You know what? You are naive. Perry doesn't give a rat's ass about making Shire "a great place to work" and the endless hours occupying your time at meetings is all for a purpose. When he got here he immediately got rid of the general session couches and pub-style tables in favor of interlocking, classroom seating. When he was asked why, his reply was, "too send the field a message"Call me naive but I'm still holding it hope that John, Mike, and anyone else from the outside will impart some wisdom on Perry about how good companies and companies that are consistently ranked as the best to work for actually treat and value their employees.
I'll give you a hint it's NOT having 8-5:30 every day meetings and not having ANY FREE TIME OR FUN TIME. Having Friday be a travel day so that we can get home at a reasonable hour... Just sayin'
He is a fucking dick who is in this to build his own wealth at the expense of all of you and your "careers". He even got rid of Kobe after years of defending her gestapo tactics. He's all about himself. Major douchebag.