In the end we in the field are accountable for ourselves. However management has yet to be accountable for ANYTHING. Is it any wonder why Mydayis is not performing well nationally. This was the worst launch of a product in the history of pharma. I never expect everything to be perfect but I also never anticipate everything being a complete disaster either. Here are a few ideas that could help besides all of upper management getting into a boat and heading out to sea. Pay us for launching a drug, don’t stack rank territories, understand that small rural territories cannot create the same volume as urban areas. Understand that we have two meds that do the same thing and both meds would be used for the same patient..so the goals for Vyvanse should not be astronomical when again we are competing against ourselves. $15 are you fucking kidding me!!! Xiidra reps were making a killing during the launch so why not make it equitable for the NBU. Understand that we literally have to hold the patients hand to get scripts through at the pharmacy. So instead of blaming rd’s and the sales force take an objective look at everything you morons have done with this launch and really try and think if maybe you are to blame for EVERYTHING, and then open more champagne bottles and take those corks and shove them up your asses.

Mydayis was an act of desperation. There was a reason the prior leadership didn’t bother with it —-it offers no real advantage and as soon as Vyvanse goes generic why would anyone pay more for it. Our moron CEO thought it would make a “spin-off” more appealing to some buyer. But that would have required Flemming finding a CEO dumber than him and clearly he is at the bottom of the IQ barrel.

Mydayis was an act of desperation. There was a reason the prior leadership didn’t bother with it —-it offers no real advantage and as soon as Vyvanse goes generic why would anyone pay more for it. Our moron CEO thought it would make a “spin-off” more appealing to some buyer. But that would have required Flemming finding a CEO dumber than him and clearly he is at the bottom of the IQ barrel.

100% accurate post... our CEO, his top 3 associates, and the entire board are all incompetent and no one wants to get rid of anyone because they all made these horrific decisions which ruined our company together. When it is all said and done though it falls back to the CEO. How does he have a job at this point? He should not be trusted to deliver pizzas let alone run a company.

Dear Sales Force: Try something new! Work a full 8 hours selling customers!!

What u individuals at corporate who the sales force pays do not realize is our leader MR who was handed his job by his daddy split us into adult and pediatric territories doubling and tripling territory size. We spend much more time driving now than we do in front of our customers . A rep from over 2 hours away calls on doctors I live 5 minutes away from and I call on doctors 2 &1/2 hours away they live 10 minutes from. We all just shake our heads . Wish this was a joke but it's not

100% accurate post... our CEO, his top 3 associates, and the entire board are all incompetent and no one wants to get rid of anyone because they all made these horrific decisions which ruined our company together. When it is all said and done though it falls back to the CEO. How does he have a job at this point? He should not be trusted to deliver pizzas let alone run a company.

He must have some dirt on Susan Kilsby, or the entire board is stoned.

Heard random GPS tracking on the sales force will be implemented March. Random audits will be done tracking car routes & parking times. Great way to ID reps not doing their job. Spend 2 hours at Gold’s Gym on company time, you’re OUT!!!

Don’t you guys realize that it’s Kathy K0be posting these anti-sales messages? She has been fired from Shire and she still can’t get off this site! Sad. Pathetic.

It's got to be! They just keep repeating themselves over and over! Aren't they tired of typing the same thing!! Maybe she just copies and pastes the same thing to every post?

Heard random GPS tracking on the sales force will be implemented March. Random audits will be done tracking car routes & parking times. Great way to ID reps not doing their job. Spend 2 hours at Gold’s Gym on company time, you’re OUT!!!

There would be serious legal issues with that. It is a huge invasion of privacy with the net result being millions of $ in payouts. The litigation that would ensue would not be good press for Shire. Lastly, reps would bolt and when word gets out about GPS tracking, who is going to take a job here? Besides, they don’t need gps tracking to see what your doing, they can see everything from Irep and food/gas purchase time stamps. When they want to fire reps they pull up all that info and start looking at it closely. They check out miles between calls, between offices and the gas station etc... and if things don’t seem possible they got you.

You're a moron. We put in personal mileage and get taxed each year asshole
Is there an audit process to verify accuracy of self reported personal mileage? As for calling folks rude names, it just demonstrates a poor upbringing . As Shire employees, we demand the sales force execute their jobs in an ethical and cost efficient manner!