Call me naive but I'm still holding it hope that John, Mike, and anyone else from the outside will impart some wisdom on Perry about how good companies and companies that are consistently ranked as the best to work for actually treat and value their employees.
I'll give you a hint it's NOT having 8-5:30 every day meetings and not having ANY FREE TIME OR FUN TIME. Having Friday be a travel day so that we can get home at a reasonable hour... Just sayin'
You know what? You are naive. Perry doesn't give a rat's ass about making Shire "a great place to work" and the endless hours occupying your time at meetings is all for a purpose. When he got here he immediately got rid of the general session couches and pub-style tables in favor of interlocking, classroom seating. When he was asked why, his reply was, "too send the field a message"

He is a fucking dick who is in this to build his own wealth at the expense of all of you and your "careers". He even got rid of Kobe after years of defending her gestapo tactics. He's all about himself. Major douchebag.

You know what? You are naive. Perry doesn't give a rat's ass about making Shire "a great place to work" and the endless hours occupying your time at meetings is all for a purpose. When he got here he immediately got rid of the general session couches and pub-style tables in favor of interlocking, classroom seating. When he was asked why, his reply was, "too send the field a message"

He is a fucking dick who is in this to build his own wealth at the expense of all of you and your "careers". He even got rid of Kobe after years of defending her gestapo tactics. He's all about himself. Major douchebag.
Oh I'm well aware he's a dick. I came from BL.

You know what? You are naive. Perry doesn't give a rat's ass about making Shire "a great place to work" and the endless hours occupying your time at meetings is all for a purpose. When he got here he immediately got rid of the general session couches and pub-style tables in favor of interlocking, classroom seating. When he was asked why, his reply was, "too send the field a message"

He is a fucking dick who is in this to build his own wealth at the expense of all of you and your "careers". He even got rid of Kobe after years of defending her gestapo tactics. He's all about himself. Major douchebag.

And anyone below him who wants to keep their job better get on the same page as him or get out. This company does not value the sales force. Any of them. And it all starts with Perry. Look at the culture surveys they did. We will hear nothing more about them. The first one was bad. They tried to bully people into changing their opinions. When the second one came back "the same" (we all know the results were actually worse), they gave up on saying they were trying to "change culture". Perry is not committed to anything but himself and Fleming. Everyone knows Perry sucks and is hurting this place but nobody can do anything about it. Fleming has some bizarre infatuation with him that is apparently stronger than his desire to be successful. Nothing will change until Perry is gone and I don't think that's happening until we are taken over.

Next time you post, wait for the page to refresh before posting again, and again and again. HQ idiot

Next time you post, wait for the page to refresh before posting again, and again and again. HQ idiot

Next time you post, wait for the page to refresh before posting again, and again and again. HQ idiot

Now that shit is funny. Now we can totally understand why we have issues with anything computer related...lmao

The budgeted $ costs for this meeting is atrocious!! We should limit 2 wines per rep per dinner. Any quantity over this maximum is the PERSONAL responsibility of the rep!! We should not pay for the sales force to get drunk every night in Orlando. Sales management must be accountable to shareholder value and not waste big $s on booze!! Concerned Shire Employees

The budgeted $ costs for this meeting is atrocious!! We should limit 2 wines per rep per dinner. Any quantity over this maximum is the PERSONAL responsibility of the rep!! We should not pay for the sales force to get drunk every night in Orlando. Sales management must be accountable to shareholder value and not waste big $s on booze!! Concerned Shire Employees
We need to alcohol to cope with the mind numbing idiots from home office and the incredibly stupid bullshit that make us do and sit through at this meeting.

The budgeted $ costs for this meeting is atrocious!! We should limit 2 wines per rep per dinner. Any quantity over this maximum is the PERSONAL responsibility of the rep!! We should not pay for the sales force to get drunk every night in Orlando. Sales management must be accountable to shareholder value and not waste big $s on booze!! Concerned Shire Employees

Enjoy combing through expense reports in Cambridge trying to catch someone out of compliance as we drink our asses off in Orlando. Suck it HQ.

Omg how fucking cheap can you be? The gifts...suck, and the Amazon card is $30 less than it has been in the past. The food at the welcome dinner, seriously? Abismal I'm still ordering room service. Not enough tables to sit and eat at, NO, ZIP ZERO ZILTCH HEALTHY OPTIONS. Let's not even go to the bar selections, no hard alcohol, shitty and idk mean shitty wine selection (who the hell drinks white zin and the chardonnay was disgusting) This is not how you throw a meeting, fucking cheap assess!

Well I can say I actually enjoyed all the fried food.

Funnel cakes, boneless wings with ZERO high $ seafood etc is just the right thing to do to start “trimming the fat”.

No snacks even at the registration! Love it!!

and how about the band!!! They paid top $ for that .... $00000000

They were actually good, don’t get me wrong; but years past how about Foxworthy,Brady, Cable Guy, Maroon 5, Sheryl Crowe, Mellencamp ......

But I’m sure they will spend some $ on the inverted pyramid..

We are big pharma through and through.

The suits need their ego boosted and to put us in our place.

HQ needs to pretend to be worth something.

So funny this place pretends to use the word biotech. What a joke.

So cheap. Seriously big pharma! This is not how you strengthen the culture but it is how you cheapen it. Get ready for a full day of general sessions and listening to the two DBs pat themselves on the back all day. Yay team!

Well tonight was mildly better, alcohol selection still sucked. At least have decent wine, and still no liquor...? Cheap ASSES! I did hear that someone got fired in the OBU for being a drunk ass last night....