Next hits to LCC, LTC/N, LTC/S, and InTech

Who's FIRED UP for the AWESOME "Day of Service" coming up? You know Heart-in-Hand and all that? We'll be plantin' poseys all up and down I-70 so God-Emperor Lechlligula can see Beauty on his way to his Executive Airport...what a Wonderful World....

Who's FIRED UP for the AWESOME "Day of Service" coming up? You know Heart-in-Hand and all that? We'll be plantin' poseys all up and down I-70 so God-Emperor Lechlligula can see Beauty on his way to his Executive Airport...what a Wonderful World....

Some of us on the "short list" that have inside information that our futures are in doubt will be bringing pocketfuls of the very best marijuana to slip in among the cute little flowers. That should keep Lilly Security busy for a while as we plant more elsewhere in locations yet to be disclosed. Never underestimate us. Hey we went to IU. Well okay some to Purdue. They'll be fashioning a huge purple "P" using purple passion sinsemellia which should attract big crowds to the interstate on ramps by early November. Just open your car window and take a sniff to see if anyone is smoking out there, if they are, ditch your car and join them.

Be sure to check the internal positions postings EVER'DAY until you're escorted out at The End. We're looking for Altar Fruit Servers, to kneel and feed me frozen Champagne grapes...mmmMMMmmmm!
God-Emperor-Maggot, £ech£igu£a

Be sure to check the internal positions postings EVER'DAY until you're escorted out at The End. We're looking for Altar Fruit Servers, to kneel and feed me frozen Champagne grapes...mmmMMMmmmm!
God-Emperor-Maggot, £ech£igu£a

Dude, when do you sleep? You're like on here 7 x 24. Take some meds or see a specialist, you got issues.

To Bldg 88 Occupants: We're sure your highly-valued transferable Lillie skillz will yield a plethora of job openings for you...start with C·R·A·C·K·W·H·O·R·E and work your way down. HR-4-Innervation

Fat Boy JL is legion! For the uninformed: Do you really think only one person is posting? Think again.

Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
Be sure to check the internal positions postings EVER'DAY until you're escorted out at The End. We're looking for Altar Fruit Servers, to kneel and feed me frozen Champagne grapes...mmmMMMmmmm!
God-Emperor-Maggot, £ech£igu£a

Dude, when do you sleep? You're like on here 7 x 24. Take some meds or see a specialist, you got issues.

Wow...just think from DCOE to DCORASTBU (Discovery Centre Of Reallocated And Soon-To-Be Unemployed) in less than a year! The Bonus Multiplier will be off the charts this year! YEE HAW! $$J£,Em¶e®ô®$$$

Wow...just think from DCOE to DCORASTBU (Discovery Centre Of Reallocated And Soon-To-Be Unemployed) in less than a year! The Bonus Multiplier will be off the charts this year! YEE HAW! $$J£,Em¶e®ô®$$$

That's pretty sad. An old friend of mine got assigned to the DCOE last year - he was among the first recruits - and was beaming with pride. But I didn't feel right about it...

It's like the old Western Films ... the cattle get corralled into pens, some for slaughter, some for further grazing, some for sale ... but at some point a whip lashes or a gun shot erupts and the whole herd inside the corral gets nuts and starts charging at the HR people ummm cowboys and there is shootin' and whiskey and whores and just what was the plot anyway?

That's pretty sad. An old friend of mine got assigned to the DCOE last year - he was among the first recruits - and was beaming with pride. But I didn't feel right about it...

It's like the old Western Films ... the cattle get corralled into pens, some for slaughter, some for further grazing, some for sale ... but at some point a whip lashes or a gun shot erupts and the whole herd inside the corral gets nuts and starts charging at the HR people ummm cowboys and there is shootin' and whiskey and whores and just what was the plot anyway?

Then comes the all-you-can-eat BBQ $5-Footlong Sliders at SubHumanway, fed to me by WHORES! mmmMMmmm... $$J¤£$$ (The "¤" is my no-no hole I stuffs with sammiches)

Truly, FIPNet is a dish best served piping hot and slurped gutterally in great heaving gulps while spitting, hocking and poking at it with pickee-sticks. Bon Appétit, y'all! St. John The Reallocator.

confused, crying and depressed for 3 days now.

Don't direct it inward. You did nothing to deserve this but be a loyal employee all these years. Rather, direct it a SPECTACULAR way! The News-World will hand you Stardom, and you will be a Legend! For these are the ways on which we are raised...think about it, then ACT!

Don't direct it inward. You did nothing to deserve this but be a loyal employee all these years. Rather, direct it a SPECTACULAR way! The News-World will hand you Stardom, and you will be a Legend! For these are the ways on which we are raised...think about it, then ACT!

The mega-corporation sheeple in China have a clever way of killing themselves within a short time frame to get the sympathy of the world, and a huge bump in salary and benefits to boot. It worked at Apple's factory recently for example. I am not saying go to that extreme, but as you suggested, do something noteworthy. Noteworthy times 5500 is a lot of notes.