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Kiss Them For Me

to our precious LLY castoffs, whose last day is Mon. Jan 3, 2011, Kiss Them For Me, as they Exit in orderly fashion through bldgs. 98, 48 and 58 $$$JCL$$$

See the latest groups of the "redeployed" file into the auditoriums in bldgs 93 and 98 for their "CAREER TRANSITIONS" resumé rejuvenation workshops...lumbering back to weep silently in their cubicles. Lilly Values...

Re: Kiss them for me

Yes, could you be more specific? My take was that this only occurred on Fridays.

Initially, the 'redeployed' are given notice on a thursday or friday. Then, if an internal position is not found (or 'voluntary' separation occurs) after 12 weeks, the monday after that 12th week is the Day of has been in rolling waves since Q1'10. Oddly, the number never seems to be over 2500 in total, thus allowing the initial 5500 figure to float ever upward.

Re: Kiss them for me

Initially, the 'redeployed' are given notice on a thursday or friday. Then, if an internal position is not found (or 'voluntary' separation occurs) after 12 weeks, the monday after that 12th week is the Day of has been in rolling waves since Q1'10. Oddly, the number never seems to be over 2500 in total, thus allowing the initial 5500 figure to float ever upward.

Okay, so we might expect there will actually be more than 5500 gone by the end of 2011? Why R&D now???

Re: Kiss them for me

Initially, the 'redeployed' are given notice on a thursday or friday. Then, if an internal position is not found (or 'voluntary' separation occurs) after 12 weeks, the monday after that 12th week is the Day of has been in rolling waves since Q1'10. Oddly, the number never seems to be over 2500 in total, thus allowing the initial 5500 figure to float ever upward.

I guess John is really committed to our shared value of "Respect for People". Separating people from the company is so much more humane than just laying them off like those other heartless CEO's do. I see now why John earns $15+ million a year.

Re: Kiss them for me

Okay, so we might expect there will actually be more than 5500 gone by the end of 2011? Why R&D now???

Cuts must accelerate given early Zyprexa patent expiry of 4/23/11. Spectacular late-stage pipeline failures + nothing to fill the gap + expensive OUS facilities + FIPNet to China/India = massive additional LRL cuts to come.

Re: Kiss them for me

Cuts must accelerate given early Zyprexa patent expiry of 4/23/11. Spectacular late-stage pipeline failures + nothing to fill the gap + expensive OUS facilities + FIPNet to China/India = massive additional LRL cuts to come.

Yes, I'd like to hear more from our R&D employees about all these late-stage pipeline failures. What happened and why weren't these potential failures caught earlier?! Was this due to poor management decisions or pursuing wrong projects? Why? This is not good for any of us, but cutting your own scientific workforce...!

Re: Kiss them for me

Yes, I'd like to hear more from our R&D employees about all these late-stage pipeline failures. What happened and why weren't these potential failures caught earlier?! Was this due to poor management decisions or pursuing wrong projects? Why? This is not good for any of us, but cutting your own scientific workforce...!

LRL R&D 'leadership' are the worst-of-the-worst scientists. Chosen for their tow-the-line obedience, they are self-serving seeking only to get the next promotion. Byzantine and arbitrary 'governance' decisions serve only to meet short-term pm goals of directors, executive directors, group leaders, CSOs, etc. The smoke screen of fake metrics culminate in the failures we have seen. Morale is at the lowest and the people whom we need most in the lab are bailing or shell shocked waiting for their 'redeployment' while hack office dwellers seem to prosper. This is the 'New Lilly' or NILLY. Sad to say.

All that I can say is this: Hold on as long as possible and collect that paycheck, just like the executives do so well. KNOW THE UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION LAW. If you are released through "NO FAULT OF YOUR OWN" then Lilly has to fork out 25% of $425/wk for 2 years.

Ergo, you may be "better off" not taking the separation package! Just be sure that you have a paper trail indicating involuntary separation. HR IS RUTHLESS. Do not trust them.

LILLY got you into this mess with promises of life-long employment. They are liars. Do not trust them.

Kiss Them For Me

to our precious LLY castoffs, whose last day is Mon. Jan 3, 2011, Kiss Them For Me, as they Exit in orderly fashion through bldgs. 98, 48 and 58 $$$JCL$$$

Another Monday, another group of colleagues, having dedicated their lives and loyalties to what is now a hollow shell of a company, being shown the door. Monday Jan.17 is their last day, and we mourn for them knowing, perhaps, they are the lucky ones.

Re: Kiss Them For Me

Another Monday, another group of colleagues, having dedicated their lives and loyalties to what is now a hollow shell of a company, being shown the door. Monday Jan.17 is their last day, and we mourn for them knowing, perhaps, they are the lucky ones.

So, who is going out the door from 98, 48, and 58? How many?