Next hits to LCC, LTC/N, LTC/S, and InTech

225! That's just sweet! People HANGING themselves from the trees in the atrium, flinging themselves into the 4-story glass window! Just think....only 3200 left to go--this round! AHH HAHH HAHH!!!!
$$$King John of FIPNe$$

225! That's just sweet! People HANGING themselves from the trees in the atrium, flinging themselves into the 4-story glass window! Just think....only 3200 left to go--this round! AHH HAHH HAHH!!!!
$$$King John of FIPNe$$

There will not be any hangings. You have not heard? Lilly will buy your house for the appraised value with no strings attached. The company will also take your spouse, children and bank account, not strings attached. You are now free to roam about the county.


It's every teammate for him/herself.
Trust only your basic instincts for survival.
Eat or be eaten.
Take credit for everything or be reallocated.
Better you than me.
Do your best to look good, or make others look bad.

So many reallocated, and so little time
I would like to just sit and drink my wine

The time has come to get back to work
And be sure no one knows I'm a real jerk

Now lleave me alone... you pea brain employees
I must get more money before LLY accounts freeze

Love Johnny

So what is happening in B88?

255 people moved there into IWP (Integrated Work Place) desks. Another wave moved on Friday with the last group moving September 10, 2010. At that point Faris I & II will be empty, cafe shutdown, and shuttles will no longer run.

Are people being reallocated before they move or after they are moving? It sounds like people get to clean-up their desks in Faris then are reallocated once moved to B88. So, if people are now being told something, what is it? Reallocated? Released? How Many? Why?

255 people moved there into IWP (Integrated Work Place) desks. Another wave moved on Friday with the last group moving September 10, 2010. At that point Faris I & II will be empty, cafe shutdown, and shuttles will no longer run.

Are people being reallocated before they move or after they are moving? It sounds like people get to clean-up their desks in Faris then are reallocated once moved to B88. So, if people are now being told something, what is it? Reallocated? Released? How Many? Why?

It happened today for at least for Discovery COE (old LRL). 180 full time people plus an unknown number of FDEs were told to either volunteer or they would be gone. This affected people at Faris as well as LCC.

It happened today for at least for Discovery COE (old LRL). 180 full time people plus an unknown number of FDEs were told to either volunteer or they would be gone. This affected people at Faris as well as LCC.

It's not considered volunteering if you don't have a choice. Once again HR is trashing the values that we all once trusted one another to uphold.

It happened today for at least for Discovery COE (old LRL). 180 full time people plus an unknown number of FDEs were told to either volunteer or they would be gone. This affected people at Faris as well as LCC.

A shock to many people affected. No indication or hint that it was about to happen. Surprise meetings this morning to start letting people know.

We expect full and robust participation, by my soon-to-be-former In'Dan'Aplis colleagues, in My United $way Campaign and Days of $ervitude as a fitting display of $upplication before Me, and a reminder to your tiny community of how Magnificent I truly Am. Now, back to your tacky Porta-Pods with thee. God-Emperor Maggot, John £echlligula, XXIII.