the 2-party system? Jeb or Hillary in 2016? LOL!

You actually went to college??? LOL! That's quite an indictment against the American higher educational system. Or did you go to community college in the State of Mississippi in a river town? LOL! What was your major? Banjo Theory? Who are you going to vote for in the 2-party system? Jeb or Hillary in 2016? LOL!

Whatever my education, apparently, it has afforded me a life that far exceeds your pathetic existence. You don't hear me playing the victim role, like your bitch-ass. Seriously, I don't even know anybody, other than my kid's friends, who talk about minimum wage jobs and/or making $13/hour. We have salaries, with benefits and company vehicles, etc., etc., etc.

As far as who I will vote for, I strongly support the magical Unicorn Party. Don't ask me what they stand for or represent, but I like their rainbow flag and that's enough for me. I am sure you will agree.

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