Novartis Oncology Layoffs


Yes. Hematology will go from 4 reps per territory to 3. But most of that attrition will be absorbed by the SEG expansion. Onc and Rare Disease is another story. It sounds like there will be more disruption to those folks. Good luck everyone. There are plenty of opportunities out there and Novartis always takes care of those displaced with a decent severance package.

Yes. Hematology will go from 4 reps per territory to 3. But most of that attrition will be absorbed by the SEG expansion. Onc and Rare Disease is another story. It sounds like there will be more disruption to those folks. Good luck everyone. There are plenty of opportunities out there and Novartis always takes care of those displaced with a decent severance package.

What is your source of information on HEM reductions?

The reduction is bigger in the hematology area. The rep counts will go down to 2 reps, smaller territories and reps will carry all 3 hem products.

IMO Mostly Hem 3 & 4's will be cut, less disruptions. Going from 4 to 2 is insane, not a sound plan if you expect sales growth. Looking even if I'm spared, tired of the silly quotas, and constant leadership changes!!!

They will be merging some portfolios as well. So be prepared for same or different manager.
You are already force ranked by feedback from peers and your manager so that is also taken into consideration on who is let go, which is good they just want the best. So being everyones best friend while they said the opposite about you is likely to put you out of a job. dont trust anyone.

They will be merging some portfolios as well. So be prepared for same or different manager.
You are already force ranked by feedback from peers and your manager so that is also taken into consideration on who is let go, which is good they just want the best. So being everyones best friend while they said the opposite about you is likely to put you out of a job. dont trust anyone.

“force ranked by peers” That is one of the strangest comments I have read. That does not happen, it cannot happen. That exposes the company to lawsuits of discrimination. The reality is more along the lines of keeping reps calling on similar customers with similar products to minimize disruption. Who knows what the impact will be...good luck to everyone

“force ranked by peers” That is one of the strangest comments I have read. That does not happen, it cannot happen. That exposes the company to lawsuits of discrimination. The reality is more along the lines of keeping reps calling on similar customers with similar products to minimize disruption. Who knows what the impact will be...good luck to everyone

No one knows what will happen until it happens. Everything else is just rumor and speculation. Won’t hear anything until at least mid November, which is also pure speculation.

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