Next hits to LCC, LTC/N, LTC/S, and InTech

Re: It Never Came True

Scores of Lilly colleagues promised "A career, Not A Job" face their last day on this last Monday of January...and it goes on and on and on....

Well, at least they had the privilege of working several years to fund John's bonuses, HQ upgrades and vital business investments. Without their years of contributions FIPNET would have never happened.

Danse du MassLayoff

SH,JL,AA,DR,MV,YC,VB,AF,ME; translator,,hosp.based sales,res. sci.,hse lead audit,sr.proc.engin.,regulatory,pharm.sales,hr services.multiply by 6X this week and goodbye to you...

Mass-Layoffs are a Mystery,
That you must face alone,
Marched off the property,
For the long drive home....
But You Can Dance, For Inspiration!!

We mourn the latest crop for whom Feb.7 represents the last day of Lilly. It is a mere fraction, maybe 1/4 or 1/5 of total:
AA, AC, AJ, CH, DR, EA, GH, GP, MF, ML, RD; manager,brand manager, exec. sales rep., sr. dir. med, health/saf. rep., manag r&d it, terr. manag., it qual. coord.,fin. ana., manag. coord.

Re: Danse du MassLayoff

Mass-Layoffs are a Mystery,
That you must face alone,
Marched off the property,
For the long drive home....
But You Can Dance, For Inspiration!!

We mourn the latest crop for whom Feb.7 represents the last day of Lilly. It is a mere fraction, maybe 1/4 or 1/5 of total:
AA, AC, AJ, CH, DR, EA, GH, GP, MF, ML, RD; manager,brand manager, exec. sales rep., sr. dir. med, health/saf. rep., manag r&d it, terr. manag., it qual. coord.,fin. ana., manag. coord.

How do you know all of this in advance?

Mass Layoffs Continue

to our precious LLY castoffs, whose last day is Mon. Jan 3, 2011, Kiss Them For Me, as they Exit in orderly fashion through bldgs. 98, 48 and 58 $$$JCL$$$

Dozens more, sullenly approach their termination day today, marched out into the parking lots by security for their years of service to lil'lie. What a reward!


So, what areas are being walked out the door today?

A SMALL Fraction of those gone forever this week:

BL, CK, GP, KK, NL, PC, JS, SC, SZ, RB, TV sales rep.; sr. res.sci.; data ana.; it.manag.; ehs doc. cont.; pr. manag.; sr. sales manag.; manag. coord.; sr. specialist; hc manager; manager ALL ALONE IN THE COLD

Adieu Valued LLY Workers

to our precious LLY castoffs, whose last day is Mon. Jan 3, 2011, Kiss Them For Me, as they Exit in orderly fashion through bldgs. 98, 48 and 58 $$$JCL$$$

APC,BL,CP, DL,GD,GP,LS,NH,SR,SR;; as.qual.cons.; reg.cda.; hc. dev. man.;; an.strat.nbe.; lif.cyc.manag.coord.;;; biomed.dist.sal.manag.


to our precious LLY castoffs, whose last day is Mon. Jan 3, 2011, Kiss Them For Me, as they Exit in orderly fashion through bldgs. 98, 48 and 58 $$$JCL$$$

Their last day at lly tomorrow; The last day of Feb, the last day of their hard work and loyalty... one fourth of the total number for this week.

AS, CH, DF, JB, FF, JL, KN, RK, SI, MO, DP; qc it val; clin dev man; IT SOx coord; six sig BB; dist sales man; market; corp train; terr manag; sr anlyst; sales rep; sales